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Related WikiPedia: figura
Español 19 sentidos de la palabra figura:
NOMBREartifactfigura, exposición, fotografía, foto, imagen, retratoa representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide
artifactfigura, adorno, diseño, patróna decorative or artistic work
bodyfigura, anatomía, carne, cuerpo humano, cuerpo, físico, forma, somaalternative names for the body of a human being
artifactfigura, representacióna creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
cognitionfigura, papel, parte, personajean actor's portrayal of someone in a play
artifactfigura, mapa, mapas, planoa diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it)
shapefiguraa combination of points and lines and planes that form a visible palpable shape
artifactfigura, estatuaa sculpture representing a human or animal
artifactfiguraa model of a bodily form (especially of a person)
artifactfigura, dibujo, imagen, retratoa representation of forms or objects on a surface / surface by means of lines
artifactfigura, dibujo, ilustracióna visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject / subject / subject more pleasing or easier to understand
person figura, nombre, personaje público, personaa well-known or notable person
artifactfigura, efigie, simulacroa representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)
cognitionfigura, dibujo, diseño, esquema, proyectosomething intended as a guide for making something else
actfiguraa predetermined set of movements in dancing or skating
artifactfigura, picture cardone of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a face
attributefigurathe impression produced by a person
communicationfiguraa diagram or picture illustrating textual material
person figura, coloso, hombre de peso, monstruo, mujer de peso, titána person of exceptional importance and reputation
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 1, artifact
SentidoA representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material.
Sinónimosexposición, fotografía, foto, imagen, retrato
Específicoacercamiento, closeup, primer planoA photograph taken at close range
ampliaciónA photographic print that has been enlarged
blanco y negro, monocromoA black-and-white photograph or slide
blueprint, cianografía, cianotipo, foto-calcophotographic print of plans or technical drawings etc.
churro, galánA photograph of a muscular / muscular man in minimal attire
daguerrotipoA photograph made by an early photographic process
escena, fotogramaA consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film
espectrografía, espectrogramaA photographic record of a spectrum
foto de bodaphotographs of bride and groom and their friends taken at their wedding
foto instantánea, instantáneaAn informal photograph
fotocopiaA photographic copy of written or printed or graphic work
fotografía en relieve, fotografía tridimensionalTwo photographs taken from slightly different angles that appear three-dimensional when viewed together
fotogramaA single one of a series of still transparent pictures forming a cinema, television or video film
fotogramaA static photograph (especially one taken from a movie and used for advertising purposes)
hologramaThe intermediate photograph (or photographic record) that contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional image by holography
microfotografia, microfotografíaA photograph taken with the help of a microscope
micropuntophotograph reduced to the size of a dot (usually for purposes of security)
mosaicoArrangement of aerial photographs forming a composite picture
plano generalA photograph taken from a distance
radiografía, skiagram, skiagraphA photographic image produced on a radiosensitive surface by radiation other than visible light (especially by X-rays or gamma rays)
telefotografíaA photograph transmitted and reproduced over a distance
telefotografía, telefotoA photograph made with a telephoto lens
tiro a la cabezaA photograph of a person's head
viñetaA photograph whose edges shade off gradually
Generalfigura, representaciónA creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
Inglésphotograph, photo, exposure, picture, pic
Catalánexposició, fotografia, foto, imatge
Adjetivofotográficorelating to photography or obtained by using photography
Nombresfotografia, fotografíaThe act of taking and printing photographs
fotografíaThe process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces
Verbosfotografiarrecord on photographic film
fotografiarse, fotografiar, retratarseUndergo being photographed in a certain way
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 2, artifact
SentidoA decorative or artistic work.
Sinónimosadorno, diseño, patrón
EspecíficoargyllA design consisting of a pattern of varicolored diamonds on a solid background (originally / originally for knitted articles)
calcomanía, decalcomaníaEither a design that is fixed to some surface or a paper bearing the design which is to be transferred to the surface
emblemaspecial design or visual object representing a quality, type, group, etc.
lunaresdesign consisting of a pattern of regularly spaced circular spots
mandalaAny of various geometric designs (usually circular) symbolizing the universe
marca, señalización, señalA pattern of marks
tatuajeA design on the skin made by tattooing
tejidoPattern of weaving or structure of a fabric
tetraskele, tetraskelionA figure consisting of four stylized human arms or legs (or bent lines) radiating from a center
triskelion, trisquelA figure consisting of three stylized human arms or legs (or three bent lines) radiating from a center
Generaladorno, decoración, ornamentoSomething used to beautify
Inglésdesign, pattern, figure
Catalándisseny, figura
Verbosdiseñarcreate the design for
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 3, body
SentidoAlternative names for the body of a human being.
