HyperDic: absoluto

Español > 10 sentidos de la palabra absoluto:
ADJETIVOallabsoluto, completo, perfecto, pleno, puro, totalperfect or complete or pure
allabsolutoexpressing finality with no implication of possible change
allabsoluto, evidente, puro, redomadocomplete and without restriction or qualification / qualification
allabsoluto, incondicional, totalwith unconditional / unconditional and enthusiastic devotion
allabsoluto, incondicional, totalwithout reservation / reservation
allabsoluto, completo, perfecto, totalcomplete in extent or degree and in every particular
allabsolutonot limited by law
allabsoluto, inapelable, incuestionable, indiscutible, rotundo, totalwithout reservation or exception
allabsoluto, cualquierone or some or every or all without specification
NOMBREcognitionabsoluto, absolutsomething that is conceived or that exists independently and not in relation to other things
Español > absoluto: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 1
Sentidoperfect or complete or pure.
Sinónimoscompleto, perfecto, pleno, puro, total
Específicoincondicional, incuestionableWithout doubt or reserve
infinitoTotal and all-embracing
Contrariocomparativo, relativoEstimated by comparison
Catalánabsolut, complet, perfecte, total
Nombresabsolut, absolutoSomething that is conceived or that exists independently and not in relation to other things
absolutidadThe quality of being absolute / absolute / absolute / absolute / absolute
Adverbiosabsolutamentetotally and definitely
Español > absoluto: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 2
SentidoExpressing finality with no implication of possible change.
Generalinequívoco, unívocoAdmitting of no doubt or misunderstanding
Nombresabsolut, absolutoSomething that is conceived or that exists independently and not in relation to other things
absolutidadThe quality of being absolute / absolute / absolute / absolute / absolute
Español > absoluto: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidocomplete and without restriction or qualification / qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers.
Sinónimosevidente, puro, redomado
GeneralcompletoHaving every necessary or normal part or component or step
Inglésabsolute, downright, out-and-out, rank, right-down, sheer
NombresabsolutidadThe quality of being absolute / absolute / absolute / absolute / absolute
Adverbiosabsolutamente, totalmenteCompletely and without qualification / qualification
Español > absoluto: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 4
SentidoWith unconditional / unconditional and enthusiastic devotion.
Sinónimosincondicional, total
Generalsinceroopen and genuine
Inglésheart-whole, wholehearted, whole-souled
Catalánabsolut, complet, entusiasta, incondicional, total
Nombresde todo corazón, entusiasmoundivided commitment or unreserved enthusiasm
AdverbiosincondicionalmenteWithout reserve
Español > absoluto: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 5
SentidoWithout reservation / reservation.
Sinónimosincondicional, total
GeneralcompletoHaving every necessary or normal part or component or step
Catalánabsolut, incondicional, total
AdverbiosenérgicamenteWith gusto and without reservation
Español > absoluto: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 6
Sentidocomplete in extent or degree and in every particular.
Sinónimoscompleto, perfecto, total
GeneralcompletoHaving every necessary or normal part or component or step
Inglésfull, total
Catalánabsolut, complet, perfecte, total
Nombresplenitudcompleteness over a broad scope
Adverbioscompletamente, plenamenteTo the greatest degree or extent
Español > absoluto: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 7
Sentidonot limited by law.
GeneralarbitrarioBased on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice
NombresabsolutidadThe quality of being absolute / absolute / absolute / absolute / absolute
Español > absoluto: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 8
SentidoWithout reservation or exception.
Sinónimosinapelable, incuestionable, indiscutible, rotundo, total
Generalilimitado, incondicional, irrestricto, totalnot limited or restricted
Inglésoutright, straight-out, unlimited
Catalánabsolut, il·limitat, inapel·lable, indiscutible, inqüestionable, rotund, total
Español > absoluto: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 9
SentidoOne or some or every or all without specification.
Inglésany, whatever, whatsoever
Español > absoluto: 10 sentidos > nombre 1, cognition
SentidoSomething that is conceived or that exists independently and not in relation to other things; something that does not depend on anything else and is beyond human control; something that is not relative.
GeneralabstracciónA concept or idea not associated with any specific instance
Adjetivoabsoluto, completo, perfecto, pleno, puro, totalperfect or complete or pure
absolutoExpressing finality with no implication of possible change

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