Sentido | Fasten by sewing; do needlework. |
Sinónimos | bordar, confeccionar |
Implica | acoplar, empalmar, ensamblar, juntar, reunir, unir | make contact or come together |
Implicado por | abotonar | Provide with buttons |
bordar | decorate with needlework |
coser | stitch or sew together |
remendar calcetines, remendar, zurcir | repair by sewing |
soldarse, tejer, tricotar | make (textiles) by knitting |
Específico | cerrar puntos | make the first row of stitches when knitting |
embastar, hilvanar | sew together loosely, with large stitches |
fruncir | Draw together into folds or puckers |
nublar | sew over the edge of with long slanting wide stitches |
pespuntar | Do backstitches |
pespuntear, volver a pespuntear | sew |
recoser | sew / sew again |
ribetear | sew with hemstitches |
General | asegurar, concertar, fijar, reparar, sujetar, unir | Cause to be firmly attached |
Inglés | sew, run up, sew together, stitch |
Catalán | brodar, confeccionar, cosir, frunzir |
Nombres | cosedora, cosedor, costurera, costurero | someone who sews / sews |
cosido | joining or attaching by stitches |
costura, labor de costura | Needlework on which you are working with needle and thread |
puntada, punto | A link or loop or knot made by an implement in knitting, crocheting, embroidery, or sewing |