HyperDic: break_up

English > 19 senses of the expression break up:
VERBmotionbreak up, disperse, dissipate, dispel, scatterto cause to separate and go in different directions
socialbreak up, separate, part, split up, split, breakdiscontinue an association / association / association or relation
motionbreak upcome apart
contactbreak up, crash, break apartbreak violently or noisily
communicationbreak up, interrupt, disrupt, cut offmake a break / break in
changebreak up, dissolve, resolvecause to go into a solution
emotionbreak up, crack up, crack, crock up, collapsesuffer a nervous breakdown
creationbreak up, disassemble, dismantle, take apart, break aparttake apart into its constituent pieces
contactbreak up, breakdestroy the completeness of a set of related items
contactbreak up, severset or keep apart
contactbreak up, pickattack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example
contactbreak up, calverelease ice
changebreak up, adjourn, recessclose at the end of a session
changebreak up, dissolvebring the association / association / association of to an end or cause to break up
changebreak up, dissolvecome to an end
changebreak up, fragment, fragmentize, fragmentisebreak or cause to break into pieces
changebreak up, disperse, scattercause to separate
changebreak up, decompose, break downseparate (substances) into constituent elements or parts
bodybreak up, crack uplaugh unrestrainedly
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 1, motion
MeaningTo cause to separate and go in different directions.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody
Synonymsdisperse, dissipate, dispel, scatter
NarrowerdisbandCause to break up or cease to function
Broaderseparate, dividemake a division or separation
Spanishdisiparse, disipar, dispersar
Catalandispersar, dissipar-se, dissipar
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 2, social
Meaningdiscontinue an association / association / association or relation; go different ways / ways.
PatternSomebody ----s
Synonymsseparate, part, split up, split, break
Narrowerbreak, break awayinterrupt a continued activity
break withend a relationship / relationship
disassociate, dissociate, divorce, disunite, disjointPart
disunify, break apartBreak up or separate
divorce, split upGet a divorce
give the axe, give the bounce, give the gateterminate a relationship / relationship abruptly
secede, splinter, break awayWithdraw from an organization or communion
Spanishdistanciarse, separarse, separar
Catalandistanciar-se, separar-se, separar
Nounsbreakupthe termination or disintegration of a relationship / relationship (between persons or nations)
breakupcoming apart
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 3, motion
Meaningcome apart.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s
Narrowerdisband, dissolvestop functioning or cohering as a unit
Broaderseparate, part, splitGo one's own way / way
Spanishdisgregarse, separarse
Nounsbreakupcoming apart
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 4, contact
Meaningbreak violently or noisily; smash.
PatternSomething ----s; Something is ----ing PP
Synonymscrash, break apart
Caused bycrashCause to crash
Broaderdisintegratebreak / break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity
See alsobreakgo to pieces
Similar tocrashCause to crash
Spanishestrellarse, quebrarse, separar, terminar
Catalanesclatar, estavellar-se, rompre, topar, trencar-se, trencar, xocar
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 5, communication
Meaningmake a break / break in.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Synonymsinterrupt, disrupt, cut off
Narrowerbreakinterrupt the flow of current in
burst in on, burst uponspring suddenly
chime in, cut in, put in, butt in, chisel in, barge in, break inbreak into a conversation
cut, cut offCease, stop / stop
hecklechallenge aggressively
interject, come in, interpose, put in, throw in, injectTo insert / insert between other elements
jam, blockinterfere with or prevent the reception of signals
pause, intermit, breakCease an action temporarily
punctuateinterrupt periodically
put away, put asideturn away from and put aside, perhaps temporarily
stop, stop overinterrupt a trip
take off, take time offTake time off from work
Broaderbreak, break off, discontinue, stopprevent completion
Spanishcortar, interrumpir, parar, romper, suspender
Catalanaturar, interrompre
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 6, change
MeaningCause to go into a solution.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Synonymsdissolve, resolve
Cause todissolvePass into a solution
Narrowercutdissolve by breaking down the fat of
melt, run, melt downReduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating
Broaderchange integritychange in physical make-up
Spanishdeshacer, diluir, disolver
Catalandesfer, diluir, dissoldre
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 7, emotion
MeaningSuffer a nervous breakdown.
