HyperDicSpanishLET ... letra


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Español 7 sentidos de la palabra letra:
NOMBREcommunicationletra, carácter alfabético, carácterthe conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech
communicationletra, carta, misivaa written message addressed to a person or organization
possessionletra, letra de cambio, libramiento, libranzaa document ordering the payment of money
communicationletra, caligrafía, escriturasomething written by hand
communicationletra, lírica, textothe text of a popular song or musical-comedy number
communicationletra, caligrafíabeautiful handwriting
possessionletra, plazoa payment of part of a debt
Españolletra: 7 sentidos nombre 1, communication
SentidoThe conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech.
Sinónimoscarácter alfabético, carácter
Miembro deabecedario, abecé, alfabetoA character set that includes letters and is used to write a language
Part degrafía, ortografíaforming words with letters according to the principles underlying accepted usage
EspecíficoBThe 2nd letter of the Roman alphabet
CThe 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet
DThe 4th letter of the Roman alphabet
FThe 6th letter of the Roman alphabet
GThe 7th letter of the Roman alphabet
HThe 8th letter of the Roman alphabet
IThe 9th letter of the Roman alphabet
JThe 10th letter of the Roman alphabet
KThe 11th letter of the Roman alphabet
MThe 13th letter of the Roman alphabet
NThe 14th letter of the Roman alphabet
OThe 15th letter of the Roman alphabet
PThe 16th letter of the Roman alphabet
RThe 18th letter of the Roman alphabet
SThe 19th letter of the Roman alphabet
TThe 20th letter of the Roman alphabet
UThe 21st letter of the Roman alphabet
VThe 22nd letter of the Roman alphabet
WThe 23rd letter of the Roman alphabet
a, AThe 1st letter of the Roman alphabet
alef, alephThe 1st letter of the Hebrew alphabet
alfaThe 1st letter of the Greek alphabet
ayin, aynThe 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
betThe 2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet
betaThe 2nd letter of the Greek alphabet
cappaThe 10th letter of the Greek alphabet
ceta, dseta, zetaThe 6th letter of the Greek alphabet
chi, ji, khiThe 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet
consonanteA letter of the alphabet standing for a spoken consonant
deltaThe 4th letter of the Greek alphabet
dígrafo, digram, letra dobleTwo successive letters (especially two letters used to represent a single sound
e, EThe 5th letter of the Roman alphabet
epsilon, épsilonThe 5th letter of the Greek alphabet
equis, XThe 24th letter of the Roman alphabet
etaThe 7th letter of the Greek alphabet
ezed, izzard, zed, zeta, ZThe 26th letter of the Roman alphabet
fiThe 21st letter of the Greek alphabet
gammaThe 3rd letter of the Greek alphabet
gimel, guímelThe 3rd letter of the Hebrew alphabet
i griega, ye, YThe 25th letter of the Roman alphabet
iniciales, inicial, letra inicial, siglaThe first letter of a word (especially a person's name)
iotaThe 9th letter of the Greek alphabet
kaf, kaphThe 11th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
kuf, qophThe 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
lambdaThe 11th letter of the Greek alphabet
lamedh, lamedThe 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
memThe 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
mi, mu, myThe 12th letter of the Greek alphabet
ni, nuThe 13th letter of the Greek alphabet
omegaThe last (24th) letter of the Greek alphabet
omicron, ómicron, omicrónThe 15th letter of the Greek alphabet
peThe 17th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
piThe 16th letter of the Greek alphabet
polifoníaA letter that has two or more pronunciations
psiThe 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet
q, QThe 17th letter of the Roman alphabet
reishThe 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
rho, roThe 17th letter of the Greek alphabet
sadheThe 18th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
samej, samekhThe 15th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
sigmaThe 18th letter of the Greek alphabet
tauThe 19th letter of the Greek alphabet
thetThe 9th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
vocalA letter of the alphabet standing for a spoken vowel
wawThe 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
xiThe 14th letter of the Greek alphabet
yudThe 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
zaynThe 7th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
zetaThe 8th letter of the Greek alphabet
ípsilon, upsilonThe 20th letter of the Greek alphabet
Generalcarácter, grafema, grafía, símbolo gráficoA written symbol that is used to represent speech
Inglésletter, letter of the alphabet, alphabetic character
Cataláncaràcter, lletra
Españolletra: 7 sentidos nombre 2, communication
SentidoA written message addressed to a person or organization.
