HyperDic: marcha

Español > 11 sentidos de la palabra marcha:
NOMBREprocessmarcha, funcionalidad, funcionamiento, función, operatividadprocess or manner of functioning or operating
artifactmarchaa mechanism for transmitting motion for some specific purpose (as the steering gear of a vehicle)
actmarchathe act of marching
actmarcha, ida, partida, salidathe act of departing
attributemarcha, paso, ritmo, velocidadthe relative speed of progress or change
artifactmarcha, cambio, engranaje, trenwheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed
communicationmarchagenre of music written for marching
groupmarchaa procession of people walking together
attributemarcha, actividad, animación, dinamismo, energía, pizzazthe activeness of an energetic / energetic personality
actmarcha, partida, salidathe departure of a vessel from a port
actmarchaa steady advance
Español > marcha: 11 sentidos > nombre 1, process
SentidoProcess or manner of functioning or operating.
Sinónimosfuncionalidad, funcionamiento, función, operatividad
Generalproceso físico, procesoA sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states
Inglésoperation, functioning, performance
Catalánfunció, funcionalitat, funcionament, operativitat
Verbosfuncionar, marchar, operar, trabajarPerform as expected when applied
Español > marcha: 11 sentidos > nombre 2, artifact
SentidoA mechanism for transmitting motion for some specific purpose (as the steering gear of a vehicle).
Específicocaja de cambios, transmisión, trasmisiónThe gears that transmit power from an automobile engine via the driveshaft to the live axle
directaA forward gear with a gear ratio that gives the greatest vehicle velocity for a given engine speed
marcha atrásThe gears by which the motion of a machine can be reversed
primeraThe lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle
segundaThe gear that has the second lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle
sistema de direcciónA gear that couples the steering wheel to the steering linkage of a motor vehicle
terceraThe third from the lowest forward ratio gear in the gear box of a motor vehicle
Generalmecanismodevice consisting of a piece of machinery
Inglésgear, gear mechanism
Español > marcha: 11 sentidos > nombre 3, act
SentidoThe act of marching; walking with regular steps (especially in a procession of some kind).
Específicomarcha marcialA long / long training march for troops
paso rápidomarching at quick time
Generalandadura, andar, caminar, paseoThe act of traveling by foot
Inglésmarch, marching
Verbosdemostrar, manifestarsemarch in protest
desfilar, ir en procesión, marcharmarch in a procession
marchar, trancarwalk fast, with regular or measured steps
Español > marcha: 11 sentidos > nombre 4, act
SentidoThe act of departing.
Sinónimosida, partida, salida
Específicoadiós, despedidaThe act of departing politely
desapariciónThe act of leaving secretly or without explanation
despacho, envio, envío, expediciónThe act of sending off something
despedida a la francesaAn abrupt and unannounced departure (without saying farewell)
despegueA departure
embarco, embarqueThe act of passengers and crew getting aboard a ship or aircraft
escapedeparting hastily
marcha, partida, salidaThe departure of a vessel from a port
partida, salidaThe act of going out
retiradaThe act of withdrawing
Generalacción humana, acción, actividad humana, actoSomething that people do or cause to happen
Inglésdeparture, going, going away, leaving
Catalánpartença, partida, sortida
Verbosacudir, ir, partirMove away from a place into another direction
escapar, irse, marchar, partirgo away or leave
estrenar, iniciar, irse, originar, partir, separarLeave
Español > marcha: 11 sentidos > nombre 5, attribute
SentidoThe relative speed of progress or change.
Sinónimospaso, ritmo, velocidad
EspecíficocadenciaA regular rate of repetition
calma, calmosidad, lentitudA rate demonstrating an absence of haste or hurry
celeridad, rapidezA rate that is rapid
rapidez, velocidadA rate (usually rapid) at which something happens
Ingléspace, rate
Catalánmarxa, pas, ritme
Verbosmarcar el ritmoregulate or set the pace of
Español > marcha: 11 sentidos > nombre 6, artifact
Sentidowheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed.
Sinónimoscambio, engranaje, tren
Part delocomotora, máquina, motor, motor térmicomotor that converts thermal energy to mechanical work
Inglésgearing, gear, geartrain, power train, train
Catalándentatge, engranatge, tren
Español > marcha: 11 sentidos > nombre 7, communication
Sentidogenre of music written for marching.
Específicomarcha militarbrisk marching music suitable for troops marching in a military parade
marcha procesionalA march to be played for processions
Inglésmarching music, march
Español > marcha: 11 sentidos > nombre 8, group
SentidoA procession of people walking together.
Generalcomitiva, comparsa, pompa, procesión, romeríaThe group action of a collection of people or animals or vehicles moving ahead in more or less regular formation
Verbosdemostrar, manifestarsemarch in protest
desfilar, ir en procesión, marcharmarch in a procession
marchar, trancarwalk fast, with regular or measured steps
Español > marcha: 11 sentidos > nombre 9, attribute
SentidoThe activeness of an energetic / energetic personality.
Sinónimosactividad, animación, dinamismo, energía, pizzaz
GeneralactividadThe trait of being active
Inglésdynamism, pizzazz, pizzaz, oomph, zing
Catalándinamisme, energia, marxa, pizzaz
AdjetivodinámicoCharacterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality
Español > marcha: 11 sentidos > nombre 10, act
SentidoThe departure of a vessel from a port.
Sinónimospartida, salida
Generalida, marcha, partida, salidaThe act of departing
Catalánmarxa, partença, partida, sortida
Español > marcha: 11 sentidos > nombre 11, act
SentidoA steady advance.
Generaladelantamiento, avance, evolución, progresión, progresoThe act of moving forward (as toward a goal)

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