Sentido | pleasing to the sense of taste. |
Sinónimos | agradable, apetitoso, delicioso, exquisito, gustoso |
Específico | acre, punzante | Strong and sharp |
afrutado | tasting or smelling richly of or as of fruit |
agridulce, semidulce | Having a taste that is a mixture of bitterness and sweetness |
ahumado | tasting of smoke |
amarga, amargo | Causing a sharp and acrid taste experience |
ambrosiaco, ambrosíaco | Extremely pleasing to the taste |
apetitoso, picante, sabroso | Having an agreeably pungent taste |
apetitoso, deleitable, delicioso, exquisito, gustoso, rico, sabroso, suculento | Extremely pleasing to the sense of taste |
gustoso, rico, sabroso, suculento | especially pleasing to the taste |
picante | Having the piquant burning taste of peppers / peppers |
picante | Producing a burning sensation on the taste nerves |
salado | One of the four basic taste sensations |
ácido | One of the four basic taste sensations |
También | apetecible, apetitosa, apetitoso | appealing to or stimulating the appetite especially in appearance or aroma / aroma |
dulce, rico, suave | Having or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar |
gustoso, regular, sabroso | acceptable to the taste or mind |
inapetente, poco apetitoso | not appetizing in appearance, aroma / aroma, or taste |
salado | Containing or filled with salt |
ácido, acídulo, agrio | Having a sharp biting taste / taste |
Contrario | insípido, soso | lacking flavor |
Inglés | tasty |
Catalán | apetitós, deliciós, gustós, saborós |
Nombres | buen sabor, gusto, ricura, sabrosura | Pleasant palatability |
gustación, gusto, sentido del gusto | The faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in the mouth |
Adverbios | sabrosamente | In a tasty manner |