Sentido | A set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders; based on the theories of Sigmund Freud. |
Sinónimo | psicoanálisis |
Categoría de | abreacción, catarsis, catársis | (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions |
anaclisis | (psychoanalysis) relationship marked by strong dependence on others |
anal | A stage / stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated on the anal region |
catéxico | Of or relating to cathexis |
complejo | (psychoanalysis) a combination of emotions and impulses that have been rejected from awareness but still influence a person's behavior |
descargar | Discharge bad feelings or tension through verbalization |
deseo de muerte, instinto de muerte, pulsión de muerte, Tanatos | (psychoanalysis) an unconscious urge to die |
ego | (psychoanalysis) the conscious mind |
envidia del pene | (psychoanalysis) a female's presumed envy of the male's penis |
id | (psychoanalysis) primitive instincts and energies underlying all psychic activity |
introyección | (psychoanalysis) parental figures (and their values) that you introjected as a child |
libídine, libido, líbido | (psychoanalysis) a Freudian term for sexual ... / sexual urge or desire |
oral | A stage / stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated in the mouth |
período de latencia | (psychoanalysis) the fourth period (from about age 5 or 6 until puberty) during which sexual interests are supposed to be sublimated into other activities |
principio de realidad | (psychoanalysis) the governing principle of the ego |
principio del placer | (psychoanalysis) the governing principle of the id |
superego, superyo, superyó | (psychoanalysis) that part of the unconscious mind that acts as a conscience |
transferencia | (psychoanalysis) the process whereby emotions are passed on or displaced from one person to another |
General | psicoterapia | The treatment of mental or emotional problems by psychological means |
Inglés | psychoanalysis, analysis, depth psychology |
Catalán | psicoanàlisi |
Adjetivo | psicoanalítico, sicoanalítico | Of or relating to or incorporating the methods and theory of psychiatric treatment originated by Sigmund Freud |
Verbos | analizar, psicoanalizar | subject to psychoanalytic treatment |