Català > començament: 8 sentits > nom 2, eventSentit | The beginning of anything. |
Sinònim | inici |
Específic | adrenarquia | The increase / increase / increase in activity of the adrenal glands just before puberty |
alba, albor, aurora | The earliest period |
alfa | The beginning of a series or sequence |
estrena | The first performance (as of a theatrical production) |
menarquia | The first occurrence of menstruation in a woman |
sacada inicial, sacada, servei inicial | A start given to contestants |
telarquia | The start of breast development in a woman at the beginning of puberty |
General | començament, inici, principi | The event consisting of the start of something |
Anglès | start |
Espanyol | comienzo, inicio |
Verbs | començar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar, originar, principiar | Take the first ... / first step or steps in carrying out an action |
començar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar, originar | set in motion, cause to start |
començar, estrenar, incoar, iniciar, originar | Bring into being |
començar, iniciar | get off the ground |
començar, estrenar, iniciar, originar | Begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object |
començar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar-se, iniciar, originar | Begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job |
començar, estrenar, iniciar | Have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense |
Català > començament: 8 sentits > nom 3, actSentit | The act of starting something. |
Sinònims | iniciació, inici, primeria, principi |
Espècimens | Creació | (theology) God's act of bringing the universe into existence |
Específic | activació | making active and effective (as a bomb) |
atac | A decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase |
constitució, establiment, formació, fundació | The act of forming or establishing something |
creació, fundació, instauració, institució, introducció | The act of starting something for the first time |
debut, entrada, introducció, llançament, presentació, primícia | The act of beginning something new |
inauguració | The act of starting a new operation or practice |
iniciativa, primer pas | The first of a series of actions |
instal·lació | The act of installing something (as equipment) |
melé | (rugby) the method of beginning play in which the forwards of each team crouch side by side with locked arms |
recomençament, represa | Beginning again |
General | canvi d'estat | The act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics / characteristics |
Contrari | acabament | The act of finishing |
Anglès | beginning, start, commencement |
Espanyol | apertura, comienzo, incoación, iniciación, inicio, principio |
Verbs | començar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar, originar, principiar | Take the first ... / first step or steps in carrying out an action |
començar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar, originar | set in motion, cause to start |
començar, estrenar, incoar, iniciar, originar | Bring into being |
començar, iniciar | get off the ground |
començar, estrenar, iniciar, originar | Begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object |
començar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar-se, iniciar, originar | Begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job |
començar, estrenar, iniciar | Have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense |
Català > començament: 8 sentits > nom 4, timeSentit | The time at which something is supposed to begin. |
Sinònims | inici, primeria, primer, principi |
Específic | naixement | The time when something begins (especially life) |
General | instant, moment | An instant of time |
Contrari | acabament, conclusió, fi, finalització, final, termini | The point in time at which something ends |
mig | Time between the beginning and the end of a temporal period |
Anglès | beginning, commencement, first, outset, get-go, start, kickoff, starting time, showtime, offset |
Espanyol | comienzo, inicio, principio, umbral |
Verbs | començar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar, originar, principiar | Take the first ... / first step or steps in carrying out an action |
començar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar, originar | set in motion, cause to start |
començar, estrenar, incoar, iniciar, originar | Bring into being |
començar, iniciar | get off the ground |
començar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar-se, iniciar, originar | Begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job |
començar, estrenar, iniciar | Have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense |
inaugurar | commence officially |
Català > començament: 8 sentits > nom 5, eventSentit | The event consisting of the start of something. |
Sinònims | inici, principi |
Específic | casus belli | An event used to justify starting a war |
començament, gènesi, inici, origen | An event that is a beginning |
començament, inici | The beginning of anything |
concepció | The event that occurred at the beginning of something |
creixement, emergència | The gradual beginning or coming forth |
General | esdeveniment, fet, succés | An event that happens |
Contrari | arribada, cloenda, conclusió, finalització, final | event whose occurrence ends something |
Anglès | beginning |
Espanyol | comenzamiento, comienzo, inicio, principio |
Verbs | començar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar, originar | set in motion, cause to start |