HyperDic: comfortable

English > 5 senses of the word comfortable:
ADJECTIVEallcomfortable, comfyproviding or experiencing physical well-being or relief ('comfy' is informal)
allcomfortablefree from stress or conducive to mental ease
allcomfortablemore than adequate
allcomfortablesufficient to provide comfort
allcomfortable, easy, prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-doin fortunate circumstances financially
comfortable > pronunciation
Rhymesabdominal ... zoological: 2115 rhymes with ahl...
English > comfortable: 5 senses > adjective 1
MeaningProviding or experiencing physical well-being or relief ('comfy' is informal).
  • "comfortable clothes"
  • "comfortable suburban houses"
  • "made himself comfortable in an armchair"
  • "the antihistamine made her feel more comfortable"
  • "are you comfortable?"
Attribute ofcomfort, comfortablenessA state of being relaxed and feeling no pain
Narrowercozy, cosy, snugenjoying / enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter / shelter especially in a small space
easyaffording comfort
homelike, homely, homey, homyHaving a feeling of home
soothingaffording physical relief
OppositeuncomfortableProviding or experiencing physical discomfort
Usage ofcolloquialismA colloquial expression
Spanishcómodo, confortable
Catalancòmode, confortable
Nounscomfortablenessa state of being relaxed and feeling no pain
Adverbscomfortablyin physical comfort
English > comfortable: 5 senses > adjective 2
MeaningFree from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind.
  • "was settled in a comfortable job, one for which he was well prepared"
  • "the comfortable thought that nothing could go wrong"
  • "was comfortable in his religious beliefs"
  • "she's a comfortable person to be with"
  • "she felt comfortable with her fiance's parents"
Narrowercomfortedmade comfortable or more comfortable in a time of distress
See alsoeasyFree from worry or anxiety
Oppositeuncomfortableconducive to or feeling mental discomfort
Spanishcómodo, desahogado
Nounscomfortablenessa feeling of being at ease in a relationship
Adverbscomfortablyin mental comfort
English > comfortable: 5 senses > adjective 3
MeaningMore than adequate.
Example"the home team had a comfortable lead"
BroaderwideGreat in degree
English > comfortable: 5 senses > adjective 4
Meaningsufficient to provide comfort.
Example"a comfortable salary"
BroadersufficientOf a quantity that can fulfill / fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant
Spanishaceptable, confortable, decente
Catalanacceptable, confortable, decent
English > comfortable: 5 senses > adjective 5
MeaningIn fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich.
Example"they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards"
Synonymseasy, prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-do
Broaderrichpossessing material wealth
Spanishacomodado, próspero
Catalanacomodat, benestant, pròsper
Adverbscomfortablyin financial comfort

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