PatternSomebody ----s
Synonymscrack up, crack, crock up, collapse
Broadersuffer, sustain, have, getUndergo (as of injuries and illnesses)
Catalantenir un col·lapse nerviós
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 8, creation
Meaningtake apart into its constituent pieces.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymsdisassemble, dismantle, take apart, break apart
Entailed bycannibalize, cannibaliseUse parts of something to repair something else
NarrowerstrikeDisassemble a temporary structure, such as a tent or a theatrical set
Broaderdestroy, destructDo away with, cause the destruction or undoing of
See alsobreakruin completely
Oppositeassemble, piece, put together, set up, tack, tack togetherCreate by putting components or members together
Spanishdesarmar, desarticular, desmantelar, desmontar
Catalandesarmar, desarticular, desmantellar, desmuntar
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 9, contact
MeaningDestroy the completeness of a set of related items.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Broaderchange, alter, modifyCause to change
Similar tobreakExchange for smaller units of money
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 10, contact
Meaningset or keep apart.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Broaderseparate, disunite, divide, partForce, take, or pull apart
See alsobreakruin completely
Similar todiscerp, sever, lopcut off from a whole
Spanishcortar, romper, separarse, separar, terminar
Catalandesunir, esporgar, podar, separar-se, separar
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 11, contact
Meaningattack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Entailschop, hackcut with a hacking tool
Broaderpiercecut or make a way through
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 12, contact
MeaningRelease ice.
PatternSomething ----s
Broaderseparate, divide, partcome apart
Spanishliberar hielo, romperse el hielo, romperse
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 13, change
MeaningClose at the end of a session.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s something
Synonymsadjourn, recess
Broaderend, stop, finish, terminate, ceaseHave an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense
Spanishaplazar, posponer
Catalanajornar, aplaçar
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 14, change
MeaningBring the association / association / association of to an end or cause to break up.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Broaderend, terminateBring to an end or halt
Similar todissolve, dismissdeclare void
Catalandissoldre, trencar
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 15, change
MeaningCome to an end.
PatternSomething ----s
Broaderend, terminateBring to an end or halt
Catalandissoldre, trencar
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 16, change
Meaningbreak or cause to break into pieces.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody of something
Synonymsfragment, fragmentize, fragmentise
Narroweratomize, atomiseBreak up into small particles
brecciatebreak into breccia
crumbbreak into crumbs
crushbreak into small pieces
grate, grindmake a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together
grind, mash, crunch, bray, comminuteReduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading
poundbreak down and crush by beating, as with a pestle
ragbreak into lumps before sorting
splinter, sliverBreak up into splinters or slivers
sunderbreak apart or in two, using violence
Broaderbreak, separate, split up, fall apart, come apartBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
Spanishfragmentarse, fragmentar
Catalanfragmentar-se, fragmentar, partir-se, partir, trencar-se, trencar
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 17, change
MeaningCause to separate.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"break up kidney stones"
Synonymsdisperse, scatter
Narrowerbackscatterscatter (radiation) by the atoms of the medium through which it passes
Broaderchange integritychange in physical make-up
Spanishdispersarse, dispersar
Catalandispersar-se, dispersar, escampar
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 18, change
Meaningseparate (substances) into constituent elements or parts.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Synonymsdecompose, break down
Categorychemistry, chemical scienceThe science of matter
NarrowercrackReduce (petroleum) to a simpler compound by cracking
digestsoften or disintegrate by means of chemical action, heat, or moisture
dissociateTo undergo a reversible or temporary breakdown of a molecule into simpler molecules or atoms
Broaderseparatedivide into components or constituents
See alsobreakbecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
English > break up: 19 senses > verb 19, body
Meaninglaugh unrestrainedly.
PatternSomebody ----s
Synonymcrack up
Broaderlaugh, express joy, express mirthproduce laughter
Spanishmorirse de risa, partirse de risa, troncharse

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