Sinónimosanatomía, carne, cuerpo humano, cuerpo, físico, forma, soma
Part dealguien, alguno, alma, humano, individuo, mortal, persona, ser humano, serA human being
hombre, homo, humana, humanidad, humano, ser humanoAny living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
Específicocuerpo adultoThe body of an adult human being
cuerpo femeninoThe body of a female human being
cuerpo masculinoThe body of a male human being
personaA human body (usually including the clothing)
Generalcuerpo, estructura física, estructura orgánicaThe entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being)
Ingléshuman body, physical body, material body, soma, build, figure, physique, anatomy, shape, bod, chassis, frame, form, flesh
Catalánanatomia, carn, cos humà, cos, cuerpo, figura, físic, forma, soma
AdjetivoanatómicoOf or relating to the structure of the body
NombresanatomistaAn expert in anatomy
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 4, artifact
SentidoA creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something.
EspecíficoPiedadA representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over the dead body of Jesus
belén, pesebreA representation of Christ's nativity in the stable at Bethlehem
bosquejo, esbozo, esquemaA sketchy or imperfect or faint representation
calcorepresentation consisting of a copy (as of an engraving) made by laying paper over something and rubbing it with charcoal
copia, imitación, réplicaA thing made to be similar or identical to another thing
dibujo, figura, imagen, retratoA representation of forms or objects on a surface / surface by means of lines
dibujo, figura, ilustraciónA visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject / subject / subject more pleasing or easier to understand
documentoAnything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marks
ecce homoA representation (a picture or sculpture) of Jesus wearing a crown of thorns
efigie, figura, simulacroA representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)
escenografíarepresentation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production
exhibición, muestra, presentaciónA visual representation of something
exposición, figura, fotografía, foto, imagen, retratoA representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide
figura, mapa, mapas, planoA diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it)
fotografía, foto, ilustración, imagen, retratoA visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface
maqueta, modelo, representación, simulaciónrepresentation of something (sometimes on a smaller scale)
nomogramaA graphic representation of numerical relations
proyecciónThe representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular direction
GeneralcreaciónAn artifact that has been brought into existence by someone
Verbosconstituir, figurar, representarcreate an image or likeness of
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 5, cognition
SentidoAn actor's portrayal of someone in a play.
Sinónimospapel, parte, personaje
Específicobandido, malo, villanoThe principal bad character in a film or work of fiction
embolado, papelitoA small role
heroínaThe main good female character in a work of fiction
héroeThe principal character in a play or movie or novel or poem
papel principalThe role of the character after whom the play is named
Generalactuación, interpretación, representaciónActing the part of a character on stage
Ingléscharacter, role, theatrical role, part, persona
Catalánpaper, part, persona, personatge
Verboscaracterizar, encarnar, personificar, representarrepresent, as of a character on stage
personificar, retratarassume or act the character of
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 6, artifact
SentidoA diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it).
Sinónimosmapa, mapas, plano
Específicocarta, mapaA map designed to assist navigation by air or sea
hoja de rutaA map showing roads (for automobile travel)
mapa hipsométrico, plano acotadoA map having contour lines through points of equal elevation
mapa meteorológico(meteorology) a map showing the principal meteorological elements at a given time and over an extended region
Generalfigura, representaciónA creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
Catalánmapa, plànol
Verbosdibujar el mapa, hacer un mapaexplore or survey for the purpose of making a map
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 7, shape
SentidoA combination of points and lines and planes that form a visible palpable shape.
Específicofigura bidimensional, figura planaA two-dimensional shape
figura tridimensional, sólidoA three-dimensional shape
GeneralformaThe spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 8, artifact
SentidoA sculpture representing a human or animal.
Casoscoloso de RodasA huge bronze statue of the sun god Helios that was built around 285 BC and that stood beside the harbor entrance on the island of Rhodes for about 50 years before it was toppled by an earthquake
estatua de la Libertad, Statue of LibertyA large monumental statue symbolizing liberty on Liberty Island in New York Bay
EspecíficoesfingeOne of a number of large stone / stone statues with the body of a lion and the head of a man that were built by the ancient Egyptians
hermA statue consisting of a squared stone pillar with a carved head (usually a bearded Hermes) on top
GeneralesculturaA three-dimensional work of plastic art
Catalánestàtua, figura
AdjetivoestatuarioOf or relating to or suitable for statues
Nombresestatuilla, figurillaA small carved or molded / molded figure
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 9, artifact
SentidoA model of a bodily form (especially of a person).
