HyperDic: anfibios

Español > 4 sentidos de la palabra anfibios:
NOMBREanimalanfibios, amphibia, anfibiocold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water
animalanfibios, género anfibioany genus of amphibians
animalanfibiosany family of amphibians
animalanfibiosthe class of vertebrates that live on land but breed in water
Español > anfibios: 4 sentidos > nombre 1, animal
Sentidocold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water; aquatic larvae undergo metamorphosis into adult form.
Sinónimosamphibia, anfibio
Miembro deanfibiosThe class of vertebrates that live on land but breed in water
EspecíficoCaudate, urodelo, urodelosamphibians that resemble lizards
LabyrinthodontAn amphibian of the superorder Labyrinthodontia
anura, anuro, batracio, escuerzo, rana, ranas, salientian, sapo, saposAny of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping
salamandra, salamandras, salamándridos, urodeloAny of various typically terrestrial / terrestrial amphibians that resemble lizards and that return to water only to breed
Generalcraniate, vertebrado, vertebradosanimals having a bony or cartilaginous skeleton with a segmented spinal column and a large brain enclosed in a skull or cranium
Español > anfibios: 4 sentidos > nombre 2, animal
SentidoAny genus of amphibians.
Sinónimogénero anfibio
Miembro devertebradosfishes
Específicoacris, Acris, género Acris, genus acriscricket frogs
alytes, Alytes, género Alytes, genus alytesmidwife ... / midwife toads
ambystoma, Ambystoma, género Ambystoma, genus ambystomatype genus of the Ambystomatidae
aneides, Aneides, género Aneides, genus aneidesclimbing salamanders
ascaphus, genus ascaphustype genus of the Ascaphidae
batrachoseps, Batrachoseps, género Batrachoseps, genus batrachosepsslender salamanders
bombina, genus bombinafire-bellied toads
cryptobranchus, Cryptobranchus, género Cryptobranchus, genus cryptobranchustype genus of the Cryptobranchidae
desmograthus, Desmograthus, género Desmograthus, genus desmograthusAn amphibian genus of Plethodontidae
eleutherodactylus, genus eleutherodactylusCompletely terrestrial / terrestrial robber frogs
familia proteidae, familia Proteidae, proteidae, Proteidaemud puppies
gastrophryne, genus gastrophryneprimarily tropical narrow-mouthed toads
genus bufotype genus of the Bufonidae
genus leiopelma, genus liopelma, leiopelma, liopelmatype and sole genus of the family Leiopelmatidae
genus leptodactylus, leptodactylustype genus of the Leptodactylidae
genus megalobatrachus, megalobatrachusgiant salamanders
genus necturus, necturusA genus of Proteidae
genus sirenA genus of Sirenidae
genus xenopus, xenopusAn African clawed frog
género Amphiuma, genus amphiumacongo snakes
género Dicamptodon, genus dicamptodontype genus of the Dicamptodontidae
género Hydromantes, genus hydromantes, hydromantes, Hydromantesweb-toed salamanders
género Hyla, genus hyla, hyla, HylaThe type genus of the Hylidae
género Hylactophryne, genus hylactophryne, hylactophryne, Hylactophrynebarking frogs
género Hypopachus, genus hypopachus, hypopachus, Hypopachussheep frogs
género Notophthalmus, genus notophthalmus, notophthalmus, Notophthalmusnewts
género Pipa, genus pipa, Pipatype genus of the Pipidae
género Plethodon, genus plethodon, plethodon, Plethodontype genus of the Plethodontidae
género Polypedates, genus polypedates, polypedates, Polypedatestype genus of the Polypedatidae
género Proteus, genus proteus, proteus, Proteustype genus of the Proteidae
género Pseudacris, genus pseudacris, pseudacris, Pseudacrischorus frogs
género Pternohyla, genus pternohyla, pternohyla, Pternohylaburrowing tree frogs
género Rana, genus rana, Rana, ranatype genus of the Ranidae
género Rhyacotriton, genus rhyacotriton, rhyacotriton, Rhyacotritonolympic salamanders
género Salamandra, genus salamandra, Salamandratype genus of the Salamandridae
género Scaphiopus, genus scaphiopus, scaphiopus, ScaphiopusNew World spadefoot toads
género Taricha, genus taricha, taricha, TarichaPacific newts
género Triturus, genus triturus, triturus, Trituruschiefly aquatic salamanders
Generalgénero(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species
Inglésamphibian genus
Catalánamfibis, gènere d'amfibis
Español > anfibios: 4 sentidos > nombre 3, animal
SentidoAny family of amphibians.
Miembro devertebradosfishes
EspecíficoAmphiumidae, anfiúmidos, familia Amphiumidaecongo snakes
Bufonidae, bufónidos, familia Bufonidaetrue toads
Caecilidae, Caeciliidae, familia Caecilidae, familia Caeciliidaecoextensive with the order Gymnophiona
ambistómidos, Ambystomatidae, familia AmbystomatidaeNew World salamanders
criptobránquidoslarge aquatic salamanders
discoglósidos, Discoglossidaefamily of Old World toads having a fixed disklike tongue
familia Hylidae, hílidos, HylidaeThe amphibian family of tree ... / tree frogs
familia Pelobatidae, Pelobatidae, pelobátidosThe amphibian family of spadefoot toads
familia Pipidae, Pipidae, pípidostongueless frogs
familia Polypedatidae, PolypedatidaeOld World tree frogs
familia Salamandridae, Salamandridae, salamándridossalamanders
familia Sirenidae, Sirenidae, sirénidossirens
leptodactílidosNew World frogs
microhílidosnarrow-mouthed toads and sheep frogs
ránidosA family nearly cosmopolitan in distribution
Generalfamilia, família, familiar(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera
Inglésamphibian family
Español > anfibios: 4 sentidos > nombre 4, animal
SentidoThe class of vertebrates that live on land but breed in water; frogs; toads; newts; salamanders; caecilians.
Miembro devertebradosfishes
MiembrosAnura, anuros, Batrachia, orden Anura, orden Batrachia, orden Salientia, Salientiafrogs, toads, tree toads
Caudata, orden Caudata, orden Urodella, Urodella, urodelossalamanders
amphibia, anfibio, anfibioscold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water
estegocéfalosIn former classifications a division of class Amphibia comprising all pre-Jurassic and some later extinct large salamandriform amphibia
guarisapo, ranacuajo, renacuajoA larval frog or toad
labirintodontes, LabyrinthodontaExtinct amphibians typically resembling heavy-bodied salamanders or crocodiles and having a solid flattened skull and conical teeth
Generalclase(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
Inglésamphibia, class Amphibia

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