Español > desorden: 7 sentidos > nombre 1, stateSentido | A physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal / normal functioning. |
Sinónimos | desarreglo, transtorno, trastorno |
Específico | abocclusion | The condition in which the upper teeth do not touch the lower teeth when biting |
achaque, afección, alifafe, dolencia, enfermedad, problema | An often persistent bodily disorder or disease |
aclorhidria | An abnormal deficiency or absence of free hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice |
acolia, colestasis | A condition in which little or no bile is secreted or the flow of bile into the digestive tract is obstructed |
adenosis | A disorder of the glands of the body |
aquilia gástrica, aquilia | absence of gastric juices (partial or complete) |
atragantamiento | A condition caused by blocking the airways to the lungs (as with food or swelling of the larynx) |
cardiopatía, enfermedad cardiovascular | A disease of the heart or blood vessels |
celiaquía, enfermedad celíaca | A disorder in children and adults |
desequilibrio mental, enfermedad mental, folie, perturbación mental, perturbación, trastorno | (psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion |
desorden inmunológico, trastorno inmunológico | A disorder of the immune system |
dificultades de aprendizaje | A disorder found in children of normal intelligence who have difficulties in learning specific skills |
disafia | A disorder in the sense of touch |
disfagia | Condition in which swallowing is difficult or painful |
disosmia, impedimento olfativo, parosamia | A disorder in the sense of smell |
disuria | Painful or difficult urination |
enfermedad idiopática | Any disease arising from internal dysfunctions of unknown cause |
enfermedad neurológica, trastorno nervioso, trastorno neurológico | A disorder of the nervous system |
esprue | A chronic disorder that occurs in tropical and non-tropical forms and in both children and adults |
haematocolpos, hematocolpos | accumulation of menstrual blood in the vagina (usually due to an imperforate hymen) |
hematocolpometra | accumulation of blood in the vagina and uterus |
hidrocele | disorder in which serous fluid accumulates in a body sac (especially in the scrotum) |
hiperactividad | A condition characterized by excessive restlessness and movement |
impacción dentaria | A disorder in which a tooth is so crowded in its socket that it cannot erupt normally |
maloclusión | (dentistry) a condition in which the opposing teeth do not mesh normally |
trastorno metabólico | A disorder or defect of metabolism |
General | condición física, estado fisiológico | The condition or state of the body or bodily functions |
Inglés | disorder, upset |
Catalán | desordre, trastorn |
Español > desorden: 7 sentidos > nombre 2, cognitionSentido | A mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior. |
Sinónimo | confusión |
Específico | abobamiento, alelamiento, atolondramiento, atontamiento, atontolinamiento, desconcierto, ofuscación, perplejidad | confusion resulting from failure to understand |
aturdimento, estupefacción | confusion characterized by lack of clarity |
desorientación | confusion (usually transient) about where you are and how to proceed |
desorientación, despiste, distracción | mental turmoil |
jamais vu | The experience of being unfamiliar with a person or situation that is actually very familiar / familiar |
perplejidad | Trouble or confusion resulting from complexity |
General | estado de ánimo | The state of a person's cognitive processes |
Inglés | confusion, mental confusion, confusedness, muddiness, disarray |
Catalán | confusió mental, confusió, desordre |
Adjetivo | atolondrado, desorientado, perdido | Having lost your bearings |
aturdido, confundido, confuso | mentally confused / confused |
confusa, confuso, desconcertada, desconcertado, estupefacta, estupefacto, extrañada, extrañado, perpleja, perplejo, sorprendida, sorprendido | perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements |
Verbos | aturdir, confundir, dejar perplejo, desorientar, tirar | Be confusing / confusing or perplexing to |
Español > desorden: 7 sentidos > nombre 4, stateSentido | A disturbance of the peace or of public order. |
Sinónimos | desenfreno, disturbio |
Específico | acracia, anarquía | A state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government) |
agitación, alboroto, barrila, bullicio, cacao, confusión, conmoción, disturbio, disturbios, encargos, kerfuffle, lío, movida, pendientes, perturbación, quehacer, revoloteo, ruido, ruptura, sarao, tomate, trapisonda, trastorno, tumulto | A disorderly outburst or tumult |
amotinamiento, motín | A state of disorder involving group violence |
confusión | disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably |
discordia | lack of agreement or harmony |
escándalo, jolgorio | rowdy behavior |
inestabilidad | An unstable / unstable / unstable order |
solevantamiento, turbulencia | A state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally) |
General | estado | The way something is with respect to its main attributes |
Contrario | orden | Established customary state (especially of society) |
Inglés | disorder |
Catalán | desordre |