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Related WikiPedia: tímido
Español 12 sentidos de la palabra tímido:
ADJETIVOalltímidoshowing fear and lack of confidence
alltímido, recatado, reservadoaffectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way
alltímido, débil, medroso, pusilánimelacking conviction or boldness or courage
alltímido, desconfiado, receloso, reservado, suspicazwary and distrustful
alltímido, difidente, inseguro, vergonzosolacking self-confidence
alltímido, débil, debilitado, flojo, frágillacking strength or vigor
alltímido(used of temperament or behavior) marked by a retiring nature
alltímido, temerosotimid by nature or revealing timidity
alltímidomodestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures
alltímido, apocadoquiet and timid and ineffectual
alltímido, modesto, tímida, vergonzosoself-consciously timid
NOMBREperson tímido, vergonzososomeone who shrinks from familiarity with others
Españoltímido: 12 sentidos adjetivo 1
Sentidoshowing fear and lack of confidence.
Cualidad detimidezfearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities
Específicoapocado, tímidoquiet and timid and ineffectual
intimidadomade timid or fearful as by threats / threats
modesto, tímida, tímido, vergonzosoself-consciously timid
temeroso, tímidotimid by nature or revealing timidity
tímidomodestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures
Tambiéncobarde, pusilánime, villacking courage
temeroso, tener miedoFilled with fear or apprehension
tímido(used of temperament or behavior) marked by a retiring nature
Contrarioatrevido, audaz, intrépido, osadofearless and daring
NombrestimidezFear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions
Adverbiostimidamente, tímidamenteIn a shy or timid or bashful manner
Españoltímido: 12 sentidos adjetivo 2
Sentidoaffectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way.
Sinónimosrecatado, reservado
Generalmoderado, modestonot offensive to sexual mores in conduct or appearance
Ingléscoy, demure, overmodest
Catalánreservat, tímid
Nombrescircunspección, recatoThe trait of behaving with reserve and decorum
coqueteríaThe affectation of being demure in a provocative way
AdverbiosrecatadamenteIn a demure manner
tímidamenteIn a coy manner
Españoltímido: 12 sentidos adjetivo 3
Sentidolacking conviction or boldness or courage.
Sinónimosdébil, medroso, pusilánime
Generalcobarde, pusilánime, villacking courage
Inglésfaint, fainthearted, timid, faint-hearted
Catalánindecís, poruc, pusil·lànime
Nombrestimidezfearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities
timidezFear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions
Españoltímido: 12 sentidos adjetivo 4
Sentidowary and distrustful; disposed to avoid persons or things.
Sinónimosdesconfiado, receloso, reservado, suspicaz
Generalcauteloso, cautomarked by keen caution and watchful prudence
Catalándesconfiat, recelós, reservat, suspicaç
Españoltímido: 12 sentidos adjetivo 5
SentidoLacking self-confidence.
Sinónimosdifidente, inseguro, vergonzoso
Cualidad deconfianzaA feeling of trust (in someone or something)
ContrarioseguroHaving or marked by confidence or assurance
Inglésdiffident, shy, timid, unsure
Cataláninsegur, tímid, vergonyós
Nombresapocamiento, encogimiento, inseguridad, timidezlack of self-confidence
pudor, timidez, verecundia, vergüenzaA feeling of fear of embarrassment
timidezFear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions
Adverbiostimidamente, tímidamenteIn a shy or timid or bashful manner
timidezIn a diffident manner
Españoltímido: 12 sentidos adjetivo 6
Sentidolacking strength or vigor.
Sinónimosdébil, debilitado, flojo, frágil
GeneraldébilWanting in physical strength
Inglésfaint, feeble
Catalánafeblit, dèbil, feble, fluix, fràgil
NombrestenuidadThe quality of lacking intensity or substance
Españoltímido: 12 sentidos adjetivo 7
Sentido(used of temperament or behavior) marked by a retiring nature.
Específicomodestodisposed to avoid notice
Tambiénreservadomarked by self-restraint and reticence
tímidoshowing fear and lack of confidence
Contrarioatrevido, descaradoUsed of temperament or behavior
Españoltímido: 12 sentidos adjetivo 8
Sentidotimid by nature or revealing timidity.
Generaltímidoshowing fear and lack of confidence
Inglésfearful, timorous, trepid
Nombrestimidezfearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities
timidezFear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions
Españoltímido: 12 sentidos adjetivo 9
Sentidomodestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures.
Generaltímidoshowing fear and lack of confidence
Españoltímido: 12 sentidos adjetivo 10
Sentidoquiet and timid and ineffectual.
Generaltímidoshowing fear and lack of confidence
Inglésmousy, mousey
Catalánapocat, tímid, vergonyós
Nombresmouse, ratónperson who is quiet or timid
Españoltímido: 12 sentidos adjetivo 11
Sentidoself-consciously timid.
Sinónimosmodesto, tímida, vergonzoso
Generaltímidoshowing fear and lack of confidence
Catalánmodest, tímid, vergonyós
Nombrescortedad, encogimiento, ñoñería, ruborFeeling embarrassed due to modesty
Adverbiostimidamente, tímidamenteIn a shy or timid or bashful manner
Españoltímido: 12 sentidos nombre 1, person
Sentidosomeone who shrinks from familiarity with others.
GeneralcobardeA person who shows fear or timidity
Inglésshy person, shrinking violet
Catalántímid, vergonyós

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