Català > procés corporal: 1 sentit > nom 1, processSentit | An organic process that takes place in the body. |
Sinònim | funció corporal |
Específic | consum, ingesta, ingestió | The process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating) |
control | (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc |
curació, cura, guarició | The natural process by which the body repairs itself |
diaforesi, hidrosis, sudoració, suor, transpiració | The process of the sweat glands of the skin secreting a salty fluid |
dormida, son | The suspension of consciousness and decrease in metabolic rate |
eliminació, expulsió | Any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body |
fagocitosi | Process in which phagocytes engulf and digest microorganisms and cellular debris |
hipòstasi | The accumulation of blood in an organ |
inseminació | The introduction of semen into the genital tract of a female |
opsonització | Process whereby opsonins make an invading microorganism more susceptible to phagocytosis |
peristaltisme | The process of wavelike muscle contractions of the alimentary tract that moves food along |
pinocitosi, pinocitosis | Process by which certain cells can engulf and incorporate droplets of fluid |
placentació | The formation of the placenta in the uterus |
ploradissa, ploralla, plor | The process of shedding tears (usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds) |
reacció, resposta | A bodily process occurring due to the effect of some antecedent stimulus or agent |
relacions sexuals, sexe | Activities associated with sexual intercourse |
respiració, respir | The bodily process of inhalation and exhalation |
respiració | The process of taking in and expelling air during breathing |
sudoració, transpiració | The process of giving off or exhaling water vapor through the skin or mucous membranes |
supuració | (medicine) the formation of morbific matter in an abscess or a vesicle and the discharge of pus |
General | procés biològic | A process occurring in living organisms |
Anglès | bodily process, body process, bodily function, activity |
Espanyol | función corporal, proceso corporal |
Adjectius | actiu | tending to become more severe or wider in scope |