Español > medicamento: 4 sentidos > nombre 1, artifactSentido | A substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic. |
Sinónimos | droga, fármaco, narcótico |
Categoría de | anafilaxia, anafilaxis | hypersensitivity reaction to the ingestion or injection of a substance (a protein or drug) resulting from prior contact with a substance |
esnifar | inhale through the nose |
genérico | (of drugs) not protected by trademark |
inyectable | (used of drugs) capable of being injected |
oralmente | (of drugs) through the mouth rather than through injection |
transporte activo | transport of a substance (as a protein or drug) across a cell membrane against the concentration gradient |
zulo | A predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property) |
Part de | farmacopea | A collection or stock of drugs |
Específico | abortivo | A drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion |
agonista | (biochemistry) a drug that can combine with a receptor on a cell to produce a physiological reaction |
anestesia, anestésico | A drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations |
diurético | Any substance that tends to increase the flow of urine, which causes the body to get rid of excess water |
droga psicoactiva, psicofármaco, sicofármaco | A drug that can produce mood changes and distorted perceptions |
estimulante | A drug that temporarily quickens some vital process |
estupefaciente, narcótico | A drug that produces numbness or stupor |
fármaco, medicación, medicamento, medicamentos, medicina, remedio | (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease |
intoxicante | A drug that can produce a state of intoxication / intoxication |
pentoxifilina, Trental | A drug (trade name Trental) used to treat claudication |
somnífera, somnífero, soporífera, soporífero | A drug that induces sleep |
General | agente | A substance that exerts some force or effect |
Inglés | drug |
Catalán | droga, fàrmac, medicament |
Nombres | apotecario, boticario, farmacéutica, farmacéutico | A health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs |
Verbos | drogar | Administer a drug to |
drogarse, drogar | Use recreational drugs |
Español > medicamento: 4 sentidos > nombre 2, artifactSentido | (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease. |
Sinónimos | fármaco, medicación, medicamentos, medicina, remedio |
Categoría de | de venta libre, sin prescripción, sin receta médica | purchasable without a doctor's prescription |
prescrita, recetada | available only with a doctor's written prescription |
Categoría | especialidad médica, medicina | The branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques |
Específico | Antabuse, Antabus, disulfiram | A drug (trade name Antabuse) used in the treatment of alcoholism |
aciclovir | An oral antiviral drug (trade name Zovirax) used to treat genital herpes |
allopurinol | A drug (trade name Zyloprim) used to treat gout and other conditions in which there is an excessive buildup of uric acid |
analgésico, anodino | A medicine used to relieve pain |
ansiolítico, calmante, depresor, sedante, sedativo, tranquilizante | A drug that reduces excitability and calms a person |
antibacteriano, antibiótico, bactericida | Any drug that destroys bacteria or inhibits their growth |
anticoagulante, decoagulant, medicamento anticoagulante | medicine that prevents or retards the clotting of blood |
anticolinérgico | A substance that opposes or blocks the action of acetylcholine |
antidepresivo | Any of a class of drugs used to treat depression |
antidiurético | A drug that limits the formation of urine |
antiemético | A drug that prevents or alleviates nausea and vomiting |
antiepiléptico | A drug used to treat or prevent convulsions (as in epilepsy) |
antiespasmódico | A drug used to relieve or prevent spasms (especially of the smooth muscles) |
antihelmíntico, vermífugo | A medication capable of causing the evacuation of parasitic intestinal worms |
antihipertensivo, droga antihipertensiva, medicamento antihipertensivo | A drug that reduces high blood pressure |
antihistamínico | A medicine used to treat allergies and hypersensitive reactions and colds |
antiinflamatorio | A medicine intended to reduce inflammation |
antiirritante | A medicine applied locally to produce superficial inflammation in order to reduce deeper inflammation |
antipirético, febrífugo | Any medicine that lowers body temperature to prevent or alleviate fever |
antiséptico | A substance that destroys micro-organisms that carry disease without harming body tissues |
antitusígeno | Any medicine used to suppress or relieve coughing |
antiviral | Any drug that destroys viruses |
astringente, estíptico | A drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals |
azatioprina | An immunosuppressive drug (trade name Imuran) used to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ |
bloqueador | A class of drugs that inhibit (block) some biological process |
