HyperDic: venerar

Español > 6 sentidos de la palabra venerar:
VERBOemotionvenerar, adorar, idolatrarshow devotion to (a deity)
emotionvenerar, adorar, heroificar, idolatrar, reverenciarlove unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess
emotionvenerar, reverenciarregard with feelings of respect and reverence
stativevenerar, adorar, ir a misa, rendir cultoattend religious services
contactvenerarenclose in a shrine
emotionvenerar, santificarhold sacred
Español > venerar: 6 sentidos > verbo 1, emotion
Sentidoshow devotion to (a deity).
Sinónimosadorar, idolatrar
Categoríacredo, creencia, fe, , religion, religiónA strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
Generalreverenciar, venerarRegard with feelings of respect and reverence
Catalánadorar, idolatrar, venerar
Nombresadorador, creyenteA person who has religious faith
Español > venerar: 6 sentidos > verbo 2, emotion
Sentidolove unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol.
Sinónimosadorar, heroificar, idolatrar, reverenciar
Específicobabearenvy / envy without restraint
Generaladorarlove intensely
Inglésidolize, idolise, worship, hero-worship, revere
Catalánadorar, idolatrar, reverenciar, reverir, venerar
AdjetivoreverenteFeeling or showing profound respect or veneration
Nombresadoración, adulaciónThe act of admiring / admiring strongly
adoraciónA feeling of profound / profound love and admiration
adorador, devotosomeone who admires / admires too much to recognize faults
dechado, ideal, ídolo, parangón, perfecciónAn ideal instance
dios, ídoloA material effigy that is worshipped
idolatría, idololatríaThe act of worshiping blindly and to excess
idólatraA lover blind with admiration and devotion
reverenciaA reverent mental attitude
Español > venerar: 6 sentidos > verbo 3, emotion
SentidoRegard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of.
Específicoadorar, idolatrar, venerarshow devotion to (a deity)
santificar, venerarhold sacred
Generalapreciar, estimar, reputar, respetar, valorarRegard highly
Inglésreverence, fear, revere, venerate
Catalánreverenciar, reverir, venerar
AdjetivoreverenteFeeling or showing profound respect or veneration
Nombresmiedo, reverencia, sobrecogimiento, temor, terror, veneraciónA feeling of profound respect for someone or something
reverenciaA reverent mental attitude
Español > venerar: 6 sentidos > verbo 4, stative
Sentidoattend religious services.
Sinónimosadorar, ir a misa, rendir culto
Específicobrindar, ofrecerPresent as an act of worship
Generalacudir, asistir, comparecer, irBe present at (meetings, church services, university) , etc.
Catalánadorar, venerar
NombresadoraciónThe activity of worshipping
adorador, creyenteA person who has religious faith
Español > venerar: 6 sentidos > verbo 5, contact
Sentidoenclose in a shrine.
Generalcercar, encerrar, rodearSurround completely
Inglésenshrine, shrine
Nombresarca, lugar sagrado, relicario, santuarioA place of worship hallowed by association with some sacred thing or person
Español > venerar: 6 sentidos > verbo 6, emotion
Sentidohold sacred.
Generalreverenciar, venerarRegard with feelings of respect and reverence
Inglésenshrine, saint

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