HyperDic: kick

English > 14 senses of the word kick:
VERBcontactkickdrive or propel with the foot
motionkickthrash about or strike out with the feet
contactkickstrike with the foot
motionkickkick a leg up
contactkick, kick back, recoilspring back, as from a forceful thrust
consumptionkick, give upstop consuming
competitionkickmake a goal
communicationkick, complain, plain, sound off, quetch, kvetchexpress complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness
NOUNactkick, boot, kickingthe act of delivering a blow with the foot
feelingkick, bang, boot, charge, rush, flush, thrillthe swift release of a store of affective force
eventkick, recoilthe backward jerk of a gun / gun when it is fired
communicationkick, gripe, beef, bitch, squawkinformal terms for objecting
cognitionkickthe sudden stimulation provided by strong drink (or certain drugs)
actkick, kickinga rhythmic thrusting movement of the legs as in swimming or calisthenics
kick > pronunciation
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English > kick: 14 senses > noun 1, act
MeaningThe act of delivering a blow with the foot.
  • "he gave the ball a powerful kick"
  • "the team's kicking was excellent"
Synonymsboot, kicking
Narrowerdropkick(football) kicking (as for a field goal) in which the football is dropped and kicked as it touches the ground
goal-kick(association football) a kick by the defending side after the attacking side sends the ball over the goal-line
goal-kick(rugby) an attempt to kick a goal
place kick, place-kicking(sports) a kick in which the ball is placed on the ground before kicking
punt, punting(football) a kick in which the football is dropped from the hands and kicked before it touches the ground
BroaderblowA powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon
Spanishpatada, puntapié
Verbskickstrike with the foot
kickdrive or propel with the foot
English > kick: 14 senses > noun 2, feeling
MeaningThe swift release of a store of affective force.
Example "he does it for kicks"
Synonymsbang, boot, charge, rush, flush, thrill
Broaderexhilaration, excitementThe feeling of lively and cheerful joy
Spanishemoción, entusiasmo, excitación
Catalanemoció, entusiasme, excitació
English > kick: 14 senses > noun 3, event
MeaningThe backward jerk of a gun / gun when it is fired.
Broadermovement, motionA natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something
Verbskickspring back, as from a forceful thrust
English > kick: 14 senses > noun 4, communication
Meaninginformal terms for objecting.
Synonymsgripe, beef, bitch, squawk
BroaderobjectionThe speech act of objecting
Verbskickexpress complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness
English > kick: 14 senses > noun 5, cognition
MeaningThe sudden stimulation provided by strong drink (or certain drugs).
Example"a sidecar is a smooth drink but it has a powerful kick"
Broaderstimulation, stimulus, stimulant, inputAny stimulating information or event
English > kick: 14 senses > noun 6, act
MeaningA rhythmic thrusting movement of the legs as in swimming or calisthenics.
  • "the kick must be synchronized with the arm movements"
  • "the swimmer's kicking left a wake behind him"
Narrowerswimming kickA movement of the legs in swimming
Broadermotion, movement, move, motilityA change of position that does not entail a change of location
Verbskickthrash about or strike out with the feet
English > kick: 14 senses > verb 1, contact
MeaningDrive or propel with the foot.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Categorysport, athleticsAn active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
Entailsmove, displaceCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Narrowerdrop-kick, dropkickDrop and kick (a ball) as it touches the ground, as for a field goal
dropkick, drop-kickmake the point after a touchdown with a dropkick
place-kickKick (a ball) from a stationary position, in football
puntKick the ball
Broaderpropel, impelCause to move forward with force
Nounskick, kickingthe act of delivering a blow with the foot
kickera player who kicks the football
English > kick: 14 senses > verb 2, motion
Meaningthrash about or strike out with the feet.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
Broaderstrike outmake a motion as with one's fist or foot towards an object or away from one's body
Spanishcocear, patear
Catalanguitar, patejar, picar amb el peu
Nounskicka rhythmic thrusting movement of the legs as in swimming or calisthenics
English > kick: 14 senses > verb 3, contact
Meaningstrike with the foot.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
ModelThey want to kick the prisoners
  • "The boy kicked the dog"
  • "Kick the door down"
Entailed bymotorbike, motorcycle, cycleride a motorcycle
scuffpoke at with the foot or toe
BroaderhitDeal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument
See alsokick in, kick downopen violently
kick outremove from a position or office
kick upcause to rise by kicking
Catalanpotejar, potollar
Nounskick, kickingthe act of delivering a blow with the foot
English > kick: 14 senses > verb 4, motion
MeaningKick a leg up.
PatternSomebody ----s
Broaderdance, trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toeMove in a pattern
Spanishpatalear, pernear, zapatear
Catalanespeternegar, pernejar, picar de peus, sabatejar
English > kick: 14 senses > verb 5, contact
Meaningspring back, as from a forceful thrust.
PatternSomething ----s
Example"The gun kicked back into my shoulder"
Synonymskick back, recoil
Broaderbounce, resile, take a hop, spring, bound, rebound, recoil, reverberate, ricochetspring back
Nounskickthe backward jerk of a gun / gun when it is fired
English > kick: 14 senses > verb 6, consumption
Meaningstop consuming.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s VERB-ing
Example"kick a habit"
Synonymgive up
Broaderwaive, relinquish, forgo, forego, foreswear, dispense withDo without or cease to hold or adhere to
Spanishabandonar, dejar
English > kick: 14 senses > verb 7, competition
Meaningmake a goal.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"He kicked the extra point after touchdown"
Categoryfootball, football gameAny of various games / games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal
Narrowerplace-kickscore (a goal) by making a place kick
Broaderscore, hit, tally, rack upgain points in a game / game / game
English > kick: 14 senses > verb 8, communication
MeaningExpress complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
Example "She has a lot to kick about"
Synonymscomplain, plain, sound off, quetch, kvetch
Narrowerbackbite, bitchsay mean things
bleattalk / talk whiningly
deplore, lament, bewail, bemoanregret strongly
gripe, bitch, grouse, crab, beef, squawk, bellyache, hollercomplain
grouch, grumble, scoldshow one's unhappiness or critical attitude
murmur, mutter, grumble, croak, gnarlmake complaining remarks or noises under one's breath
nag, peck, hen-peckbother persistently with trivial complaints
protestUtter words / words of protest
rail, inveighcomplain bitterly
repineExpress discontent
reportcomplain about
whine, grizzle, yammer, yawpcomplain whiningly
Oppositecheer, cheer up, chirk upBecome cheerful
Spanishlamentarse, lamentar, protestar, quejarse
Catalanlamentar-se, lamentar, queixar-se
Nounskickinformal terms for objecting

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