Meaning | An amount of time. |
Examples | - "a time period of 30 years"
- "hastened the period of time of his recovery"
- "Picasso's blue period"
Synonyms | time period, period of time |
Instances | Bronze Age | (archeology) a period between the Stone and Iron Ages, characterized by the manufacture and use of bronze tools and weapons |
Eolithic Age, Eolithic | The earliest part of the Stone Age marked by the earliest signs of human culture |
Great Schism | The period from 1378 to 1417 during which there were two papacies in the Roman Catholic Church, one in Rome and one in Avignon |
Iron Age | (archeology) the period following the Bronze Age |
Lower Paleolithic | The oldest part of the Paleolithic Age with the emergence of the hand ax |
Mesolithic Age, Mesolithic, Epipaleolithic | middle part of the Stone Age beginning about 15,000 years ago |
Middle Paleolithic | The time period of Neanderthal man |
Neolithic Age, Neolithic, New Stone Age | Latest part of the Stone Age beginning about 10,000 BC in the Middle East (but later elsewhere) |
Paleolithic Age, Paleolithic, Palaeolithic | Second part of the Stone Age beginning about 750,00 to 500,000 years BC and lasting / lasting until the end of the last ice age about 8,500 years BC |
Stone Age | (archeology) the earliest known period of human culture, characterized by the use of stone implements |
Upper Paleolithic | The time period during which only modern Homo sapiens was known to have existed |
Narrower | Golden Age | (classical mythology) the first and best age of the world, a time of ideal happiness, prosperity, and innocence |
Indian summer, Saint Martin's summer | A period of unusually warm weather in the autumn |
Olympiad | One of the four-year intervals between Olympic Games |
air alert | The time period during which military and civilian agencies are prepared for an enemy / enemy air attack |
bimester | A period of 2 months |
bimillennium, bimillenary | A span of 2000 years |
bout | A period of illness |
bronze age | (classical mythology) the third age of the world, marked by war and violence / violence |
calendar day, civil day | A day reckoned from midnight to midnight |
calendar month, month | One of the twelve divisions of the calendar year |
century | A period of 100 years |
clotting time | The time it takes for a sample of blood to clot / clot |
dawn | An opening time period |
day, daytime, daylight | The time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside |
day | The period of time taken by a particular planet (e.g. Mars) to make a complete rotation on its axis |
decade, decennary, decennium | A period of 10 years |
dog days, canicule, canicular days | The hot period between early July and early September |
downtime | A period of time when something (as a machine or factory) is not operating (especially as a result of malfunctions) |
drought, drouth | A prolonged shortage / shortage |
duration, continuance | The period of time during which something continues |
elapsed time | The time that elapses while some event is occurring |
enlistment, hitch, term of enlistment, tour of duty, duty tour, tour | A period of time spent in military service |
era, epoch | A period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event |
eve | The period immediately before something |
evening | A later concluding time period |
evening | The early part of night (from dinner until bedtime) spent in a special way |
festival | A day or period of time set aside for feasting and celebration |
field day | A time of unusual pleasure and success |
flower, prime, peak, heyday, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush | The period of greatest prosperity or productivity |
fortnight, two weeks | A period of fourteen consecutive days |
generation | The normal time between successive generations |
grace, grace period | A period of time past the deadline for fulfilling an obligation during which a penalty that would be imposed for being late is waived, especially an extended period granted as a special favor |
great year, Platonic year | Time required for one complete cycle of the precession of the equinoxes, about 25,800 years |
half-century | A period of 50 years |
half life, half-life | The time required for something to fall to half its initial value (in particular, the time for half the atoms in a radioactive substance to disintegrate) |
honeymoon | The early (usually calm and harmonious) period of a relationship |
hospitalization | A period of time when you are confined to a hospital / hospital |
hour | A special and memorable period |
hours | An indefinite period of time |
incubation period | The period between infection and the appearance of symptoms of the disease |
indiction | A 15-year cycle used as a chronological unit in ancient Rome and adopted in some medieval kingdoms / kingdoms |
iron age | (classical mythology) the last and worst age of the world |
lactation | The period following birth during which milk is secreted |
lease, term of a contract | The period of time during which a contract conveying property to a person is in effect |
life, lifetime, life-time, lifespan | The period during which something is functional (as between birth and death) |
life | The period between birth and the present time |
life | The period from the present until death |
long run, long haul | A period of time sufficient for factors to work themselves out |
long time, age, years | A prolonged period of time |
lustrum | A period of five years |
mid-April | The middle part of April |
mid-August | The middle part of August |
mid-December | The middle part of December |
mid-February | The middle part of February |
