Català > cura: 7 sentits > nom 1, actSentit | The work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something. |
Sinònims | atenció, compte, esment |
Específic | higiene dental, higiene oral | care for the teeth |
incubació | Maintaining something at the most favorable temperature for its development |
infermeria | The work of caring for the sick or injured or infirm |
intervenció, teràpia, tractament | care provided to improve a situation (especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury) |
manicura | professional care for the hands and fingernails |
pedicura | professional care for the feet and toenails |
primers auxilis | emergency care given before regular medical aid can be obtained |
General | feina, treball | Activity directed toward making or doing something |
Anglès | care, attention, aid, tending |
Espanyol | atención, ayuda, cuidado, cuidados, cura |
Verbs | ajudar | improve the condition of |
Català > cura: 7 sentits > nom 2, artifactSentit | A medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve / relieve pain. |
Sinònims | guariment, medicament, remei |
Part de | intervenció, teràpia, tractament | care provided to improve a situation (especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury) |
Específic | alleviant, pal·liatiu | remedy that alleviates pain without curing |
antídot, contraveneno | A remedy / remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison |
bàlsam, pomada, ungüent | semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation |
emètic, nauseant, vomitiu | A medicine that induces nausea and vomiting |
lenitiu | remedy that eases pain and discomfort |
loció | liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to the skin |
panacea | hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases |
profilàctic | remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease |
General | fàrmac, medicament, medicina | (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease |
Anglès | remedy, curative, cure, therapeutic |
Espanyol | cura, curativa, curativo, medicamento, remedio, remisión, terapéutico |
Adjectius | curatiu, guaridor, sanatiu, terapèutic | tending to cure or restore to health |
Verbs | alleujar, remeiar | Provide relief for |
curar, guarir, sanar | Provide a cure for, make healthy / healthy again |
Català > cura: 7 sentits > nom 4, actSentit | Attention and management implying responsibility for safety. |
Sinònims | compte, custòdia, tutela |
Específic | amor, cura, esment | More attention and consideration than is normally bestowed by prudent persons |
providència | The guardianship and control exercised by a deity |
General | guàrdia, protecció | The activity of protecting someone or something |
Anglès | care, charge, tutelage, guardianship |
Espanyol | atención, cuidado, custodia, esmero, tutela |
Noms | custodi, defensor, guardià, protector, tutor, valedor | A person who cares for persons or property |
Verbs | abordar, emprar, encarar, gestionar, manejar, ocupar, regentar, tractar, tramitar | Be in charge of, act on, or dispose of |
acusar, anomenar, designar, nomenar | Assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to |
donar classes, ensenyar, instruir | act as a guardian to someone |