Sentido | instrumentation (a piece of equipment or tool) used to effect an end. |
Sinónimos | implemento, instrumento |
Específico | afiladora, afilador, sacapuntas | Any implement that is used to make something (an edge or a point) sharper |
aguja | A sharp pointed implement (usually steel) |
arpón | An implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fish |
barra | A rigid piece of metal or wood |
barra | A long thin implement made of metal or wood |
batidor | An implement for beating |
borrador, borra, goma de borrar, goma | An implement used to erase something |
brocha, cepillo, escobilla, pincel | An implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle |
cachivache, utensilio | An implement for practical use (especially in a household) |
diapasón | A metal implement with two prongs that gives a fixed tone when struck |
fierro | implement used to brand live stock |
gancho, garfio | A curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something |
herramienta, instrumento, utensilio, útil | An implement used in the practice of a vocation |
herramienta de escritura | An implement that is used to write |
mangual, mayal | An implement consisting of handle with a free swinging stick at the end |
matamoscas | An implement with a flat part (of mesh or plastic) and a long handle |
palo, stick, vara | An implement consisting of a length of wood |
remo | An implement used to propel or steer a boat |
tira de cuero | implement consisting of a strip of leather |
utensilio de deporte | An implement used in a sport |
utensilio de limpieza | Any of a large class of implements used for cleaning |
General | instrumental, instrumento, utillaje | An artifact (or system of artifacts) that is instrumental in accomplishing some end |
Inglés | implement |
Catalán | eina, instrument |
Adjetivo | instrumental | Serving or acting as a means or aid |
Verbos | implementar | apply in a manner consistent with its purpose or design |