Sentido | Kept safe or defended from danger / danger or injury or loss. | |
Sinónimo | protegido | |
Específico | almenado | protected with battlements or parapets with indentations or embrasures for shooting through |
blindado, protegido | (used especially of machinery) protected by a shield to prevent injury | |
fortificado | Secured with bastions or fortifications | |
impermeable | able to withstand exposure to weather without damage | |
También | invulnerable | immune to attack / attack |
resguardado, seguro | Free from danger or risk | |
Contrario | desprotegido | lacking protection or defense |
Inglés | protected |
Sentido | Having or marked by confidence or assurance. | |
Cualidad de | confianza | A feeling of trust (in someone or something) |
Específico | altivo, arrogante, atrevido, engreído, petulante, presuntuoso | marked by excessive confidence |
confiadamente, tranquilizado | Having confidence restored | |
confiado, seguro de si mismo, seguro de sí mismo | showing poise and confidence in your own worth | |
seguro | marked by assurance | |
Contrario | difidente, inseguro, tímido, vergonzoso | Lacking self-confidence |
Inglés | confident | |
Catalán | segur | |
Nombres | aplomo, autoconfianza, autoridad, certeza, certidumbre, confianza en sí mismo, confianza, convicción, seguridad en sí mismo, seguridad | freedom from doubt |
confianza | A state of confident hopefulness that events will be favorable | |
Adverbios | confidentemente | With confidence |
Sentido | precise; explicit and clearly defined. | |
Sinónimos | definido, definitivo, fijo, preciso | |
Específico | cierto | Definite but not specified or identified |
claro, evidente, incontestable, incuestionable, indiscutible, indudable, inequívoco, innegable, notable, obvio, patente | recognizable | |
También | claro, definido, distinto, iconfundible, inconfundible, marcado | Easy to perceive / perceive |
claro | Readily apparent to the mind | |
definido | clearly / clearly / clearly characterized or delimited | |
explícit, explícita, explícito, expreso, manifiesto | precisely and clearly / clearly / clearly expressed or readily observable | |
Contrario | indefinida, indefinido | vague or not clearly / clearly / clearly defined or stated |
Inglés | definite | |
Catalán | definitiu, fixe, segur |
Sentido | Free from danger or the risk of harm. | |
Sinónimo | salvo | |
Específico | ileso, indemne | Free from danger or injury |
sensato | Thought to be devoid of risk | |
También | ileso, indemne | not injured / injured physically or mentally |
inocuo, inofensivo | not causing or capable of causing harm | |
invulnerable | immune to attack / attack | |
resguardado, seguro | Free from danger or risk | |
Contrario | peligrosa, peligroso | Involving or causing danger or risk |
Inglés | safe | |
Catalán | salv, segur | |
Nombres | seguridad | The quality of being safe |
Sentido | Having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured. | |
Sinónimo | cierto | |
Cualidad de | aplomo, autoconfianza, autoridad, certeza, certidumbre, confianza en sí mismo, confianza, convicción, seguridad en sí mismo, seguridad | freedom from doubt |
certeza, seguridad | The state of being certain | |
Específico | convencido | persuaded of |
Contrario | dudoso, indeciso, inseguro | lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance |
Inglés | certain, sure | |
Catalán | segur | |
Nombres | aplomo, autoconfianza, autoridad, certeza, certidumbre, confianza en sí mismo, confianza, convicción, seguridad en sí mismo, seguridad | freedom from doubt |
Adverbios | ciertamente, con bastante seguridad, con certeza, con seguridad, seguramente, seguro, sin duda | definitely or positively ('sure' is sometimes used informally for 'surely') |
Sentido | Free from danger or risk. | |
Sinónimo | resguardado | |
Específico | establecido, firme | Securely established |
firme, seguro | physically secure or dependable | |
infalible | guaranteed not to fail | |
seguro | Characterized by certainty or security | |
También | invulnerable | immune to attack / attack |
protegido, seguro | Kept safe or defended from danger / danger or injury or loss | |
salvo, seguro | Free from danger or the risk of harm | |
Contrario | inseguro | lacking in security / security / security or safety |
Inglés | secure | |
