Español > pesaroso: 2 sentidos > adjetivo 1Sentido | Experiencing or marked by or expressing sorrow especially that associated with irreparable loss. |
Sinónimo | afligido |
Específico | acongojado, angustiado | Full of sorrow |
afligido, dolido, lacrimógeno, lacrimoso, lloroso | showing sorrow |
afligido, angustiado, desconsolado | affected by or full of grief or woe |
afligido, apenado, apesadumbrado, entristecido, pesaroso, privado de | sorrowful through loss or deprivation |
amargo | expressive of severe grief or regret |
angustiado, atormentado | Experiencing intense pain especially mental pain |
cruel, desgarrador | Causing or marked by grief or anguish |
dolorido, doloroso, fúnebre, lastimero, quejumbroso | Expressing sorrow |
elegiaco, elegíaco | Expressing sorrow often for something past |
lúgubre, triste | excessively mournful |
triste | Of things that make you feel sad |
También | desdichado, sin alegría, triste | not experiencing or inspiring joy |
infeliz, triste | Experiencing or marked by or causing sadness or sorrow or discontent |
Contrario | alegre, dichoso, gozoso, jubiloso, regocijado | Full of or producing joy |
Inglés | sorrowful |
Nombres | amargura, compunción, desconsuelo, espina, pena, tristeza | The state of being sad |