mid-January | The middle part of January |
mid-July | The middle part of July |
mid-June | The middle part of June |
mid-March | The middle part of March |
mid-May | The middle part of May |
mid-November | The middle part of November |
mid-October | The middle part of October |
mid-September | The middle part of September |
midweek | The middle of a week / week |
midwinter | The middle of winter |
millennium, millenary | A span of 1000 years |
morning, morn, morning time, forenoon | The time period between dawn and noon |
multistage | Occurring in more than one stage |
night, nighttime, dark | The time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside |
night | A period of ignorance or backwardness or gloom |
night | The time between sunset and midnight |
night | The period spent sleeping |
novitiate, noviciate | The period during which you are a novice (especially in a religious order) |
occupation | The period of time during which a place or position or nation is occupied |
overtime, extra time | Playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie |
past | A earlier period in someone's life (especially one that they have reason to keep secret) |
peacetime | A period of time during which there is no war |
phase, stage | Any distinct time period in a sequence of events |
phase of the moon | A time when the Moon presents a particular recurring appearance |
prehistory, prehistoric culture | The time during the development of human culture before the appearance of the written word |
prohibition, prohibition era | The period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the United States by a constitutional amendment |
puerperium | time period following childbirth when the mother's uterus shrinks / shrinks / shrinks and the other functional and anatomic changes of pregnancy are resolved |
quadrennium | A period of four years |
quarter | A fourth part of a year |
quarter-century | A period of 25 years |
question time | A period during a parliamentary session when members of British Parliament may ask questions of the ministers |
quinquennium | A period of five years |
rainy day | A (future) time of financial need |
real time | (computer science) the time it takes for a process under computer control to occur |
real time | The actual time that it takes a process to occur |
regulation time | (sports) the normal prescribed duration of a game |
reign | A period during which something or somebody is dominant or powerful |
run | The continuous period of time during which something (a machine or a factory) operates or continues in operation |
running time | The length of time that a movie or tv show runs |
school, schooltime, school day | The period of instruction in a school |
season, time of year | One of the natural periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices or atmospheric conditions |
season | A recurrent time marked by major holidays |
season | A period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field / field |
semester | half a year |
shelf life | The length of time a packaged food or drug will last / last without deteriorating |
silly season | A time usually late summer characterized by exaggerated news stories about frivolous matters for want of real news |
silver age | (classical mythology) the second age of the world, characterized by opulence and irreligion |
sleep, nap | A period of time spent sleeping |
study hall | A period of time during the school day that is set aside for study |
term | A limited period of time |
tide, lunar time period | There are usually two high and two low tides each day |
time | An indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities) |
time | A period of time considered as a resource under your control and sufficient to accomplish / accomplish something |
time frame | A time period during which something occurs or is expected to occur |
time limit | A time period within which something must be done or completed |
time of life | A period of time during which a person is normally in a particular life state |
time off | A time period when you are not required to work |
times | A more or less definite period of time now or previously present |
travel time | A period of time spent traveling |
trial period, test period | A period of time during which someone or something is tested |
trimester | A period of three months |
uptime | A period of time when something (as a machine or factory) is functioning and available for use |
usance | The period of time permitted by commercial usage for the payment of a bill of exchange (especially a foreign bill of exchange) |
wartime | A period of time during which there is armed conflict |
watch | The period during which someone (especially a guard) is on duty |
week, hebdomad | Any period of seven consecutive days |
week, calendar week | A period of seven consecutive days starting on Sunday |
weekend | A time period usually extending from Friday night through Sunday |
window | The time period that is considered best for starting or finishing something |
work time | A time period when you are required to work |
year | The period of time that it takes for a planet (as, e.g., Earth or Mars) to make a complete revolution around the sun |
year, twelvemonth, yr | A period of time containing 365 (or 366) days |
year | A period of time occupying a regular part of a calendar year that is used for some particular activity |
youth, early days | An early period of development |
Broader | fundamental quantity, fundamental measure | One of the four quantities that are the basis of systems of measurement |
Spanish | etapa, periodo, período |
Catalan | etapa, període |