Nombres | seguridad | The state of being free from danger or injury |
Adverbios | firmemente, seguramente | In a manner free from fear or risk |
Sentido | Certain to occur; destined or inevitable. | |
Sinónimos | forzoso, ineludible, inevitable, inexorable | |
Específico | condenado, destinado, predestinado, predeterminado | (usually followed by 'to') governed by fate |
predestinado | Established or prearranged unalterably | |
También | predecible, previsible | capable of being foretold |
Contrario | incierto | not certain to occur |
Inglés | certain, sure | |
Catalán | cert, forçós, indefugible, ineludible, inevitable, inexorable, segur |
Sentido | not likely to fail or give ... / give way. | |
Sinónimo | aplomado | |
Específico | estable, fijo, firme, seguro | Securely in position |
fijo, firme | Securely or solidly fixed in place | |
También | fijo | Securely placed or fastened or set |
Contrario | inseguro | not firm or firmly fixed |
Inglés | secure | |
Nombres | continuidad, fijeza, persistencia, pervivencia | The quality of being fixed in place as by some firm attachment |
Adverbios | firmemente | In a secure manner |
Sentido | financially sound. | |
Sinónimo | fiable | |
Inglés | dependable, good, safe, secure | |
Nombres | fiabilidad | The quality of being dependable / dependable or reliable / reliable |
protección, recaudo, seguridad, seguro | defense against financial failure | |
seguridad | The quality of being safe |
Sentido | reliable / reliable in operation or effect. | |
General | cumplidor, de confianza, fiable, fidedigno | worthy of reliance or trust |
Inglés | certain, sure |
Sentido | Certain not to fail. | |
General | constante, regular | not subject to change or variation especially in behavior |
Inglés | sure | |
Nombres | firmeza, seguridad | The quality of being steady and unfailing |
Sentido | Free from fear or doubt; easy in mind. | |
Sinónimo | despreocupado | |
Contrario | inseguro | lacking self-confidence or assurance |
Inglés | secure, unafraid, untroubled | |
Nombres | firmeza, seguridad | freedom from anxiety or fear |
Sentido | Characterized by certainty or security. | |
General | resguardado, seguro | Free from danger or risk |
Inglés | assured | |
Nombres | aplomo, sangre fría | Great coolness and composure under strain / strain |
Sentido | not liable to error in judgment or action. | |
General | capaz | (usually followed by 'of') having capacity or ability |
Inglés | confident, surefooted, sure-footed | |
Catalán | segur |
Sentido | not open to doubt. | |
General | incuestionable | Incapable of being questioned |
Inglés | for sure |
Sentido | (of an undertaking) secure from risk. | |
Inglés | safe | |
Catalán | segur | |
Nombres | seguridad | The quality of being safe |
Sentido | Securely in position; not shaky. | |
Sinónimos | estable, fijo, firme | |
General | aplomado, seguro | not likely to fail or give ... / give way |
Inglés | steady | |
Catalán | estable, ferm, fix, segur | |
Nombres | firmeza | The quality of being steady or securely and immovably fixed in place |
Sentido | Having reached a base without being put out. | |
Categoría | baseball, beisbol, béisbol | A ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players |
Contrario | fuera | not allowed to continue to bat / bat or run |
Inglés | safe |
Sentido | infallible or unfailing. | |
Sinónimo | indefectible | |
General | cierto, verdadero | consistent with fact or reality |
Inglés | sure | |
Nombres | aplomo, autoconfianza, autoridad, certeza, certidumbre, confianza en sí mismo, confianza, convicción, seguridad en sí mismo, seguridad | freedom from doubt |
Sentido | Exercising or taking care great enough to bring assurance. | |
General | atento, cuidadosa, cuidadoso, prudente | Exercising caution or showing care or attention |
Inglés | certain, sure | |
Catalán | segur |
Sentido | not liable to failure. | |
Sinónimos | certero, infalible | |
General | infalible | incapable of failure or error |
Inglés | foolproof, unfailing | |
Catalán | infal·lible, segur | |
Adverbios | indefectiblemente | Without fail |
Sentido | marked by assurance; exhibiting confidence. | |
General | seguro | Having or marked by confidence or assurance |
Inglés | assured | |
Catalán | segur | |
Adverbios | ciertamente, seguramente | without a doubt |
Sentido | physically secure or dependable. | |
Sinónimo | firme | |
