HyperDic: certificar

Español > 10 sentidos de la palabra certificar:
VERBOcommunicationcertificar, confirmar, demostrar, evidenciar, manifestar, ratificarprovide evidence for
socialcertificar, confirmar, licenciar, ratificarauthorize officially
communicationcertificar, afirmar, asegurar, aseverar, atestar, corroborar, garantizar, jurar, testimoniar, verificarto declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
socialcertificar, aprobar, confirmar, ratificarguarantee as meeting a certain standard
communicationcertificar, confirmar, declarar demente, ratificardeclare legally insane
communicationcertificarauthorize by certificate
possessioncertificarguarantee payment on
possessioncertificarpresent someone with a certificate
communicationcertificar, autentificar, escriturar, instrumentarauthenticate as a notary
communicationcertificarsend by registered mail
Español > certificar: 10 sentidos > verbo 1, communication
SentidoProvide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes.
Sinónimosconfirmar, demostrar, evidenciar, manifestar, ratificar
Específicoautenticar, autentificarEstablish the authenticity of something
autentificar, certificar, escriturar, instrumentarauthenticate as a notary
condenardemonstrate the guilt of (someone)
reflejarGive evidence of the quality of
Generaldeclarar, demostrar, evidenciar, mostrar, presentar, prestar, probar, revelar, ser testigo, testificar, testimoniarProvide evidence for
Inglésattest, certify, manifest, demonstrate, evidence
Cataláncertificar, confirmar, demostrar, evidenciar, manifestar, provar, ratificar
Adjetivodemostrativo, ilustrativoServing to demonstrate
Nombrescertificación, corroboraciónconfirmation that some fact or statement is true through the use of documentary evidence
evidenciaAn indication that makes something evident / evident
expresión, manifestación, reflejoexpression without words
manifestaciónA manifest indication of the existence or presence or nature of some person or thing
Español > certificar: 10 sentidos > verbo 2, social
Sentidoauthorize officially.
Sinónimosconfirmar, licenciar, ratificar
Implicaaprobar, homologar, sancionarGive sanction to
Específicoacreditar, reconocergrant credentials to
dar una concesión, dar una franquiciagrant a franchise to
estatuirgrant a charter / charter to
Generalaprobar, autorizar, facultargrant authorization or clearance for
Ingléslicense, licence, certify
Catalánatorgar la llicència, certificar, confirmar, llicenciar, ratificar
Adjetivocertificativo, certificatorioServing to certify or endorse authoritatively
Nombresacreditación, autenticación, certificaciónvalidating the authenticity of something or someone
autorización, licencia, permisofreedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices (especially in behavior or speech)
certificaciónThe act of certifying or bestowing a franchise on
certificación, certificado, credencialA document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
concesionario, licenciatariosomeone to whom a license is granted
ente certificadorAn official who can issue a license or give authoritative permission (especially one who licenses publications)
licencia, permisoThe act of giving a formal (usually written) authorization
licencia, permisoA legal document giving official permission to do something
Español > certificar: 10 sentidos > verbo 3, communication
SentidoTo declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true.
Sinónimosafirmar, asegurar, aseverar, atestar, corroborar, garantizar, jurar, testimoniar, verificar
Específicoafirmar, sostenerlay claim to
asegurar, contar, decirinform positively and with certainty and confidence
atestiguar, autentificar, avalar, garantizar, jurar, testificarauthenticate, affirm to be true, genuine, or correct, as in an official capacity
declarar, manifestarstate firmly
protestaraffirm or avow formally or solemnly
Generaldeclarar, manifestar, revelarstate emphatically and authoritatively
Inglésaffirm, verify, assert, avow, aver, swan, swear
Catalánafirmar, asseverar, corroborar, jurar, verificar
Nombresafirmación, aserción, aseveraciónA declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary)
afirmación, aserción, aserto, aseveraciónThe act of affirming / affirming or asserting or stating something
afirmación, confesiónA statement asserting the existence or the truth of something
asseveratorsomeone who claims to speak the truth
juramento, votoA commitment to tell the truth (especially in a court of law)
Español > certificar: 10 sentidos > verbo 4, social
Sentidoguarantee as meeting a certain standard.
Sinónimosaprobar, confirmar, ratificar
Generalasegurar, avalar, garantizarStand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of
Ingléscertify, endorse, indorse
Catalánaprovar, assegurar, certificar, confirmar, ratificar
Adjetivocertificablecapable of being guaranteed or certified
Nombresacreditación, autenticación, certificaciónvalidating the authenticity of something or someone
aprobación, autorización, consentimiento, garantía, imprimatur, imprimátur, refrendación, sanciónformal and explicit approval
certificaciónThe act of certifying or bestowing a franchise on
certificación, certificado, credencialA document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
Español > certificar: 10 sentidos > verbo 5, communication
Sentidodeclare legally insane.
Sinónimosconfirmar, declarar demente, ratificar
Generaladjudicar, declarar, estimar, juzgar, revelardeclare to be
Cataláncertificar, confirmar, ratificar
Adjetivocertificable, certificado, dementefit to be certified as insane (and treated accordingly)
Español > certificar: 10 sentidos > verbo 6, communication
Sentidoauthorize by certificate.
Generalaprobar, autorizar, facultargrant authorization or clearance for
Nombrescertificación, certificado, credencialA document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
certificado, título, valoresA formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment
Español > certificar: 10 sentidos > verbo 7, possession
Sentidoguarantee payment on; of checks.
Generalavalar, garantizarassure payment of
Nombresacreditación, autenticación, certificaciónvalidating the authenticity of something or someone
certificado, título, valoresA formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment
Español > certificar: 10 sentidos > verbo 8, possession
SentidoPresent someone with a certificate.
Generaladjudicar, conceder, conferir, galardonar, otorgar, premiarGive, especially as an honor or reward
Nombrescertificación, certificado, credencialA document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
certificado, título, valoresA formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment
Español > certificar: 10 sentidos > verbo 9, communication
Sentidoauthenticate as a notary.
Sinónimosautentificar, escriturar, instrumentar
Generalcertificar, confirmar, demostrar, evidenciar, manifestar, ratificarProvide evidence for
Inglésnotarize, notarise
Catalánautentificar, certificar, escriturar, instrumentar
Nombresescribana, escribano, notaria, notariosomeone legally empowered to witness signatures and certify a document's validity and to take depositions
Español > certificar: 10 sentidos > verbo 10, communication
SentidoSend by registered mail.
Generalechar, enviar, expedir, mandar, remitirCause to be directed or transmitted to another place

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