Español > ruido: 10 sentidos > nombre 1, eventSentido | sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound). |
Sinónimo | bullicio |
Específico | alboroto, algarabía, barahunda, batahola, bullicio, greguería, gresca, grita, guachafita, guirigay, jaleo, rebullicio, tole, zurriburri | Loud confused noise from many sources |
aullido | A loud sustained noise resembling the cry of a hound |
cacofonía, estrépito, estridencia, estruendo, fragor | A loud harsh or strident noise |
chapoteo | The sound like water splashing |
chasqueo, estridulación | A shrill grating or chirping noise made by some insects by rubbing body parts together |
chasquido, crujido | A sudden sharp noise |
chillido | A continuing shrill noise |
chirriante, chirrido, rascadura | A harsh noise made by scraping |
chirrido | A high-pitched noise resembling a human cry |
chisporroteo, crepitación, crujido | The sharp sound of snapping noises |
chisporroteo, chorreo, pulverización catódica, salpicadura | The noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively |
chisporroteo | A sizzling noise |
chug, resoplido | The dull explosive noise made by an engine |
crujido, frufrú, murmullo, susurro | A light noise, like the noise of silk clothing or leaves blowing in the wind |
crujido | A squeaking sound |
crujido | A crunching noise |
estallido, explosión | A sudden very loud noise |
estampido | A sharp explosive sound (especially the sound of a gun firing) |
estruendo, retumbo, trueno | A deep prolonged loud noise |
estrépito, estruendo | A loud resonant repeating noise |
estrépito | A rattling noise (often produced by rapid movement) |
graznido | The noise of squawking |
ladrido | A noise resembling the bark of a dog |
murmullo, que zumba, zumba, zumbido | A humming noise |
oink | The short low gruff noise of the kind made by hogs |
paf | The noise of a rounded object dropping into a liquid / liquid without a splash |
rechifla, silbido, siseo | A fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval) |
rechinamiento | A harsh and strident sound (as of the grinding of gears) |
redoble, retumbo, ruido, ruido sordo | A loud low dull continuous noise |
ronquido | The rattling noise produced when snoring |
squeak | A short high-pitched noise |
talán, talán talán | The noise made by a bell |
trueno | A booming or crashing noise caused by air expanding along the path of a bolt of lightning |
General | ruido, sonido, son | The sudden occurrence of an audible event |
Inglés | noise |
Catalán | fressa, soroll |
Verbos | hacer ruido, resonar, retumbar, ruido, sonar | emit a noise |
Español > ruido: 10 sentidos > nombre 2, eventSentido | The sudden occurrence of an audible event. |
Sinónimos | sonido, son |
Específico | barboteo, bisbiseo, murmullo, rumor | A low continuous indistinct sound |
bocinazo, toque de bocina | A blast of a horn |
borboteo, gorgoteo | The bubbling sound of water flowing from a bottle with a narrow neck |
bullicio, ruido | sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound) |
cachimba | A dull resonant sound as of a bell |
campana | The sound of a bell being struck |
campanilleo, tañido, tintineo | The sound of a bell ringing |
canción, canto, melodía, tonada | A distinctive or characteristic sound |
chasquido, estallido, restallido | A sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork |
chirrido, frecuencia modulada pulsada, gorjeo, trino | A sharp sound made by small birds or insects |
clic clac | A succession of clicks |
cuack, cuac | The harsh sound of a duck |
estruendo, retumbo | A deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells) |
golpazo, porrazo, ruido sordo | A heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects) |
golpecito, palmadita, rap | The sound made by a gentle blow |
golpeo, golpeteo, llamada | The sound of knocking / knocking (as on a door or in an engine or bearing) |
gorjeo | A series of chirps |
gárgaras | The sound produced while gargling |
paso, pisada | The sound of a step of someone walking |
ping, sonido metálico | A sharp high-pitched resonant sound (as of a sonar echo or a bullet striking metal) |
pip, pitido, sonido agudo | A short high tone produced as a signal or warning |
pisada | The sound of heavy treading or stomping |
pitido, silbato | The sound made by something moving rapidly or by steam coming out of a small aperture / aperture |
punteado | A sharp vibrating sound (as of a plucked string) |
rasgueo | sound of strumming |
rataplán, rub-a-dub | The sound made by beating a drum |
rechinamiento, rechino, runrún, zumbido | sound of something in rapid motion |
retintín, tilín | A light clear metallic sound as of a small bell |
ronroneo | A low vibrating sound typical of a contented cat |
silbido | A brushing or rustling sound |
silbido, zumbido | A brief high-pitched buzzing or humming sound |
sonsonete | The sound of light blow or knock |
susurro | A sound like a person sighing |
susurro | The indistinct sound of people whispering |
tictac | A metallic tapping sound |
tintineo, tintín | A short light metallic sound |
vibrato | (music) a pulsating effect in an instrumental or vocal tone produced by slight and rapid variations in pitch |
zumbido | sound of rapid vibration |
General | acontecimiento, hecho, suceso | An event that happens |
Inglés | sound |
Catalán | so, soroll |
Verbos | dar la alarma | announce by means of a sound |
hacer ruido, sonar | make a certain noise or sound |
hacer sonar, sonar | Cause to sound |
sonar | give ... / give off a certain sound or sounds |
Español > ruido: 10 sentidos > nombre 3, stateSentido | A disorderly outburst or tumult. |
Sinónimos | agitación, alboroto, barrila, bullicio, cacao, confusión, conmoción, disturbio, disturbios, encargos, kerfuffle, lío, movida, pendientes, perturbación, quehacer, revoloteo, ruptura, sarao, tomate, trapisonda, trastorno, tumulto |
Específico | agitación, revuelo | A prominent or sensational but short-lived news event |
convulsión | A violent disturbance |
estruendo, tumulto | A state of commotion and noise and confusion |
incidente | A public disturbance |
temporal, tormenta | A violent commotion or disturbance |
General | desenfreno, desorden, disturbio | A disturbance of the peace or of public order |
Inglés | disturbance, disruption, commotion, flutter, hurly burly, to-do, hoo-ha, hoo-hah, kerfuffle |
Catalán | aldarull, commoció, desgavell, desori, disturbi, enrenou, kerfuffle, rebombori, sarau |
Español > ruido: 10 sentidos > verbo 1, perceptionSentido | emit a noise. |
Sinónimos | hacer ruido, resonar, retumbar, sonar |
Implicado por | ensordecer | Be unbearably loud |
Específico | ahogar | make imperceptible |
alborotar | make loud and annoying noises |
aullar, chirriar, crujir, rechinar | Make a high-pitched, screeching noise |
bramar, rugir | make a loud noise, as of wind, water, or vehicles |
chacolotear | make a rattling sound |
chasquear, chirriar, crepitar, crujir, rechinar | Make a crushing noise |
chisporrotear | make a sound like frying fat |
dar un bocinazo | Use the horn of a car |
hacer un ruido metálico, tintinear | make a sound typical of metallic objects |
murmurar | Make a murmuring sound |
petardear | emit a loud noise as a result of undergoing a backfire |
retumbar | make a strident sound |
zumbar | make a low continuous sound |
General | hacer ruido, sonar | make a certain noise or sound |
Inglés | make noise, resound, noise |
Catalán | ressonar, retrunyir |
Adjetivo | resonante, reverberante, sonora, sonoro | Characterized by resonance |
Nombres | bullicio, ruido | sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound) |
disonancia, estrépito, estruendo, ruido | The auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality |