HyperDic: rico

Español > 18 sentidos de la palabra rico:
ADJETIVOallrico, dulce, suavehaving or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar
allrico, acaudalado, adinerado, afluente, forrado, próspero, pudientehaving an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
allrico, ricapossessing material wealth
allrico, fértil, productivomarked by great fruitfulness
allrico, fuertedense or inadequately leavened and hence likely to cause distress in the alimentary canal
allrico, lindo, monoattractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness
allricohigh in mineral content
allricohaving an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources)
allrico, mono, preciosoobviously contrived to charm
allrico, gustoso, sabroso, suculentoespecially pleasing to the taste
allricosuggestive of or characterized by great expense
allrico, apetitoso, deleitable, delicioso, exquisito, gustoso, sabroso, suculentoextremely pleasing to the sense of taste
allricoof great worth or quality
allricovery productive
allrico, sonorosuggestive of gold
allrico, intenso, subidostrong
NOMBREperson rico, millonaria, millonario, potentada, potentado, ricaa person who possesses great material wealth
person ricoa man who is wealthy
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 1
SentidoHaving or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar.
Sinónimosdulce, suave
Específicodulzaino, dulzarrón, dulzón, empalagosooverly sweet
dulzónSomewhat sweet
Tambiénagradable, apetitoso, delicioso, exquisito, gustoso, sabrosopleasing to the sense of taste
azucaradoContaining sugar
dulce(used of wines) having a high residual sugar content
Contrarioácido, acídulo, agrioHaving a sharp biting taste / taste
Nombresdulcedumbre, dulzor, dulzura, sabor dulceThe taste experience when sugar dissolves in the mouth
dulzuraThe property of tasting / tasting as if it contains sugar
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 2
SentidoHaving an abundant supply of money or possessions of value.
Sinónimosacaudalado, adinerado, afluente, forrado, próspero, pudiente
Generalrica, ricopossessing material wealth
Inglésaffluent, flush, loaded, moneyed, wealthy, substantial
Catalánacabalat, adinerat, amonedat, opulent, ric
Nombresabundancia, riquezaThe state of being rich and affluent
abundancia, afluencia, prosperidad, riquezaabundant wealth
adineradoAn affluent person
apogeo, auge, florThe period of greatest prosperity or productivity
caudal, opulencia, prosperidad, riquezaAn abundance of material possessions and resources
AdverbiosricamenteWith riches
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidopossessing material wealth.
Cualidad decondición económica, condición financieraThe condition of (corporate or personal) finances
Específicoacaudalado, adinerado, afluente, forrado, próspero, pudiente, ricoHaving an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
acomodado, prósperoIn fortunate circumstances financially
Tambiénabundante, bastante, colmado, copiosa, copioso, cuantiosoPresent in great quantity
privilegiadoBlessed with privileges
ContrariopobreHaving little money or few possessions
Nombresabundancia, afluencia, prosperidad, riquezaabundant wealth
Adverbiosostentosamente, ricamente, soberbiamente, suntuosamenteIn a rich and lavish manner
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 4
Sentidomarked by great fruitfulness.
Sinónimosfértil, productivo
Generalfértil, fructífero, productivoProductive or conducive to producing in abundance
Inglésfat, fertile, productive, rich
Nombresfertilidad, proliferación, riquezaThe property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth
productividadThe quality of being productive or having the power to produce
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 5
Sentidodense or inadequately leavened and hence likely to cause distress in the alimentary canal.
Generalindigerible, indigestible, indigestodigested with difficulty
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 6
Sentidoattractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness.
Sinónimoslindo, mono
Generalatractivopleasing to the eye / eye or mind especially through beauty or charm
Ingléscunning, cute
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 7
SentidoHigh in mineral content; having a high proportion of fuel to air.
CategoríametalurgiaThe science and technology of metals
químicaThe science of matter
Contrariopobrelacking in mineral content or combustible material
Nombresabundancia, derroche, lujo, profusión, riquezaThe property of being extremely abundant
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 8
SentidoHaving an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources).
Contrariopobrelacking in specific resources, qualities or substances
Nombresabundancia, derroche, lujo, profusión, riquezaThe property of being extremely abundant
fertilidad, proliferación, riquezaThe property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 9
Sentidoobviously contrived to charm.
Sinónimosmono, precioso
Generalartero, astuto, taimadomarked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with cunning or craft
Ingléscute, precious
Catalánbufó, galanxó, preciós
NombrespreciosidadThe quality of being fastidious or excessively refined
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 10
Sentidoespecially pleasing to the taste.
Sinónimosgustoso, sabroso, suculento
Generalagradable, apetitoso, delicioso, exquisito, gustoso, sabrosopleasing to the sense of taste
Catalánbo, gustós, suculent
Nombresexquisitez, golosinaSomething considered choice to eat
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 11
SentidoSuggestive of or characterized by great expense.
Específicoexuberante, lujoso, opulento, suntuosoRich and superior in quality
exuberante, lujoso, suntuosoCharacterized by extravagance and profusion
ContrariopobreCharacterized by or indicating poverty
Nombresgrandeza, grandiosidad, magnificenciasplendid or imposing in size or appearance
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 12
SentidoExtremely pleasing to the sense of taste.
Sinónimosapetitoso, deleitable, delicioso, exquisito, gustoso, sabroso, suculento
Generalagradable, apetitoso, delicioso, exquisito, gustoso, sabrosopleasing to the sense of taste
Inglésdelectable, delicious, luscious, pleasant-tasting, scrumptious, toothsome, yummy
Catalánapetitós, deliciós, exquisit, gustós, saborós, suculent
Nombresdeleitabilidadextreme / extreme appetizingness
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 13
SentidoOf great worth or quality.
Generalprecioso, valiosoHaving great material or monetary value especially for use or exchange
Nombresgrandeza, grandiosidad, magnificenciasplendid or imposing in size or appearance
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 14
SentidoVery productive.
Generalproductivo, productorproducing or capable of producing (especially abundantly)
Nombresfertilidad, proliferación, riquezaThe property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 15
SentidoSuggestive of gold.
GeneraleufónicoHaving a pleasant sound
Catalánric, sonor
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > adjetivo 16
SentidoStrong; intense.
Sinónimosintenso, subido
Generalvistoso, vivoHaving striking color
Inglésdeep, rich
Catalánintens, viu
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > nombre 1, person
SentidoA person who possesses great material wealth.
Sinónimosmillonaria, millonario, potentada, potentado, rica
EspecíficoadineradoAn affluent person
millonaria, millonarioA person whose material wealth is valued at more than a million dollars
millonariaA woman millionaire
milmillonario, multimillonarioA very rich person whose material wealth is valued at more than a billion dollars
plutócratasomeone who exercises power by virtue of wealth
ricoA man who is wealthy
Generalalguien, alguno, alma, humano, individuo, mortal, persona, ser humano, serA human being
Inglésrich person, wealthy person, have
Catalánmilionària, milionari, potentada, potentat, rica, ric
Verbosdetentar, ostentar, poseer, sustentar, tenerHave or possess / possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
disfrutar, participar, poseer, quedar, tenerHave ownership or possession of
Español > rico: 18 sentidos > nombre 2, person
SentidoA man who is wealthy.
Específicochuleta, currutaco, esnob, lechuguino, majo, nob, pez gordo, pijo, pitucoInformal term for an upper-class or wealthy person
indiano, nababA wealthy man (especially one who made his fortune in the Orient)
Generalmillonaria, millonario, potentada, potentado, rica, ricoA person who possesses great material wealth
Inglésman of means, rich man, wealthy man

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