ADJETIVO | all | tímido | showing fear and lack of confidence |
all | tímido, recatado, reservado | affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way | |
all | tímido, débil, medroso, pusilánime | lacking conviction or boldness or courage | |
all | tímido, desconfiado, receloso, reservado, suspicaz | wary and distrustful | |
all | tímido, difidente, inseguro, vergonzoso | lacking self-confidence | |
all | tímido, débil, debilitado, flojo, frágil | lacking strength or vigor | |
all | tímido | (used of temperament or behavior) marked by a retiring nature | |
all | tímido, temeroso | timid by nature or revealing timidity | |
all | tímido | modestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures | |
all | tímido, apocado | quiet and timid and ineffectual | |
all | tímido, modesto, tímida, vergonzoso | self-consciously timid | |
NOMBRE | person | tímido, vergonzoso | someone who shrinks from familiarity with others |
Sentido | showing fear and lack of confidence. | |
Cualidad de | timidez | fearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities |
Específico | apocado, tímido | quiet and timid and ineffectual |
intimidado | made timid or fearful as by threats / threats | |
modesto, tímida, tímido, vergonzoso | self-consciously timid | |
temeroso, tímido | timid by nature or revealing timidity | |
tímido | modestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures | |
También | cobarde, pusilánime, vil | lacking courage |
temeroso, tener miedo | Filled with fear or apprehension | |
tímido | (used of temperament or behavior) marked by a retiring nature | |
Contrario | atrevido, audaz, intrépido, osado | fearless and daring |
Inglés | timid | |
Catalán | tímid | |
Nombres | timidez | Fear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions |
Adverbios | timidamente, tímidamente | In a shy or timid or bashful manner |
Sentido | affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way. | |
Sinónimos | recatado, reservado | |
General | moderado, modesto | not offensive to sexual mores in conduct or appearance |
Inglés | coy, demure, overmodest | |
Catalán | reservat, tímid | |
Nombres | circunspección, recato | The trait of behaving with reserve and decorum |
coquetería | The affectation of being demure in a provocative way | |
Adverbios | recatadamente | In a demure manner |
tímidamente | In a coy manner |
Sentido | lacking conviction or boldness or courage. | |
Sinónimos | débil, medroso, pusilánime | |
General | cobarde, pusilánime, vil | lacking courage |
Inglés | faint, fainthearted, timid, faint-hearted | |
Catalán | indecís, poruc, pusil·lànime | |
Nombres | timidez | fearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities |
timidez | Fear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions |
Sentido | wary and distrustful; disposed to avoid persons or things. | |
Sinónimos | desconfiado, receloso, reservado, suspicaz | |
General | cauteloso, cauto | marked by keen caution and watchful prudence |
Inglés | shy | |
Catalán | desconfiat, recelós, reservat, suspicaç |
Sentido | Lacking self-confidence. | |
Sinónimos | difidente, inseguro, vergonzoso | |
Cualidad de | confianza | A feeling of trust (in someone or something) |
Contrario | seguro | Having or marked by confidence or assurance |
Inglés | diffident, shy, timid, unsure | |
Catalán | insegur, tímid, vergonyós | |
Nombres | apocamiento, encogimiento, inseguridad, timidez | lack of self-confidence |
pudor, timidez, verecundia, vergüenza | A feeling of fear of embarrassment | |
timidez | Fear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions | |
Adverbios | timidamente, tímidamente | In a shy or timid or bashful manner |
timidez | In a diffident manner |
Sentido | lacking strength or vigor. | |
Sinónimos | débil, debilitado, flojo, frágil | |
General | débil | Wanting in physical strength |
Inglés | faint, feeble | |
Catalán | afeblit, dèbil, feble, fluix, fràgil | |
Nombres | tenuidad | The quality of lacking intensity or substance |
Sentido | (used of temperament or behavior) marked by a retiring nature. | |
Específico | modesto | disposed to avoid notice |
También | reservado | marked by self-restraint and reticence |
tímido | showing fear and lack of confidence | |
Contrario | atrevido, descarado | Used of temperament or behavior |
Inglés | backward | |
Catalán | tímid |
Sentido | timid by nature or revealing timidity. | |
Sinónimo | temeroso | |
General | tímido | showing fear and lack of confidence |
Inglés | fearful, timorous, trepid | |
Catalán | temerós | |
Nombres | timidez | fearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities |
timidez | Fear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions |
Sentido | modestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures. | |
General | tímido | showing fear and lack of confidence |
Inglés | coy | |
Catalán | tímid |
Sentido | quiet and timid and ineffectual. | |
Sinónimo | apocado | |
General | tímido | showing fear and lack of confidence |
Inglés | mousy, mousey | |
Catalán | apocat, tímid, vergonyós | |
Nombres | mouse, ratón | person who is quiet or timid |
Sentido | self-consciously timid. | |
Sinónimos | modesto, tímida, vergonzoso | |
General | tímido | showing fear and lack of confidence |
Inglés | bashful | |
Catalán | modest, tímid, vergonyós | |
Nombres | cortedad, encogimiento, ñoñería, rubor | Feeling embarrassed due to modesty |
Adverbios | timidamente, tímidamente | In a shy or timid or bashful manner |
Sentido | someone who shrinks from familiarity with others. | |
Sinónimo | vergonzoso | |
General | cobarde | A person who shows fear or timidity |
Inglés | shy person, shrinking violet | |
Catalán | tímid, vergonyós |
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