Català > emetre sons: 1 sentit > verb 1, communicationSentit | Express audibly; utter sounds / sounds (not necessarily words / words). |
Específic | alçar | make audible |
assibilar | Utter a sibilant |
aïnar, eguinar, renillar | Make a characteristic sound, of a horse |
aücar, cridar, udolar, ulular | To utter a loud clamorous shout |
bagolar, bramar, esgargamellar-se, esgaripar, ganyolar, udolar, ulular, xisclar | cry loudly, as of animals |
baladrejar, clamar, cridar, pregonar, vociferar | Utter a sudden loud cry |
balbotejar, balbucejar, barbotegar, barbotejar | Utter with a spitting sound, as if in a rage / rage |
begallar, belar | cry plaintively |
bleixar, esbufegar, panteixar | Utter while panting, as if out of breath |
bordar, lladrar | make barking sounds |
bradolar, bramular | emit a cry intended to attract other animals |
bramar, bramular, rugir, vociferar | make a loud noise, as of animal |
bramar | braying characteristic of donkeys |
bramular, braolar, bruelar, mugir | make a low noise, characteristic of bovines |
brufolar | Indicate contempt / contempt by breathing noisily and forcefully through the nose |
brunzinar | make a vibrant sound, as of some birds |
cantar | To make melodious sounds |
cantar, escatainar | Express pleasure verbally |
cantar, cloquejar, escatainar | Utter shrill sounds |
clacar | cry like a goose |
clacar | Utter quacking noises |
cloquejar, escaïnar, escatainar | squawk shrilly and loudly, characteristic of hens |
cloquejar | make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hens |
corejar | Utter in unison |
cuclejar, grallar | Utter a cry, characteristic of crows, rooks, or ravens |
deixar-la anar | Utter with anger or contempt / contempt |
deixar anar un reguitzell | Utter rapidly |
esclafir a, rompre a | Express or utter spontaneously |
esgüellar, grunyir, xisclar | Utter a high-pitched cry, characteristic of pigs |
farfollar | chatter inarticulately |
fer | emit or utter |
fer cri-cri | make a vibrant noise, of grasshoppers or cicadas |
fer l'aleta | cry softly, as of pigeons |
gargaritzar | Utter with gargling or burbling sounds |
gemegar, gemir, plànyer-se, protestar, queixar-se | Indicate pain, discomfort, or displeasure |
gorgolar | make a gurgling sound, characteristic of turkeys |
grallar, raucar, rondinar | Utter a hoarse sound, like a raven |
grunyir, rondinar | To utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds |
grunyir | issue a grunting, low, animal-like noise |
miolar | cry like a cat |
miolar | make a cat-like sound |
piuar, piular, piulejar, refilar | make high-pitched sounds |
recalcar, reiterar, repetir, ressonar | To say / say again or imitate |
sospirar | Utter with a sigh |
xitar | make a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapproval |
xiular | whistle or howl approvingly at a female, of males |
Anglès | utter, emit, let out, let loose |
Espanyol | emitir sonidos, emitir |
Adjectius | descriptible | capable of being uttered in words / words or sentences |
Noms | discurs, emissió, enunciació, enunciat, expressió, pronunciació | The use of uttered sounds for auditory communication |