Sentido | someone who commits capital in order to gain financial returns. |
Sinónimo | inversionista |
Específico | abonado, cliente, comprador, solicitante | An investor who buys a call ... / call option |
accionista | someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation |
alcista | An investor with an optimistic market outlook |
bajista | An investor with a pessimistic market outlook |
cuentacorrentista, depositador, depositante | A person who has deposited money in a bank or similar institution |
obligacionista | A holder of bonds issued by a government or corporation |
prestador, prestamista | someone who lends money or gives credit in business matters |
rentista | someone whose income is from property rents or bond interest and other investments |
General | capitalista | A person who invests capital in a business (especially a large business) |
Inglés | investor |
Catalán | inversor |
Verbos | colocar, invertir, investir | make an investment |