HyperDic: soft

English > 20 senses of the word soft:
ADJECTIVEallsoftyielding readily to pressure or weight
allsoftcompassionate and kind
allsoft(of sound) relatively low in volume
allsoft, delicateeasily hurt
allsoft, voiced, sonantproduced with vibration of the vocal cords
allsoftnot protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons)
allsoft, pianoused chiefly as a direction or description in music
allsoft, diffuse, diffused(of light) transmitted from a broad light source or reflected
allsoft(of speech sounds)
allsoft(of a commodity or market or currency) falling or likely to fall in value
allsoftusing evidence not readily amenable to experimental verification or refutation
allsoft, indulgent, lenienttolerant or lenient
allsoft, gentlesoft and mild
allsoft, easy, gentlehaving little impact
allsoft, flabby, flaccidout of condition
allsoftwilling to negotiate and compromise / compromise
allsoft, cushy, easygoingnot burdensome or demanding
allsoft, balmy, mildmild and pleasant
allsoft, subduednot brilliant or glaring
ADVERBallsoft, easyin a relaxed manner
soft > pronunciation
Soundssaa'ft; sao'ft
Rhymeswaft ... Zoloft: 3 rhymes with aaft...
aloft ... oft: 6 rhymes with aoft...
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 1
MeaningYielding readily to pressure or weight.
Attribute ofhardnessThe property of being rigid and resistant to pressure
Narrowerbrushed, fleecy, napped(of fabrics) having soft nap produced by brushing
cheeselikeHaving the consistency of cheese
compressible, squeezablecapable of being easily compressed
cottonyresembling cotton
cushioned, cushiony, paddedsoftened by the addition of cushions or padding
demulcent, emollient, salving, softeningHaving a softening or soothing effect especially to the skin
downy, downlike, flossy, fluffylike down / down or as soft as down / down
flaccidDrooping without elasticity
flocculent, woolly, woolyHaving a fluffy character or appearance
mushyHaving the consistency of mush
overstuffedupholstered thickly and deeply
softish, semisoftSomewhat soft
spongy, squashy, squishy, spongelikeeasily squashed
velvet, velvetyresembling velvet in having a smooth soft surface
yieldinglacking stiffness and giving way to pressure
OppositehardResisting weight or pressure
Nounssoftnessthe property of giving little resistance to pressure and being easily cut or molded
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 2
MeaningCompassionate and kind; conciliatory.
Example"he was soft on his children"
Narrowermellow, mellowedHaving attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience
See alsoeasyposing no difficulty
kindHaving or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature
mercifulshowing or giving mercy
tendergiven to sympathy / sympathy / sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality
warmheartedmarked by warmth of feeling like kindness and sympathy / sympathy / sympathy and generosity / generosity
Spanishblando, suave
Nounssoftnessacting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 3
Meaning(of sound) relatively low in volume.
  • "soft voices"
  • "soft music"
Attribute ofvolume, loudness, intensityThe magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction)
Narrowerdull, muffled, muted, softenedBeing or made softer or less loud or clear
euphonious(of speech or dialect) pleasing in sound
gentlequiet and soothing
hushed, muted, subdued, quietIn a softened tone
little, small(of a voice) faint
low, low-tonedVery low in volume
murmuring, susurrant, whisperingmaking a low continuous indistinct sound
murmurous, rustling, soughing, susurrousCharacterized by soft sounds
soft-footedsound of quiet gentle steps
soft-spokenHaving a speaking manner that is not loud or harsh
See alsoquietFree of noise or uproar
OppositeloudCharacterized by or producing sound of great volume or intensity
Nounssoftnessa sound property that is free from loudness or stridency
Adverbssoftlywith low volume
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 4
Meaningeasily hurt.
Example"soft hands"
Broadertender, untoughenedphysically untoughened
Spanishdelicado, mórbido
Catalandelicat, mòrbid
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 5
Meaningproduced with vibration of the vocal cords.
Synonymsvoiced, sonant
Oppositeunvoiced, voiceless, surd, hardproduced without vibration of the vocal cords
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 6
Meaningnot protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons).
Example"soft targets"
Oppositehardenedprotected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons)
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 7
MeaningUsed chiefly as a direction or description in music.
Narrowerpianissimochiefly a direction or description in music
pianissimo assaichiefly a direction or description in music
Oppositeforte, loudUsed chiefly as a direction or description in music
Spanishpiano, suave
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 8
Meaning(of light) transmitted from a broad light source or reflected.
Synonymsdiffuse, diffused
Oppositehard, concentrated(of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 9
Meaning(of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as 's' and 'sh').
Narrowerfricative, continuant, sibilant, spirant, stridentOf speech sounds produced by forcing air through a constricted passage (as 'f', 's', 'z', or 'th' in both 'thin' and 'then')
palatal, palatalized, palatalisedproduced with the front of the tongue near or touching the hard palate (as 'y') or with the blade of the tongue near the hard palate (as 'ch' in 'chin' or 'j' in 'gin')
Oppositehard(of speech sounds)
Spanishblando, suave
Nounssoftnessa sound property that is free from loudness or stridency
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 10
Meaning(of a commodity or market or currency) falling or likely to fall in value.
Example"the market for computers is soft"
BroaderfallingBecoming lower or less in degree or value
Nounssoftnessa state of declining economic condition
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 11
MeaningUsing evidence not readily amenable to experimental verification or refutation.
  • "soft data"
  • "the soft sciences"
BroaderqualitativeInvolving distinctions based on qualities
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 12
MeaningTolerant or lenient.
  • "too soft on the children"
  • "they are soft on crime"
Synonymsindulgent, lenient
Broaderpermissivegranting or inclined or able to grant permission
Nounssoftnessa disposition to be lenient in judging / judging others
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 13
MeaningSoft and mild; not harsh / harsh / harsh / harsh or stern or severe.
Broadermildmoderate in type or degree or effect or force
Spanishligero, suave, tenue
Catalanlleuger, suau
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 14
MeaningHaving little impact.
Example "a soft (or light) tapping at the window"
Synonymseasy, gentle
BroaderlightOf little intensity or power or force
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 15
MeaningOut of condition; not strong or robust; incapable of exertion or endurance.
Example"he was too soft for the army"
Synonymsflabby, flaccid
Broaderunfitnot in good physical or mental condition
Spanishflácida, flácido, fofo
Nounssoftnesspoor physical condition
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 16
Meaningwilling to negotiate and compromise / compromise.
Broaderconciliatory, conciliativeIntended to placate
Nounssoftnessacting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 17
Meaningnot burdensome or demanding; borne or done easily and without hardship / hardship.
Example "a soft job"
Synonymscushy, easygoing
Broadereasyposing no difficulty
Usage ofcolloquialismA colloquial expression
Adverbssoftin a relaxed manner
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 18
Meaningmild and pleasant.
Example "a soft breeze"
Synonymsbalmy, mild
Broaderclement(of weather or climate) physically mild
Spanishapacible, suave, templado
Catalanapacible, suau
Nounssoftnessthe quality of weather that is deliciously mild and soothing
English > soft: 20 senses > adjective 19
Meaningnot brilliant or glaring.
  • "the moon cast soft shadows"
  • "soft pastel colors"
Broaderdullemitting or reflecting very little light
Nounssoftnessa visual property that is subdued and free from brilliance or glare
English > soft: 20 senses > adverb 1
MeaningIn a relaxed manner; or without hardship.
Example"just wanted to take it easy"('soft' is nonstandard)
Usage ofcolloquialismA colloquial expression
Adjectivessoftnot burdensome or demanding

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