Español > energético: 1 sentido > adjetivo 1Sentido | possessing or exerting or displaying energy. |
Sinónimo | enérgico |
Específico | dinámico | Acting with vigor |
enérgico, inagotable, incansable, infatigable | showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality |
enérgico, vigoroso | Characterized by or performed with much energy or force |
enérgico, vigoroso, vivaz | Quick and energetic |
físico | Characterized by energetic bodily activity |
vehemente, vigoroso | Characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity |
También | activo, dinámico | Characterized by energetic / energetic activity |
animado, vivo | full of life and energy |
animado | Displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness |
dinámico | Characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality |
emprendedor, emprendedora | marked by imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects |
Contrario | aletargado, letárgico | Deficient in alertness or activity |
Inglés | energetic |
Catalán | enèrgic, ple d'energia |
Nombres | energía, fuerza, vigor | forceful exertion |
energía, vitalidad | A healthy capacity for vigorous activity |
Adverbios | enérgicamente | In an energetic / energetic manner |