HyperDic: justice

English > 4 senses of the word justice / Justice:
NOUNattributejustice, justnessthe quality of being just or fair
actjusticejudgment involved in the determination of rights and the assignment of rewards and punishments
person justice, judge, jurista public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice
groupJustice, Department of Justice, Justice Department, DoJthe United States federal department responsible / responsible for enforcing federal laws / laws (including the enforcement of all civil rights legislation)
justice / Justice > pronunciation
Soundsjhah'stahs; jhah'stihs
Rhymesabacus ... zealous: 1164 rhymes with ahs...
abyss ... worthiness: 194 rhymes with ihs...
English > justice: 4 senses > noun 1, attribute
MeaningThe quality of being just or fair.
Narrowerfairness, equityconformity with rules or standards
right, rightfulnessAnything in accord / accord with principles of justice
Broadernatural virtue(scholasticism) one of the four virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance) derived from nature
righteousnessadhering to moral principles
Oppositeinjustice, unjustnessThe practice of being unjust / unjust / unjust or unfair
Spanishjustedad, justeza, justicia
Catalanjustesa, justícia
Adjectivesjudicial, juridical, juridicrelating to the administration of justice or the function of a judge
English > justice: 4 senses > noun 2, act
MeaningJudgment involved in the determination of rights and the assignment of rewards and punishments.
Category ofprejudicedisadvantage by prejudice
Narroweradministration, judicatureThe act of meting out justice according to the law
Broaderjudgment, judgement, assessmentThe act of judging / judging / judging or assessing a person or situation or event
Spanishjudicatura, justicia
Catalanjudicatura, justícia
English > justice: 4 senses > noun 3, person
MeaningA public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice.
Synonymsjudge, jurist
InstancesSamson(Old Testament) a judge of Israel who performed herculean / herculean feats of strength against the Philistines until he was betrayed to them by his mistress Delilah
NarrowerDanielA wise / wise and upright judge
alcaldeA mayor or chief magistrate of a Spanish town
chief justiceThe judge who presides over a supreme court
dogeformerly the chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa
justiciar, justiciaryformerly a high judicial officer
magistrateA lay judge or civil authority who administers the law (especially one who conducts a court dealing with minor offenses)
ordinaryA judge of a probate court
praetor, pretorAn annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic
qadiAn Islamic judge
recorderA barrister or solicitor who serves as part-time judge in towns or boroughs
trial judgeA judge in a trial court
trierOne (as a judge) who examines and settles a case
BroaderadjudicatorA person who studies and settles conflicts / conflicts and disputes
official, functionaryA worker who holds or is invested with an office
Spanishárbitro, jueza, juez, magistrado, togado
Catalanjustícia, jutge, magistrat, togat
English > Justice: 4 senses > noun 4, group
MeaningThe United States federal department responsible / responsible for enforcing federal laws / laws (including the enforcement of all civil rights legislation); created in 1870.
SynonymsDepartment of Justice, Justice Department, DoJ
Categorylaw, jurisprudenceThe collection of rules imposed by authority
legislation, statute lawlaw enacted by a legislative body
PartsBureau of Justice Assistance, BJAThe bureau in the Department of Justice that assists local criminal justice systems to reduce or prevent crime and violence and drug abuse
Bureau of Justice Statistics, BJSThe agency in the Department of Justice that is the primary source of criminal justice statistics for federal and local policy makers
Drug Enforcement Administration, Drug Enforcement Agency, DEAfederal agency responsible / responsible for enforcing laws and regulations governing narcotics and controlled substances
Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBIA federal law enforcement agency that is the principal investigative arm of the Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons, BoPThe law enforcement agency of the Justice Department that operates a nationwide system of prisons and detention facilities to incarcerate inmates sentenced to imprisonment for federal crimes
National Institute of Justice, NIJThe law enforcement agency that is the research and development branch of the Department of Justice
United States Marshals Service, US Marshals Service, MarshalsThe United States' oldest federal law enforcement agency is responsible today for protecting the Federal Judiciary and transporting federal prisoners and protecting federal witnesses and managing assets seized from criminals and generally ensuring the effective operation of the federal judicial system
Broaderexecutive departmentA federal department in the executive branch of the government of the United States
Spanishdepartamento de justicia, ministerio de justicia
Catalandepartament de justícia, Justice, ministeri de justícia, Ministeri de Justícia

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