Sinónimoscarta, misiva
Part decorreoThe bags of letters and packages that are transported / transported by the postal service
correspondenciacommunication by the exchange of letters
Partesdestinación, destino, direcciónwritten directions for finding some location
frase, línea, renglón, versotext consisting of a row of words written across a page or computer screen
posdata, postscriptA note appended to a letter after the signature
EspecíficoaerogramaA letter sent by air mail
carta abiertaA letter of protest
carta de intenciones, carta de intenciónAny letter expressing an intention to take (or forgo) some action
carta de negociosA letter dealing with business
carta de presentaciónA letter sent along with other documents to provide additional information
encíclicaA letter from the pope sent to all Roman Catholic bishops throughout the world
epístolaA specially long, formal letter
invitaciónA request (spoken or written) to participate or be present or take part in something
pastoralA letter from a pastor to the congregation
GeneraldocumentoAnything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marks
textoThe words of something written
Inglésletter, missive
Cataláncarta, missiva
Españolletra: 7 sentidos nombre 3, possession
SentidoA document ordering the payment of money; drawn by one person or bank on another.
Sinónimosletra de cambio, libramiento, libranza
Específicoaceptación comercialA bill of exchange for a specific purchase
autorización bancaria, pagaré(banking) a time draft drawn on and accepted by a bank
cheque, talónA written order directing a bank to pay money
cédula de dividendoAn order of payment (such as a check payable to a shareholder) in which a dividend is paid
descubierto, giro en descubierto, sobregiroA draft in excess of the credit balance
efecto interbancario, giro bancarioA draft drawn by a bank against funds deposited in another bank
efecto sobre el exterior, letra sobre el exteriorA bill of exchange that is drawn in one country and made payable in another
giro, giro postalA written order for the payment of a sum to a named individual
letra a la vista, letra a plazo de vista, letra de cambio pagadera a la vistaA draft payable on presentation
letra a plazo fijoA draft payable at a specified future date
regreso cambiarioA draft for the amount of a dishonored draft plus the costs and charges of drafting again
Inglésdraft, bill of exchange, order of payment
Catalánlletra de canvi, lletra, lliurament, lliurança
Españolletra: 7 sentidos nombre 4, communication
SentidoSomething written by hand.
Sinónimoscaligrafía, escritura
Específicocacografía, chafarrinón, escarabajo, garabato, garabatos, garambaina, garfio, garrapato, pintarrajopoor handwriting
caligrafía, letrabeautiful handwriting
cursivarapid handwriting in which letters are set down in full and are cursively connected within words without lifting the writing implement from the paper
estenografía, taquigrafia, taquigrafíaA method of writing rapidly
Generalalegoría, escrito, escritura, representación simbólicaletters or symbols that are written or imprinted on a surface to represent the sounds or words of a language
Ingléshandwriting, hand, script
Catalánescriptura, lletra
Adjetivoescriptural, escriturísticowritten or relating to writing
VerbosmanuscribirWrite by hand
Españolletra: 7 sentidos nombre 5, communication
SentidoThe text of a popular song or musical-comedy number.
Sinónimoslírica, texto
Part decanción, vocalA short musical composition with words
Específicoletra románticaThe lyric of a love song
GeneraltextoThe words of something written
Ingléslyric, words, language
Catalánlírica, lletra
NombresletristaA person who writes the words for songs
Verbosescribir poemasWrite lyrics for (a song)
Españolletra: 7 sentidos nombre 6, communication
Sentidobeautiful handwriting.
Generalcaligrafía, escritura, letraSomething written by hand
Ingléscalligraphy, penmanship, chirography
AdjetivocaligráficoOf or relating to or expressed in calligraphy
Nombrescalígrafa, calígrafo, pendolistasomeone skilled in penmanship
pendolistainformal terms for journalists
Españolletra: 7 sentidos nombre 7, possession
SentidoA payment of part of a debt; usually paid at regular intervals.
Generalabono, desembolso, pagoA sum of money paid or a claim discharged
Catalánlletra, plaç

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