HyperDic: smooth

English > 12 senses of the word smooth:
ADJECTIVEallsmoothhaving a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities
allsmooth, politic, suave, blandsmoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication
allsmoothof the margin of a leaf shape
allsmooth, fluent, fluid, liquidsmooth and unconstrained in movement
allsmooth, legato(music) without breaks between notes
allsmoothof motion that runs or flows or proceeds without jolts or turbulence
allsmoothlacking obstructions or difficulties
allsmooth, placid, quiet, still, tranquil, unruffled(of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves
VERBcontactsmooth, smoothenmake smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing
contactsmooth, polish, smoothen, shinemake (a surface) shine
possessionsmooth, smooth outfree from obstructions
NOUNactsmooththe act of smoothing
smooth > pronunciation
English > smooth: 12 senses > adjective 1
MeaningHaving a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities.
  • "smooth skin"
  • "a smooth tabletop"
  • "smooth fabric"
  • "a smooth road"
  • "water as smooth as a mirror"
Narrowercreaseless, uncreasedUsed especially of fabrics
even-texturedHaving an even texture
fast(of surfaces) conducive to rapid speeds
fine-textured, smooth-texturedHaving a smooth, fine-grained structure
glassyresembling glass in smoothness and shininess and slickness
seamless, unlined, unseamedSmooth, especially of skin
streamlined, aerodynamic, flowing, sleekDesigned or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow
velvet, velvety, velvet-texturedsmooth and soft to sight or hearing or touch or taste
See alsoevenLevel or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture
fineOf textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles
finished(of materials or goods) brought to the desired final / final state
ironed(of linens or clothes) smoothed with a hot iron
slippery, slippyCausing or tending to cause things to slip or slide
Oppositerough, unsmoothHaving or caused by an irregular surface
Spanishliso, llano, suave
Catalanllis, suau
Nounssmoothnessa texture without roughness
English > smooth: 12 senses > adjective 2
Meaningsmoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication.
Example "the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error"
Synonymspolitic, suave, bland
Broaderdiplomatic, diplomaticalUsing or marked by tact in dealing with sensitive matters or people
Nounssmoothnessthe quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner
Adverbssmoothlyin a smooth and diplomatic manner
English > smooth: 12 senses > adjective 3
MeaningOf the margin of a leaf shape; not broken up into teeth.
Categorybotany, phytologyThe branch of biology that studies plants
Narrowerentire(of leaves or petals) having a smooth edge
repandHaving a slightly undulating margin
sinuateHaving a strongly waved margin alternately concave and convex
undulateHaving a wavy margin and rippled surface
unnotched, untoothedHaving no notches
See alsocompoundComposed of more than one part
simple, unsubdivided(botany) of leaf shapes
OppositeroughOf the margin of a leaf shape
Nounssmoothnessthe quality of having a level and even surface
English > smooth: 12 senses > adjective 4
MeaningSmooth and unconstrained in movement.
Example"a long, smooth stride"
Synonymsfluent, fluid, liquid
BroadergracefulCharacterized by beauty of movement, style, form, or execution
Spanishfluido, ligero
Catalanfluent, fluid, lleuger
Nounssmoothnessthe quality of being free from errors or interruptions / interruptions
English > smooth: 12 senses > adjective 5
Meaning(music) without breaks between notes; smooth and connected.
CategorymusicAn artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
Oppositestaccato, disconnected(music) marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds
Spanishfluido, legato
Nounssmoothnessthe quality of being free from errors or interruptions / interruptions
English > smooth: 12 senses > adjective 6
MeaningOf motion that runs or flows or proceeds without jolts or turbulence.
Example"a smooth ride"
Oppositerough, rocky, bumpy, jolty, jolting, jumpyCausing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements
Nounssmoothnessthe quality of being free from errors or interruptions / interruptions
English > smooth: 12 senses > adjective 7
Meaninglacking obstructions or difficulties.
Example"the bill's path through the legislature was smooth and orderly"
Broadereasyposing no difficulty
Nounssmoothnessthe quality of being free from errors or interruptions / interruptions
Adverbssmoothlywith no problems or difficulties
English > smooth: 12 senses > adjective 8
Meaning(of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves.
Example "a smooth channel crossing"
Synonymsplacid, quiet, still, tranquil, unruffled
Broadercalm(of weather) free from storm or wind
Spanishapacible, calmado, calmo, plácido, quieto, sereno, sosegado, tranquilo
Catalanassossegat, calmat, plàcid, quiet, serè, tranquil
Nounssmoothnessthe quality of having a level and even surface
English > smooth: 12 senses > noun 1, act
MeaningThe act of smoothing.
Example"he gave his hair a quick smooth"
Broaderaccomplishment, achievementThe action of accomplishing something
Verbssmoothmake smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing
English > smooth: 12 senses > verb 1, contact
Meaningmake smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"smooth the surface of the wood"
EntailsrubMove over something with pressure
Entailed bystrickle, strikeSmooth with a strickle
NarrowerfileSmooth with a file
floatmake the surface of level or smooth
launchsmoothen the surface of
planemake even or smooth, with or as with a carpenter's plane
rakeLevel or smooth with a rake
sandblastgrind with a sandblast
sandpaper, sandrub with sandpaper
stripRemove the thread (of screws)
Broaderchange surfaceUndergo or cause to undergo a change in the surface
See alsosmooth overtreat hurriedly or avoid dealing with properly
Oppositeroughenmake rough or rougher
Spanishalisar, suavizar
Catalanassuaujar, assuavir, polir, suavitzar
Nounssmooththe act of smoothing
smoothera power tool used for sanding wood
English > smooth: 12 senses > verb 2, contact
Meaningmake (a surface) shine.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
ModelThey smooth the glass tubes
Synonymspolish, smoothen, shine
EntailsrubMove over something with pressure
NarrowerSimonize, Simonisepolish with wax
buff, burnish, furbishpolish and make shiny
glossGive a shine or gloss to, usually by rubbing
slick, sleekmake slick or smooth
Broaderfancify, beautify, embellish, prettifymake more beautiful
Spanishabrillantar, acicalar, bruñir, cepillar, lustrar, pulir
Catalanbrunyir, enllustrar, llustrar, lustrar, polir, raspallar
English > smooth: 12 senses > verb 3, possession
MeaningFree from obstructions.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"smooth the way towards peace negotiations"
Synonymsmooth out
Broaderrid, free, disembarrassrelieve from
Spanishalisar, allanar, arreglar
Catalanallisar, aplanar, reparar

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