Casoscaballo de TroyaA large hollow wooden figure of a horse (filled with Greek soldiers) left by the Greeks outside Troy during the Trojan War
Específicoestatuilla, figurillaA small carved or molded / molded figure
fantoche, marioneta, títereA small figure of a person operated from above with strings by a puppeteer
figurón de proa, mascarón de proafigure on the bow of some sailing vessels
muñeco de nieveA figure of a person made of packed snow
Generalmaqueta, modelo, representación, simulaciónrepresentation of something (sometimes on a smaller scale)
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 10, artifact
SentidoA representation of forms or objects on a surface / surface by means of lines.
Sinónimosdibujo, imagen, retrato
Específicobosquejo, croquis, esbozo, estudiopreliminary drawing for later elaboration
calcoA drawing created by superimposing a semitransparent sheet of paper on the original image and copying on it the lines of the original image
carboncillo, carbónA drawing made with a stick of black carbon material
delineaciónA drawing of the outlines of forms or objects
diagrama, esquemaA drawing intended to explain how something works
dibujo a plumaA drawing executed with pen and ink
dibujo industrial, dibujo mecánicoscale drawing of a machine or architectural plan etc,
garabato, pintarrajo, rayajoAn aimless drawing
planoscale drawing of a structure
siluetaA drawing of the outline of an object
Generalfigura, representaciónA creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
Verbosdelinear, dibujar, pintar, rayar, trazarmake a mark or lines on a surface
dibujarrepresent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 11, artifact
SentidoA visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject / subject / subject more pleasing or easier to understand.
Sinónimosdibujo, ilustración
EspecíficoláminaA full-page illustration (usually on slick paper)
Generalfigura, representaciónA creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
Verbosilustrardepict with an illustration
ilustrarSupply with illustrations
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 12, person
SentidoA well-known or notable person.
Sinónimosnombre, personaje público, persona
Generalgerifalte, persona con influencias, persona importante, personaje, primate, prócerA person whose actions and opinions strongly influence the course of events
Inglésname, figure, public figure
Catalánfigura, nom, persona
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 13, artifact
SentidoA representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture).
Sinónimosefigie, simulacro
EspecíficoGuidoAn effigy of Guy Fawkes that is burned on a bonfire on Guy Fawkes Day
dios, ídoloA material effigy that is worshipped
espantajo, espantapájaros, scarerAn effigy in the shape of a man to frighten birds away from seeds
figura de ceraAn effigy (usually of a famous person) made of wax
Generalfigura, representaciónA creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
Ingléseffigy, image, simulacrum
Catalánefígie, simulacre
Verbosfigurarse, imaginarse, imaginar, representarse, ver, visualizarimagine
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 14, cognition
SentidoSomething intended as a guide for making something else.
Sinónimosdibujo, diseño, esquema, proyecto
Generalplan, programaA series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished
Inglésblueprint, design, pattern
Catalándibuix, disseny, esquema, projecte
Verbosbosquejar, corriente de aire, esbozar, esquematizar, hacer un borradormake a blueprint of
inspirarse en, tomar como modeloplan / plan or create according to a model or models
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 15, act
SentidoA predetermined set of movements in dancing or skating.
Específicofigura ochoA skating figure that carves an 8 in the ice
águilaA skating figure executed with the skates heel to heel in a straight line
GeneralmaniobraA deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 16, artifact
SentidoOne of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a face.
Sinónimopicture card
EspecíficoreinaOne of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a queen / queen
reyOne of the four playing cards in a deck bearing the picture of a king
sotaOne of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a young prince
Generalbaraja, carta, naipeOne of a pack of cards that are used to play card games
Inglésface card, picture card, court card
Catalánfigura, picture card
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 17, attribute
SentidoThe impression produced by a person.
Generalefecto, impresiónAn outward appearance
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 18, communication
SentidoA diagram or picture illustrating textual material.
Generalejemplificación, graficación, ilustración, representaciónartwork that helps make something clear or attractive
Inglésfigure, fig
Españolfigura: 19 sentidos nombre 19, person
SentidoA person of exceptional importance and reputation.
Sinónimoscoloso, hombre de peso, monstruo, mujer de peso, titán
Generalgerifalte, persona con influencias, persona importante, personaje, primate, prócerA person whose actions and opinions strongly influence the course of events
Ingléscolossus, behemoth, giant, heavyweight, titan
Cataláncolós, dona de pes, figura, home de pes, monstre, tità
AdjetivotitánicoOf great force or power

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