broncodilatador | A drug that relaxes and dilates the bronchial passageways and improves the passages of air into the lungs |
cala, supositorio | A small plug of medication designed for insertion into the rectum or vagina where it melts |
carminativo | medication that prevents the formation of gas in the alimentary tract or eases its passing |
catártico, depurativo, laxante, purgante | A purging medicine |
clofibrato | A drug (trade name Atromid-S) that reduces lipids in the blood serum |
cura, curativa, curativo, medicamento, remedio, remisión, terapéutico | A medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve / relieve pain |
demulcente | A medication (in the form of an oil or salve etc.) that soothes inflamed or injured skin |
descongestivo | A drug that decreases pulmonary congestion |
diaforético | Used to produce perspiration |
dosis | A measured portion of medicine taken at any one time |
específico | A medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease |
estatina | A medicine that lowers blood cholesterol levels by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase |
expectorante | A medicine promoting expectoration |
gemfibrozil | medication (trade name Lopid) used to lower the levels of triglyceride in the blood |
inmunosupresor | A drug that lowers the body's normal immune response |
isoproterenol | drug (trade name Isuprel) used to treat bronchial asthma and to stimulate the heart |
medicamento, producto farmacéutico, remedio | drug or medicine that is prepared or dispensed in pharmacies and used in medical treatment |
metacolina | parasympathomimetic drug (trademark Mecholyl) that stimulates secretions and smooth muscle activity |
metazol, metrazol, pentilenetetrazol, pentilenotetrazol | A drug used as a circulatory and respiratory stimulant |
nuez vómica, nux vomica | A medicine made from the seeds of an Asiatic tree |
paregórico | medicine used to treat diarrhea |
penicilamina | A drug (trade name Cuprimine) used to treat heavy metal poisoning and Wilson's disease and severe arthritis |
placebo, sustancia placebo | An innocuous or inert medication |
polvos | Any of various cosmetic or medical preparations dispensed / dispensed in the form of a pulverized powder |
prescripción, receta | A drug that is available only with written instructions from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist |
probenecid | A uricosuric drug that reduces the level of uric acid in the blood |
reconstituyente, tónico | A medicine that strengthens and invigorates |
rubefaciente | A medicine for external application that produces redness of the skin |
sucralfato | medicine consisting of a tablet (trade name Carafate) used to treat peptic ulcers |
tintura | (pharmacology) a medicine consisting of an extract in an alcohol solution |
vermicida | An agent that kills worms (especially those in the intestines) |
General | droga, fármaco, medicamento, narcótico | A substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic |
Substancias | fisostigmina | Used in treatment of Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma |
Inglés | medicine, medication, medicament, medicinal drug |
Catalán | fàrmac, medicament, medicina |
Adjetivo | medicamentoso, medicinal | Having the properties of medicine |
Verbos | medicar, medicinar | treat medicinally, treat with medicine |
medicar | impregnate with a medicinal substance |
Español > medicamento: 4 sentidos > nombre 3, artifactSentido | A medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve / relieve pain. |
Sinónimos | cura, curativa, curativo, remedio, remisión, terapéutico |
Part de | cura, terapia, tratamiento | care provided to improve a situation (especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury) |
Específico | acústica | A remedy for hearing loss or deafness |
alleviant, paliativo, tratamiento paliativo | remedy that alleviates pain without curing |
antídoto, contraveneno | A remedy / remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison |
bálsamo, crema, pomada, salve, ungüento | semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation |
curalotodo, panacea, sanalotodo | hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases |
emético, nauseant, vomitiva, vomitivo, vómito | A medicine that induces nausea and vomiting |
lenitivo | remedy that eases pain and discomfort |
loción | liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to the skin |
profiláctico | remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease |
General | fármaco, medicación, medicamento, medicamentos, medicina, remedio | (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease |
Inglés | remedy, curative, cure, therapeutic |
Catalán | cura, guariment, medicament, remei |
Adjetivo | curativo, medicinal, remediador, sanador, terapéutico | tending to cure or restore to health |
Verbos | aliviar, remediar | Provide relief for |
curar, reavivar, sanar | Provide a cure for, make healthy / healthy again |