HyperDic: involve

English > 7 senses of the word involve:
VERBstativeinvolve, affect, regardconnect closely and often incriminatingly
stativeinvolveengage as a participant
stativeinvolve, implyhave as a necessary feature
stativeinvolve, necessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, take, call for, demandrequire as useful, just, or proper
stativeinvolvecontain as a part
cognitioninvolveoccupy or engage the interest of
changeinvolvemake complex or intricate or complicated
involve > pronunciation
Rhymesabsolve ... solve: 8 rhymes with aalv...
English > involve: 7 senses > verb 1, stative
MeaningConnect closely and often incriminatingly.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Synonymsaffect, regard
NarrowerimplicateBring into intimate and incriminating connection
Broaderrefer, pertain, relate, concern, come to, bear on, touch, touch on, have to do withBe relevant to
Spanishafectar, comprometer, implicar, influir, involucrar
Catalanafectar, comprometre, implicar, influir, involucrar
Nounsinvolvementa connection of inclusion or containment
English > involve: 7 senses > verb 2, stative
MeaningEngage as a participant.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Somebody ----s somebody PP
Example"Don't involve me in your family affairs!"
Narrowerembroil, tangle, sweep, sweep up, drag, drag inForce into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action
entangle, mireentrap
Broaderadmit, let in, includeAllow participation in or the right to be part of
Spanishenredarse, implicar, involucrarse, involucrar, pringarse
Catalanembolicar-se, enfangar-se, enredar-se, implicar, involucrar
Nounsinvolvement, involutionthe act of sharing in the activities of a group
involvementthe condition of sharing in common with others (as fellows or partners etc.)
English > involve: 7 senses > verb 3, stative
MeaningHave as a necessary feature.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example"This decision involves many changes"
NarrowercarryBe necessarily associated with or result in or involve
Broaderhave, featureHave as a feature
Spanishimplicar, involucrar, suponer
Catalanimplicar, involucrar
Nounsinvolvementa connection of inclusion or containment
English > involve: 7 senses > verb 4, stative
Meaningrequire as useful, just, or proper.
PatternSomething ----s something
Synonymsnecessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, take, call for, demand
Narrowerclaim, take, exactTake as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs
compelNecessitate or exact
costrequire to lose, suffer, or sacrifice
cry out for, cry forNeed badly or desperately
drawrequire a specified depth for floating
governrequire to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood
Oppositeobviate, rid of, eliminateDo away with
Similar toclaim, take, exactTake as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs
Spanishdemandar, exigir, implicar, involucrar, necesitar, pedir, precisar, preguntar, reclamar, requerir, solicitar
Catalanexigir, implicar, involucrar, necessitar, precisar, preguntar, reclamar, requerir
English > involve: 7 senses > verb 5, stative
MeaningContain as a part.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example"Dinner at Joe's always involves at least six courses"
BroaderincludeHave as a part, be made up out of
English > involve: 7 senses > verb 6, cognition
Meaningoccupy or engage the interest of.
PatternSomething ----s somebody
Example"His story completely involved me during the entire afternoon"
Broaderabsorb, engross, engage, occupyConsume all of one's attention or time
Nounsinvolvementa sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something
English > involve: 7 senses > verb 7, change
Meaningmake complex or intricate or complicated.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"The situation was rather involved"
Broadercomplicate, refine, rarify, elaboratemake more complex, intricate, or richer

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