HyperDic: crédito

Español > 9 sentidos de la palabra crédito:
NOMBREpossessioncrédito, empréstito, préstamothe temporary provision of money (usually at interest)
possessioncréditomoney available for a client to borrow
communicationcrédito, alabanza, congratulación, elogio, enhorabuena, felicitaciones, felicitación, loaan expression of approval and commendation
possessioncrédito, abono, asiento de créditoan accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items
cognitioncrédito, aceptaciónthe mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true
possessioncrédito, pago aplazado, pago diferidoarrangement for deferred payment for goods and services
actcréditorecognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed
communicationcrédito, reconocimientoapproval
actcrédito, haberused in the phrase 'to your credit' in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise
Español > crédito: 9 sentidos > nombre 1, possession
SentidoThe temporary provision of money (usually at interest).
Sinónimosempréstito, préstamo
PartescapitalThe original amount of a debt on which interest is calculated
Específicocrédito a plazos, préstamo a plazosA loan that is payable on or before a specified date
crédito a un plazo, crédito a un solo plazo, crédito de consumoA loan repaid with interest in equal periodic payments
crédito personalA loan that establishes consumer credit that is granted for personal use
préstamo a la vista, préstamo diarioA loan that is repayable on demand
Generaldeuda, deudasmoney or goods or services owed by one person to another
Verbosdejar, prestarGive temporarily
Español > crédito: 9 sentidos > nombre 2, possession
Sentidomoney available for a client to borrow.
Específicocarta de crédito, letra de créditoA document issued by a bank that guarantees the payment of a customer's draft
crédito a la exportación, crédito de exportaciónA credit opened by an importer with a bank in an exporter's country to finance an export operation
crédito a la importación, crédito de importacióncredit opened by an importer at a bank in his own country upon which an exporter may draw
crédito blandocredit available at low rates of interest
crédito comercialcredit granted by a bank to a business concern for commercial purposes
línea de crédito, línea de crédito personalThe maximum credit that a customer is allowed
Generalbienes, haberesAnything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company
Español > crédito: 9 sentidos > nombre 3, communication
SentidoAn expression of approval and commendation.
Sinónimosalabanza, congratulación, elogio, enhorabuena, felicitaciones, felicitación, loa
Específicoapología, elogio, encomio, eulogio, panegíricoA formal expression of praise
cumplido, cumplimientoA remark (or act) expressing praise and admiration
elogio, panegíricoA formal expression of praise for someone who has died recently
elogios superlativos, superlativoAn exaggerated expression (usually of praise)
recomendaciónSomething that recommends (or expresses commendation of) a person or thing as worthy or desirable
GeneralaprobaciónA message expressing a favorable opinion
Ingléspraise, congratulations, kudos, extolment
Cataláncongratulació, enhorabona, felicitació
Verbosalabar, elogiar, enaltecer, ensalzar, loarExpress approval of
alabar, elogiar, enaltecer, exaltar, glorificar, loar, magnificarpraise, glorify, or honor
Español > crédito: 9 sentidos > nombre 4, possession
SentidoAn accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items.
Sinónimosabono, asiento de crédito
Generalapuntación, apunte, asiento, partidaA written record of a commercial transaction
Contrariodébito, salidaAn accounting entry acknowledging sums that are owing
Ingléscredit, credit entry
Catalánabonament, assentament de crèdit, crèdit
Verbosabonar, acreditar(accounting) enter as credit
Español > crédito: 9 sentidos > nombre 5, cognition
SentidoThe mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true.
EspecíficofatalismoA submissive mental attitude resulting from acceptance of the doctrine that everything that happens is predetermined and inevitable
reconocimientoAn acceptance (as of a claim) as true and valid
Generalactitud, disposición, posturaA complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways / ways
Ingléscredence, acceptance
Catalánacceptació, aprovació, assentiment, crèdit
VerbosaceptarConsider or hold as true
Español > crédito: 9 sentidos > nombre 6, possession
Sentidoarrangement for deferred payment for goods and services.
Sinónimospago aplazado, pago diferido
Generalabono, desembolso, pagoA sum of money paid or a claim discharged
Contrariopronto pagoPrompt payment for goods or services in currency or by check
Ingléscredit, deferred payment
Español > crédito: 9 sentidos > nombre 7, act
Sentidorecognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed; typically measured in semester hours.
Específicohora de créditoA unit of academic credit
Generalconsecución, logro, realizaciónThe act of achieving an aim
Ingléscredit, course credit
Español > crédito: 9 sentidos > nombre 8, communication
Específicoconmemoración, memorialA recognition of meritorious service
ovaciónenthusiastic recognition (especially one accompanied by loud applause)
salutaciónAn act of honor or courteous recognition
GeneralaprobaciónA message expressing a favorable opinion
Inglésrecognition, credit
Verbosabonar, acreditar, atribuirGive someone credit for something
Español > crédito: 9 sentidos > nombre 9, act
SentidoUsed in the phrase 'to your credit' in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise.
Generalconsecución, logro, proeza, realizaciónThe action of accomplishing something

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