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Español 16 sentidos de la palabra cambio:
NOMBREeventcambio, alteración, evolución, modificación, variaciónan event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another
relationcambio, alteración, modificación, variacióna relational difference between states
actcambiothe action of changing something
actcambio, alteración, modificaciónthe act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment)
eventcambio, alteración, conver, modificación, mutación, transformación, transmutacióna qualitative change
artifactcambio, engranaje, marcha, trenwheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed
actcambio, conmutaciónthe act of changing one thing or position for another
actcambioreciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money (especially the currencies of different countries)
actcambio, cambalache, canje, descambio, intercambio, permuta, retorno, swap, tracamundana, truequean equal exchange
possessioncambiocoins of small denomination regarded collectively
possessioncambiomoney received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency
actcambio, intercambio, intercambiosthe act of changing one thing for another thing
possessioncambio, vueltathe balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due
actcambio, giro, resultado inesperado, vuelcoan improbable and unexpected victory
attributecambio, mejora, variedada difference that is usually pleasant
possessioncambio, calderilla, efectivi, menudo, metralla, morralla, picadilloa trifling sum of money
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 1, event
SentidoAn event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another.
Sinónimosalteración, evolución, modificación, variación
EspecíficoaceleraciónAn increase / increase / increase in rate of change
alejamiento, desapego, desprendimiento, desunión, separacióncoming apart
aligeración, aligeramiento, alivio, desahogo, descanso, moderación, respiro, sosiegoA change for the better
alteración, cambio, conver, modificación, mutación, transformación, transmutaciónA qualitative change
aminoración, bajada, baja, caída, descenso, disminución, mengua, rebaja, reducciónA change downward
aumento, crecimiento, incrementoA change resulting in an increase / increase
centelleo, parpareoA rapid change in brightness
conversiónA change of religion
daño, deterioro, perjuicioThe occurrence of a change for the worse
deceleración, desaceleración, ralentización, retardaciónA decrease in rate of change
deceso, defunción, desaparición, expiración, fallecimiento, muerte, óbito, tránsitoThe event of dying or departure from life
deformaciónalteration in the shape or dimensions of an object as a result of the application of stress to it
fluctuación, variaciónAn instance of change
mutación(genetics) any event that changes genetic structure
nacimiento, navidadThe event of being born
pérdida de conciencia, pérdida de consciencia, pérdida del conocimientoThe occurrence of a loss of the ability to perceive and respond
reflejo, reverberoA weak and tremulous light
revoluciónA drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving
sorpresaA sudden unexpected event
sublimación(psychology) modifying the natural expression of an impulse or instinct (especially a sexual one) to one that is socially acceptable
transiciónA change from one place or state or subject / subject or stage / stage to another
transmutación(physics) the change of one chemical element into another (as by nuclear decay or radioactive bombardment)
Generalacontecimiento, hecho, sucesoAn event that happens
Ingléschange, alteration, modification
Catalánalteració, canvi, modificació, variació
Verbosalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
alterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
alterar, cambiar, mudar, transformar, variarBecome different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics / characteristics or essence
alterar, modificarmake less severe or harsh or extreme / extreme
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 2, relation
SentidoA relational difference between states; especially between states before and after some event.
Sinónimosalteración, modificación, variación
EspecíficodiferenciaA significant change
gradienteA graded change in the magnitude of some physical quantity or dimension
Generalrelación, vínculoAn abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together
Catalánalteració, canvi, modificació, variació
Verbosalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
alterar, cambiar, mudar, transformar, variarBecome different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics / characteristics or essence
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 3, act
SentidoThe action of changing something.
EspecíficoactualizaciónThe act of changing something to bring it up to date (usually by adding something)
adulteraciónThe act of adulterating (especially the illicit substitution / substitution of one substance for another)
alteración, cambio, modificaciónThe act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment)
ascenso, promociónAct of raising in rank or position
cambio, conmutaciónThe act of changing one thing or position for another
cambio de direcciónThe act of changing the direction in which something is oriented
cambio de estadoThe act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics / characteristics
cambio de formaAn action / action that changes the shape / shape of something
cambio de magnitudThe act of changing the amount or size of something
comunizaciónA change from private property to public property owned by the community
conversiónThe act of changing from one use or function or purpose to another
cumplimiento, satisfacciónAct of fulfilling a desire or need or appetite
decimalizaciónThe act of changing to a decimal system
degradación, descensoAct of lowering in rank or position
desplazamiento, movimiento, trasladoThe act of changing location from one place to another
diversificaciónThe act of introducing variety (especially in investments or in the variety of goods and services offered)
fluctuaciónIn constant change
giro en redondo, virajeA major change in attitude or principle or point of view
metrificaciónThe act of changing from imperial units of measurement to metric units
movimientoA change of position that does not entail a change of location
mudanza, trasladoThe act of changing your residence or place of business
nacionalizaciónThe action of rendering national in character
reducción, simplificaciónThe act of reducing complexity
secularizaciónThe activity of changing something (art or education or society or morality etc.) so it is no longer under the control or influence of religion
substitución, sustituciónThe act of putting one thing or person in the place of another
Generalacción, acto, hechoSomething done (usually as opposed to something said)
Verbosalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
alterar, cambiar, mudar, transformar, variarBecome different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics / characteristics or essence
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 4, act
SentidoThe act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment).
