Español > desenfreno: 2 sentidos > nombre 1, stateSentido | A disturbance of the peace or of public order. |
Sinónimos | desorden, disturbio |
Específico | acracia, anarquía | A state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government) |
agitación, alboroto, barrila, bullicio, cacao, confusión, conmoción, disturbio, disturbios, encargos, kerfuffle, lío, movida, pendientes, perturbación, quehacer, revoloteo, ruido, ruptura, sarao, tomate, trapisonda, trastorno, tumulto | A disorderly outburst or tumult |
amotinamiento, motín | A state of disorder involving group violence |
confusión | disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably |
discordia | lack of agreement or harmony |
escándalo, jolgorio | rowdy behavior |
inestabilidad | An unstable / unstable / unstable order |
solevantamiento, turbulencia | A state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally) |
General | estado | The way something is with respect to its main attributes |
Contrario | orden | Established customary state (especially of society) |
Inglés | disorder |
Catalán | desordre |