Català > retrunyir: 2 sentits > verb 1, perceptionSentit | emit a noise. |
Sinònim | ressonar |
Implicat per | ensordir | Be unbearably loud |
Específic | bonir, brunzir | make a low continuous sound |
bramar, bramular, rugir | make a loud noise, as of wind, water, or vehicles |
carrisquejar, crepitar, cruixir, esclafir, espetegar | Make a crushing noise |
carrisquejar, garranyigar, grinyolar | Make a high-pitched, screeching noise |
esquellejar, tintinabular | make a sound typical of metallic objects |
sonar molt fort | make a strident sound |
General | fer sorolls, sonar | make a certain noise or sound |
Anglès | make noise, resound, noise |
Espanyol | hacer ruido, resonar, retumbar, ruido, sonar |
Adjectius | aclaparador, ressonant | Characterized by resonance |
Noms | baluern, dissonància, estrèpit, soroll | The auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality |
fressa, soroll | sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound) |