Sinónimosalteración, modificación
Específicoacomodación(physiology) the automatic adjustment in focal length of the natural lens of the eye
adaptación(physiology) the responsive adjustment of a sense organ (as the eye) to varying conditions (as of light)
aflojamiento, destensión, relajaciónThe act of making something less tight / tight / tight / tight
agarrotamientoThe act of making something tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter
GeneralcambioThe action of changing something
Inglésalteration, modification, adjustment
Catalánalteració, modificació
Verbosajustarmake correspondent or conformable
alterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
alterar, modificarmake less severe or harsh or extreme / extreme
alterar, arreglar, cambiar, modificar, transformarmake an alteration to
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 5, event
SentidoA qualitative change.
Sinónimosalteración, conver, modificación, mutación, transformación, transmutación
Específicocambio rotundo, sea changeA profound transformation
conversión, reconversión, transiciónAn event that results in a transformation
debilitamientoBecoming weaker
degeneraciónPassing from a more complex to a simpler biological form
fortalecimientoBecoming stronger
mejora, mejoríaA change for the better
pirólise, pirólisistransformation of a substance produced by the action of heat
sublimación(chemistry) a change directly from the solid to the gaseous state without becoming liquid
Generalalteración, cambio, evolución, modificación, variaciónAn event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another
Ingléstransformation, transmutation, shift
VerbosmodificarMove from one setting or context to another
transferirchange in quality
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 6, artifact
Sentidowheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed.
Sinónimosengranaje, marcha, tren
Part delocomotora, máquina, motor, motor térmicomotor that converts thermal energy to mechanical work
Inglésgearing, gear, geartrain, power train, train
Catalándentatge, engranatge, tren
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 7, act
SentidoThe act of changing one thing or position for another.
Específicocambio bruscoA sudden unexpected switch
GeneralcambioThe action of changing something
Inglésswitch, switching, shift
Cataláncanvi, commutació
Verbosabandonar, cambiar, transferirlay aside, abandon, or leave for another
alternarreverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)
cambalachear, cambiar, canjear, comerciar, intercambiar, permutar, traficar, trocarExchange or give (something) in exchange for
cambiar, intercambiar, relevar, transferirmake a shift in or exchange of
cambiar a, cambiar de sitiochange over, change around, as to a new order or sequence
modificarMove from one setting or context to another
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 8, act
Sentidoreciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money (especially the currencies of different countries).
Específicocambalache, cambio, canje, descambio, intercambio, permuta, retorno, swap, tracamundana, truequeAn equal exchange
cambio de divisa, cambio de divisasThe system by which one currency is exchanged for another
conversiónAct of exchanging one type of money or security for another
Generalcomercialismo, comercio, mercantilismo, mercantilizacióntransactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services)
Inglésexchange, interchange
Verboscambiar, canjear, convertir, intercambiar, permutar, reemplazar, transformar, trocarExchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 9, act
SentidoAn equal exchange.
Sinónimoscambalache, canje, descambio, intercambio, permuta, retorno, swap, tracamundana, trueque
Específicocomercio de caballosThe swapping of horses (accompanied by much bargaining)
Generalcambioreciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money (especially the currencies of different countries)
Inglésbarter, swap, swop, trade
Catalánbescanvi, canvi, escanvi, intercanvi, permuta, troc
Verboscambalachear, cambiar, canjear, comerciar, intercambiar, permutar, traficar, trocarExchange or give (something) in exchange for
comerciar, entregar a cambio, intercambiar, traficar, trocarturn in as payment or part payment for a purchase
trocarExchange goods without involving money
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 10, possession
Sentidocoins of small denomination regarded collectively.
Generaldivisa, moneda, piezaA flat metal piece (usually a disc) used as money
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 11, possession
Sentidomoney received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency.
Generaldinero efectivo, dinero en efectivo, dinero en metálico, efectivo, metálicomoney in the form of bills or coins
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 12, act
SentidoThe act of changing one thing for another thing.
Sinónimosintercambio, intercambios
Específicocompensación, compromiso, dilema, disyuntivaAn exchange that occurs as a compromise
Inglésexchange, interchange
Cataláncanvi, intercanvi
Verbosconmutar, convertir, transformarExchange a penalty for a less severe one
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 13, possession
SentidoThe balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due.
Generaldinero efectivo, dinero en efectivo, dinero en metálico, efectivo, metálicomoney in the form of bills or coins
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 14, act
SentidoAn improbable and unexpected victory.
Sinónimosgiro, resultado inesperado, vuelco
Generaléxito, hitAn attainment that is successful
Inglésoverturn, upset
Catalánbolcada, sobresalt
Verbosdesbaratardefeat suddenly and unexpectedly / unexpectedly
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 15, attribute
SentidoA difference that is usually pleasant.
Sinónimosmejora, variedad
GeneraldiferenciaThe quality of being unlike or dissimilar
Inglésvariety, change
Cataláncanvi, millora, varietat
Españolcambio: 16 sentidos nombre 16, possession
SentidoA trifling sum of money.
Sinónimoscalderilla, efectivi, menudo, metralla, morralla, picadillo
Generaldinero efectivo, dinero en efectivo, dinero en metálico, efectivo, metálicomoney in the form of bills or coins
Ingléssmall change, chickenfeed, chump change

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