HyperDic: vivo

Español > 14 sentidos de la palabra vivo:
ADJETIVOallvivo, animadofull of life and energy
allvivo, vistosohaving striking color
allvivo, animado, vivazhaving life or vigor or spirit
allvivopossessing life
allvivo, animado, vivienteendowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life
allvivo, conciso, lacónico, sentenciosoconcise and full of meaning / meaning
allvivo, despavilado, despierto, desvelado, espavilado, listo, sagazcharacterized by quickness and ease in learning
allvivo, brillantehaving striking color
allvivo, intenso(of color) having the highest saturation
allvivoexerting force or containing energy
allvivocharged or energized with electricity
allvivo, intensohaving the clarity and freshness of immediate experience
allvivo, sobreviviente, vivientestill in existence
allvivotrue to life
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 1
Sentidofull of life and energy.
Cualidad delozanía, vida, vivacidad, vivezaanimation and energy in action or expression / expression
Específicoalegre, vivazFull of or showing high spirits
brillante, vivazmarked by high spirits or excitement / excitement
despreocupado, jovialFresh and animated
efusivoUttered with unrestrained / unrestrained enthusiasm
enérgico, vigoroso, vitalmarked by lively action
Tambiénactivo, dinámicoCharacterized by energetic / energetic activity
alertaEngaged in or accustomed to close observation
animadoDisplaying animation, vigor, or liveliness
animado, vivaz, vivoHaving life or vigor or spirit
animado, avivadomade sprightly or cheerful
descansadonot tired
energético, enérgicopossessing or exerting or displaying energy
Contrarioapagado, sosolacking in liveliness or animation
Nombresanimacióngeneral activity and motion
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 2
SentidoHaving striking color.
Cualidad deenergía, intensidad, vivacidad, vivezainterest and variety and intensity
Específicobrillante, vivoHaving striking color
encendidoresembling flame in brilliance or color
fluorescentebrilliantly colored and apparently giving off light
intenso, rico, subidoStrong
iridiscenteVarying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles
prismáticoExhibiting spectral colors formed by refraction of light through a prism
psicodélico, sicodélicoHaving the vivid colors and bizarre patterns associated with psychedelic states
vibranteOf colors that are bright and striking
Tambiéncolorado, coloreado, cromáticoBeing or having or characterized by hue
ContrarioincoloroWeak in color
Ingléscolorful, colourful
Catalánacolorit, vistós, viu
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 3
SentidoHaving life or vigor or spirit.
Sinónimosanimado, vivaz
Específicoenérgico, vitalFull of spirit
reanimadoGiven fresh life or vigor or spirit
Tambiénanimado, vivofull of life and energy
Contrarioinanimado, inánimenot animated or enlivened
Inglésanimated, alive
Catalánanimat, viu
NombresvitalidadThe property of being animated
AdverbiosanimadamenteIn an animated manner
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 4
Sentidopossessing life.
Cualidad deanimación, vivacidadThe property of being able to survive and grow
animación, vidaThe condition of living or the state of being alive
Específicoviablecapable of life or normal growth and development
vitalmanifesting or characteristic of life
Tambiénanimado, viviente, vivoendowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life
Contrariomuertono longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life
Inglésalive, live
NombresvitalidadThe property of being animated
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 5
Sentidoendowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life.
Sinónimosanimado, viviente
Cualidad devitalidadThe property of being animated
Tambiénvivopossessing life
Contrarioinanimadonot endowed with life
Catalánanimat, viu, vivent
NombresvitalidadThe property of being animated
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 6
Sentidoconcise and full of meaning / meaning.
Sinónimosconciso, lacónico, sentencioso
Generalconcisa, conciso, lacónico, preciso, sucintoExpressing much in few words
Ingléspithy, sententious
Nombresbrevedad, concisión, concreciónterseness and economy in writing and speaking achieved by expressing a great deal in just a few words
centro, corazón, enjundia, esencia, médula, meollo, núcleo, quid, sustanciaThe choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 7
SentidoCharacterized by quickness and ease in learning.
Sinónimosdespavilado, despierto, desvelado, espavilado, listo, sagaz
GeneralinteligenteHaving the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree
Inglésbright, smart
Catalánbrillant, despert, desvetllat, espavilat, viu
Nombrescapacidad, habilidad, ingenio, inteligenciaintelligence as manifested in being quick and witty
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 8
SentidoHaving striking color.
Generalvistoso, vivoHaving striking color
Inglésbright, brilliant, vivid
Catalánbrillant, viu
Nombresbrillantez, brillo, luminosidadThe location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white
brillantez, brillo, esplendor, lucimiento, lustre, realceA quality that outshines the usual / usual
chroma, intensidad, pureza, saturación, vivezaChromatic purity
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 9
Sentido(of color) having the highest saturation.
Generalsaturado(of color) being chromatically pure
Inglésintense, vivid
Catalánintens, viu
Nombreschroma, intensidad, pureza, saturación, vivezaChromatic purity
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 10
SentidoExerting force or containing energy.
Tambiénactivo(of e.g. volcanos) capable of erupting
activo(of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt
Contrariomuertonot showing characteristics / characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 11
SentidoCharged or energized with electricity.
CategoríaelectricidadA physical phenomenon associated with stationary or moving electrons and protons
GeneralcargadoOf a particle or body or system
Ingléshot, live
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 12
SentidoHaving the clarity and freshness of immediate experience.
GeneralclaroReadily apparent to the mind
Catalánintens, viu
Nombresenergía, intensidad, vivacidad, vivezainterest and variety and intensity
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 13
SentidoStill in existence.
Sinónimossobreviviente, viviente
GeneralexistenteStill in existence
Ingléssurviving, living
Español > vivo: 14 sentidos > adjetivo 14
Sentidotrue to life; lifelike.
Generalrealista, realísticoAware or expressing awareness of things as they really are
Catalánviu, vivent

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