Català > abundant: 6 sentits > adjectiu 1Sentit | Present in great quantity. |
Sinònims | abundós, copiós |
Qualitat de | quantitat | An adequate or large amount |
Específic | abundant, copiós | affording an abundant supply |
abundant, extens, extenso | large in number or quantity (especially of discourse) |
abundant, abundós, copiós, exuberant, nombrós, profús | produced or growing in extreme / extreme abundance |
abundant | Existing in great number or quantity |
excedent, sobrant, sobrer | Having or being more than normal or necessary |
fàcil | Obtained with little effort or sacrifice, often obtained illegally |
pletòric, sobreabundant | excessively abundant |
superabundant | Most excessively abundant |
torrencial | pouring in abundance |
També | ampli, espaiós | More than enough in size or scope or capacity |
ric | possessing material wealth |
Contrari | escàs | Deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand |
Anglès | abundant |
Espanyol | abundante, bastante, colmado, copiosa, copioso, cuantioso |
Noms | abundància, abundor, esplet | The property of a more than adequate quantity or supply |
Adverbis | abundantment | In an abundant manner |
Verbs | abundar | Be abundant or plentiful |
Català > abundant: 6 sentits > adjectiu 2Sentit | affording an abundant supply. |
Sinònim | copiós |
General | abundant, abundós, copiós | Present in great quantity |
Anglès | ample, copious, plenteous, plentiful, rich |
Espanyol | abundante, bastante, copioso, generoso |
Noms | abundància, abundor, esplet | The property of a more than adequate quantity or supply |
amplitud, plenitud | A full supply |
apilament, apilotament, castell, cúmul, estiba, feix, lot, manyoc, muntanya, munt, passel, pila, pilot, quantitat, tou | (often followed by 'of') a large number or amount or extent |
devessall, luxe, profusió, riquesa | The property of being extremely abundant |