General | resguardado, seguro | Free from danger or risk |
Inglés | sure |
Sentido | Protected from danger or bad weather. | |
Sinónimo | protegido | |
General | invulnerable | immune to attack / attack |
Inglés | sheltered |
Sentido | written contract or certificate of insurance. | |
Sinónimos | política, póliza de seguros, póliza | |
Específico | póliza abierta, póliza flotante, seguro flotante | An insurance policy covering loss of movable property (e.g. jewelry) regardless of its location |
General | contrato | A binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law |
Inglés | policy, insurance policy, insurance | |
Catalán | assegurança, pòlissa d'assegurança, pòlissa d'assegurances, pòlissa, política |
Sentido | defense against financial failure; financial independence. | |
Sinónimos | protección, recaudo, seguridad | |
Específico | aseguramiento, contrato de seguro, seguro | promise of reimbursement in the case of loss |
bienestar económico | financial security | |
cobertura | Any technique designed to reduce or eliminate financial risk | |
General | bienes, haberes | Anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company |
Inglés | security, protection | |
Adjetivo | fiable, seguro | financially sound |
Sentido | A restraint that checks the motion of something. | |
Sinónimo | tope | |
Específico | cuña, sujetapuertas | A stop that keeps open doors from moving |
descargador | A catch mechanism that acts as a switch | |
fiador, matraca, trinquete | A hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward | |
General | freno, limitación, restricción | A device that retards something's motion / motion |
Inglés | catch, stop | |
Catalán | dispositiu de seguretat, topall | |
Verbos | bloquear, obstruir | Render unsuitable for passage |
contener, parar | hold back, as of a danger or an enemy | |
detener, interceptar, intervenir | seize / seize on its way |
Sentido | social welfare program in the U.S.; includes old-age and survivors insurance and some unemployment insurance and old-age assistance. | |
Sinónimos | seguridad social, SS | |
Específico | plan de jubilación, seguro de jubilación | insurance paid to the elderly |
General | seguridad social, seguro social | government provision for unemployed, injured, or aged people |
Inglés | Social Security | |
Catalán | seguretat social, SS |
Sentido | A movable obstruction in a lock that must be adjusted to a given position (as by a key) before the bolt can be thrown. | |
Part de | candado, cerradura | A fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed |
General | impedimento, obstáculo, obstrucción | Any structure that makes progress difficult |
Inglés | tumbler | |
Catalán | fiador | |
Verbos | revolcarse, rodar, voltear | roll over and over, back and forth |
Sentido | A pin in the form of a clasp; has a guard so the point of the pin will not stick the user. | |
Sinónimo | imperdible | |
General | aguja, alfiler, pin | A small slender (often pointed) piece of wood or metal used to support or fasten or attach things |
Inglés | safety pin | |
Catalán | agulla imperdible, imperdible |
Sentido | guard consisting of a locking device that prevents a weapon from being fired. | |
Sinónimo | fiador | |
Part de | arma de fuego, arma, cañón, escopeta, obús, pistola | A weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel) |
General | protección | A device designed to prevent injury or accidents |
Inglés | safety catch, safety lock | |
Catalán | fiador |
Sentido | protection against future loss. | |
Sinónimo | seguros | |
Inglés | indemnity, insurance | |
Catalán | assegurança | |
Verbos | asegurar | take out insurance for |
indemnizar | Secure against future loss, damage / damage, or liability |
Sentido | definitely or positively ('sure' is sometimes used informally for 'surely'). | |
Sinónimos | ciertamente, con bastante seguridad, con certeza, con seguridad, seguramente, sin duda | |
Uso de | coloquialismo, expresión coloquial, vulgarismo | A colloquial expression |
Inglés | surely, certainly, sure, for sure, for certain, sure enough, sure as shooting | |
Catalán | certament, de segur, per descomptat, segurament, segur, sens dubte | |
Adjetivo | cierto, seguro | Having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty |
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