Sentit | Any deviation from a healthy or normal / normal condition. |
Específic | acidosi | abnormally high acidity (excess hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues |
adenomiosis, endometriosi | The presence of endometrium elsewhere than in the lining of the uterus |
alcalosi | abnormally high alkalinity (low hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues |
angiopatia | Any disease of the blood vessels or lymph ducts |
anoxèmia | abnormally low oxygen content in arterial blood |
anquilosi | Abnormal adhesion and rigidity of the bones of a joint |
artropatia | A pathology or abnormality of a joint |
ascites | accumulation of serous fluid in peritoneal cavity |
asistòlia, aturada cardiorespiratòria | absence of systole |
atelectasia, atelèctasi | Collapse of an expanded lung (especially in infants) |
autoimmunitat | production of antibodies against the tissues of your own body |
azotemia | accumulation in the blood of nitrogenous waste products (urea) that are usually excreted in the urine |
azoturia | excess of urea in the urine |
bacterièmia | transient presence of bacteria (or other microorganisms) in the blood |
carotenemia | excess carotene in the blood stream |
disfunció | (medicine) any disturbance in the functioning of an organ or body part or a disturbance in the functioning of a social group |
diverticulosi | presence of multiple diverticula in the walls of the colon |
esclerosi, induració | Any pathological hardening or thickening of tissue |
estenosi | Abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway |
fibrosi | Development of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ |
fluorosi | A pathological condition resulting from an excessive intake of fluorine (usually from drinking water) |
glosolalia, glossolàlia | repetitive nonmeaningful speech (especially that associated with a trance state or religious fervor) |
hemocromatosi | pathology in which iron accumulates in the tissues |
hidronefrosi | accumulation of urine in the kidney because of an obstruction in the ureter |
infart | localized necrosis resulting from obstruction of the blood supply |
lesió | Any localized abnormal structural change in a bodily part |
limfadenopatia | chronic abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes (usually associated with disease) |
lipomatosi, lipomatosis | pathology in which fat accumulates in lipomas in the body |
litiasi | The formation of stones (calculi) in an internal organ |
malacia, malàcia | A state of abnormal softening of tissue |
mastopatia | Any pathology of the breast |
miopatia | Any pathology of the muscles that is not attributable to nerve dysfunction |
neuropatia | Any pathology of the peripheral nerves |
osteoporosi | Abnormal loss of bony tissue resulting in fragile porous bones attributable to a lack of calcium |
otorrea | Discharge from the external ear |
priapisme | Condition in which the penis is continually erect |
quist | A closed sac that develops abnormally in some body structure |
rinopatia | Any disease or malformation of the nose |
sarcoïdosi | A chronic disease of unknown cause marked by the formation of nodules in the lungs and liver and lymph glands and salivary glands |
virèmia | The presence of a virus in the blood stream |
volvulus | Abnormal twisting of the intestines (usually in the area of the ileum or sigmoid colon) resulting in intestinal obstruction |
General | problema de salut | A state in which you are unable to function normally and without pain |
Anglès | pathology |
Espanyol | patología |
Adjectius | malalt, mòrbid, morbós, patològic | Caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology |
Noms | patòleg, patologista | A doctor who specializes in medical diagnosis |