Sentido | Be confusing / confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly. |
Sinónimos | aturdir, confundir, desorientar, tirar |
Específico | asombrar, confundir, desconcertar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, sorprender | Be a mystery or bewildering to |
desmoralizar | confuse or put into disorder |
desorientar | Cause to be lost or disoriented |
General | estar, ser | Have the quality of being |
Similar | aturdir, confundir, consternar, conturbar, desconcertar, desorientar | Cause to feel embarrassment |
Inglés | confuse, throw, fox, befuddle, fuddle, bedevil, confound, discombobulate |
Catalán | confondre, deixar perplex, desconcertar, desorientar, embolicar, embrollar, ofuscar, tirar, torbar |
Nombres | abobamiento, alelamiento, atolondramiento, atontamiento, atontolinamiento, desconcierto, ofuscación, perplejidad | confusion resulting from failure to understand |
confusión, desorden | A mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior |
confusión, desconcierto | A feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused / confused / confused |