Español > dañino: 3 sentidos > adjetivo 1Sentido | Causing or capable of causing harm. |
Sinónimos | dañoso, nocivo, perjudicial |
Específico | abusivo | Characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment |
calumniador, calumnioso, denigrador, denigratorio, desacreditador, desprestigiador, difamador, difamatorio | (used of statements) harmful and often untrue |
cataclísmico, catastrófico, ruinoso | Extremely harmful |
contraproducente | tending to hinder the achievement of a goal |
dañino, dañoso, nocivo, perjudicial, pernicioso, prejudicial | (sometimes followed by 'to') causing harm or injury |
deletereo, deletéreo, mortífero, nocivo, perjudicial, pernicioso, venenoso | harmful to living things |
enfermo | Resulting in suffering or adversity / adversity |
hiriente, punzante, traumático | Causing physical or especially psychological injury |
insidioso, pernicioso, sutil | Working or spreading in a hidden / hidden and usually injurious way |
mal, malo, malvado, perjudicial | capable of harming |
malintencionado, pícaro, travieso | deliberately causing harm or damage / damage |
nocente | Having a tendency to cause harm |
También | demoledor, destructivo, destructor, devastador | Causing destruction or much damage / damage |
desaventajado, desfavorable, desventajoso, perjudicial | constituting a disadvantage |
doloroso, penoso | Causing physical or psychological pain |
insalubre, insano | detrimental to physical or moral well-being |
maligno | Evil or harmful in nature or influence |
nocivo, tóxico | injurious to physical or mental health |
ofensiva, ofensivo | Causing anger / anger or annoyance |
tóxica, tóxico | Of or relating to or caused by a toxin or poison |
Contrario | inocuo, inofensivo | not causing or capable of causing harm |
Inglés | harmful |
Catalán | danyós, nociu, perjudicial |