HyperDic: perfecto

Español > 8 sentidos de la palabra perfecto:
ADJETIVOallperfectobeing complete of its kind and without defect / defect / defect / defect or blemish
allperfecto, clavado, exacta, exacto, precisa, preciso(of ideas, images, representations / representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth
allperfecto, absoluto, completo, pleno, puro, totalperfect or complete or pure
allperfecto, absoluto, completo, totalcomplete in extent or degree and in every particular
allperfecto, impecablewithout a flaw / flaw
allperfecto, impecable, intachablewithout fault or error
NOMBRErelationperfecto, pretérito perfectoa tense of verbs used in describing action that has been completed (sometimes regarded as perfective aspect)
relationperfecto, perfectivothe aspect of a verb that expresses a completed action
Español > perfecto: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 1
Sentidocomplete of its kind and without defect / defect / defect / defect or blemish.
Cualidad deperfecciónThe state of being without a flaw or defect / defect / defect / defect
Específicocompleto, consumadoperfect and complete in every respect
idealconforming to an ultimate standard of perfection or excellence
idealizadoexalted to an ideal perfection or excellence
idílicoexcellent and delightful in all respects
impecable, perfectoWithout a flaw / flaw
impecable, intachable, perfectoWithout fault or error
incorrupto(of language) not having its purity or excellence debased
perfectiblecapable of becoming or being made perfect
Tambiénentero, intactonot broken
exactomarked by strict and particular and complete accordance with fact
utópicoCharacterized by or aspiring to impracticable perfection
Contrariodefectuoso, imperfectonot perfect
AdverbiosperfectamenteIn a perfect or faultless way
Español > perfecto: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 2
Sentido(of ideas, images, representations / representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth ; strictly correct.
Sinónimosclavado, exacta, exacto, precisa, preciso
Generalacertado, correcto, justoFree from error
Inglésaccurate, exact, precise
Catalánclavat, exacte, perfecte, precís
NombresexactitudThe quality of being exact / exact
precisión, puntualidad, rigorThe quality of being reproducible in amount or performance
Adverbiosescrupulosamente, precisamentestrictly correctly
precisamenteIn a precise manner
Español > perfecto: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidoperfect or complete or pure.
Sinónimosabsoluto, completo, pleno, puro, total
Específicoincondicional, incuestionableWithout doubt or reserve
infinitoTotal and all-embracing
Contrariocomparativo, relativoEstimated by comparison
Catalánabsolut, complet, perfecte, total
Nombresabsolut, absolutoSomething that is conceived or that exists independently and not in relation to other things
absolutidadThe quality of being absolute / absolute / absolute / absolute / absolute
Adverbiosabsolutamentetotally and definitely
Español > perfecto: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 4
Sentidocomplete in extent or degree and in every particular.
Sinónimosabsoluto, completo, total
GeneralcompletoHaving every necessary or normal part or component or step
Inglésfull, total
Catalánabsolut, complet, perfecte, total
Nombresplenitudcompleteness over a broad scope
Adverbioscompletamente, plenamenteTo the greatest degree or extent
Español > perfecto: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 5
SentidoWithout a flaw / flaw.
Generalperfectocomplete of its kind and without defect / defect / defect / defect or blemish
Inglésflawless, unflawed
Catalánimpecable, perfecte
NombresperfecciónThe state of being without a flaw or defect / defect / defect / defect
AdverbiosperfectamenteIn an adroit manner
Español > perfecto: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 6
SentidoWithout fault or error.
Sinónimosimpecable, intachable
Generalperfectocomplete of its kind and without defect / defect / defect / defect or blemish
Inglésfaultless, immaculate, impeccable, incorrupted
Adverbiosimpecablemente, inmaculadamente, perfectamenteIn an immaculate manner
impecablemente, inmaculadamente, perfectamenteWithout a fault
impecablemente, inmaculadamente, perfectamenteflawlessly
Español > perfecto: 8 sentidos > nombre 1, relation
SentidoA tense of verbs used in describing action that has been completed (sometimes regarded as perfective aspect).
Sinónimopretérito perfecto
Específicofuturo perfectoA perfective tense used to describe action that will be completed in the future
pluscuamperfecto, pretérito pluscuamperfectoA perfective tense used to express action completed in the past
GeneraltiempoA grammatical category of verbs used to express distinctions of time
Inglésperfective, perfective tense, perfect, perfect tense
Catalánperfet, pretèrit perfet
Español > perfecto: 8 sentidos > nombre 2, relation
SentidoThe aspect of a verb that expresses a completed action.
GeneralaspectoThe beginning or duration or completion or repetition of the action of a verb
Inglésperfective, perfective aspect

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