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Related WikiPedia: terror
Español 7 sentidos de la palabra terror:
NOMBREfeelingterror, horror, pánicoan overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety
feelingterror, espanto, miedo, pavor, susto, temoran emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)
feelingterror, aprensión, pavor, recelo, temorfearful expectation or anticipation
attributeterror, espanto, horrora quality of extreme / extreme unpleasantness
feelingterror, miedo, reverencia, sobrecogimiento, temor, veneracióna feeling of profound respect for someone or something
person terror, amenaza, azotea person who inspires fear or dread
actterrorthe use of extreme fear in order to coerce people (especially for political reasons)
Españolterror: 7 sentidos nombre 1, feeling
SentidoAn overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety.
Sinónimoshorror, pánico
Generalespanto, miedo, pavor, susto, temor, terrorAn emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)
Ingléspanic, terror, affright
Catalánhorror, pànic, terror
Adjetivoaterrorizado, despavorido, petrificadoThrown into a state of intense fear or desperation
NombresterroristaA radical who employs terror as a political weapon
Verbosamedrentar, asustar, atemorizar, espantardrive out by frightening
aterrar, aterrorizar, espantarFill with terror
aterrar, aterrorizar, horririzarcoerce by violence or with threats / threats
tener miedoBe overcome by a sudden fear
Españolterror: 7 sentidos nombre 2, feeling
SentidoAn emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight).
Sinónimosespanto, miedo, pavor, susto, temor
Cualidadesimpertérritooblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them
temeroso, tener miedoFilled with fear or apprehension
Partessudor fríoThe physical condition of concurrent perspiration and chill
Específicoalarma, consternación, espanto, intranquilidad, nerviosismoFear resulting from the awareness of danger
aprensión, pavor, recelo, temor, terrorfearful expectation or anticipation
ataque de pánico, sustoA sudden attack of fear
emoción, escalofrío, espeluzno, estremecimiento, hormigueo, tiritónAn almost pleasurable sensation of fright
histeria, histéricoexcessive or uncontrollable fear
horror, pánico, terrorAn overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety
horror, pavorIntense and profound fear
intimidaciónThe feeling of being intimidated
miedo escénicoFear that affects a person about to face an audience
timidezFear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions
Generalafecto, emociónAny strong feeling
Contrariobravura, coraje, valentía, valorFeeling no fear
Inglésfear, fearfulness, fright
Catalánbasarda, esglai, espant, paüra, por, temor, terror
AdjetivomiedosoExperiencing or showing fear
Verbosamedrentar, asustar, atemorizar, espantardrive out by frightening
temerBe afraid or scared of
Españolterror: 7 sentidos nombre 3, feeling
Sentidofearful expectation or anticipation.
Sinónimosaprensión, pavor, recelo, temor
Específicoagitación, turbaciónA feeling of alarm or dread
corazonada, pálpito, presentimientoA feeling of evil to come
frío, manto lúgubreA sudden numbing dread
incertidumbre, suspenseapprehension about what is going to happen / happen / happen
pesimismoA feeling of melancholy apprehension
Generalespanto, miedo, pavor, susto, temor, terrorAn emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)
Inglésapprehension, apprehensiveness, dread
Catalánaprensió, basarda, por, recel, reguard, temença, temor, terror
Adjetivoalarmante, calamitoso, espantosa, espantoso, fatal, horrendo, horrible, horrorosa, horroroso, pavoroso, sobrecogedor, temible, temido, terrible, tremendoCausing fear or dread or terror
aprensivo, inquieto, miedoso, temerosomentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc
aprensivoIn fear or dread of possible evil or harm
Verbosapocarse, tener aprensiónanticipate with dread or anxiety
temerBe afraid or scared of
Españolterror: 7 sentidos nombre 4, attribute
SentidoA quality of extreme / extreme unpleasantness.
Sinónimosespanto, horror
Específicoatrocidad, fierezaThe quality of being frightful
Generalcarácter desagradableThe quality of giving displeasure
Inglésawfulness, dreadfulness, horridness, terribleness
Catalánespant, horror, terror
Adjetivoabominable, atroz, espantoso, horrendo, horrible, horripilante, horroroso, terrible, tremendoexceptionally bad or displeasing
alarmante, calamitoso, espantosa, espantoso, fatal, horrendo, horrible, horrorosa, horroroso, pavoroso, sobrecogedor, temible, temido, terrible, tremendoCausing fear or dread or terror
atroz, horroroso, monstruoso, terriblegrossly offensive to decency or morality
atroz, espantoso, terribleExtremely disagreeable and unpleasant
extremo, profundo, severointensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality
horrible, repugnanteOffensive or even (of persons) malicious
horrible, horrorosoExceedingly bad
Españolterror: 7 sentidos nombre 5, feeling
SentidoA feeling of profound respect for someone or something.
Sinónimosmiedo, reverencia, sobrecogimiento, temor, veneración
Generalafecto, emociónAny strong feeling
Inglésfear, reverence, awe, veneration
Adjetivorespetuoso, reverencial, reverenteFeeling or manifesting veneration
Verbosreverenciar, venerarRegard with feelings of respect and reverence
Españolterror: 7 sentidos nombre 6, person
SentidoA person who inspires fear or dread.
Sinónimosamenaza, azote
Generalalguien, alguno, alma, humano, individuo, mortal, persona, ser humano, serA human being
Inglésterror, scourge, threat
Catalánamenaça, terror
NombresterroristaA radical who employs terror as a political weapon
Españolterror: 7 sentidos nombre 7, act
SentidoThe use of extreme fear in order to coerce people (especially for political reasons).
EspecíficoterrorismoThe calculated use of violence (or the threat / threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature
Generalcoacción, coerciónThe act of compelling by force of authority

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