NOM | attribute | domini, autoritat, autorització, dominació | the power or right to give orders or make decisions |
location | domini, territori | territory over which rule or control is exercised | |
state | domini, àmbit, camp, esfera, òrbita | a particular environment or walk of life | |
state | domini, control, dominació, sometiment, submissió | the state that exists when one person or group has power over another | |
state | domini | dominance or power through legal authority | |
state | domini, dominació, supremacia | power to dominate or defeat | |
attribute | domini | the power or authority to command | |
cognition | domini, control | great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity | |
location | domini, colònia, província | a geographical area politically controlled by a distant country | |
communication | domini | strings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet | |
act | domini, control | the act of mastering or subordinating someone | |
group | domini | (mathematics) the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defined | |
attribute | domini, influència, influx, prestigi | controlling influence |
Sentit | The power or right to give orders or make decisions. | |
Sinònims | autoritat, autorització, dominació | |
Específic | carta blanca | complete freedom or authority to act |
domini | The power or authority to command | |
imperium | supreme authority | |
senyoria | The authority of a lord | |
General | control | Power to direct or determine |
Anglès | authority, authorization, authorisation, potency, dominance, say-so | |
Espanyol | autoridad, autorización, dominación, dominio | |
Adjectius | fort, potent | Having or wielding force or authority |
Verbs | dominar | Have dominance or the power to defeat over |
Sentit | territory over which rule or control is exercised. | |
Sinònim | territori | |
Part de | estat, nació, país, terra | The territory occupied by a nation |
Específic | archiducado, arxiducat | The domain controlled by an archduke or archduchess |
baronia | The domain of a baron / baron | |
comtat | The domain controlled by an earl or count or countess | |
ducado, ducat | The domain controlled by a duke or duchess | |
emirat | The domain controlled by an emir | |
gran ducat | The domain controlled by a grand duke or grand duchess | |
imperi | The domain ruled by an emperor or empress | |
khanat | The realm of a khan | |
principat | territory ruled by a prince | |
regne, reialme | The domain ruled by a king or queen | |
senyoratge, sobirania | The domain of a suzerain | |
vescomtat | The domain controlled by a viscount / viscount or viscountess / viscountess | |
General | regió | A large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth |
Anglès | domain, demesne, land | |
Espanyol | dominio, territorio |
Sentit | A particular environment or walk of life. | |
Sinònims | àmbit, camp, esfera, òrbita | |
Específic | atribució, competència, funció, jurisdicció, responsabilitat | The proper sphere or extent of your activities |
esfera política | A sphere of intense political activity | |
General | entorn, medi | The totality of surrounding conditions |
Anglès | sphere, domain, area, orbit, field, arena | |
Espanyol | ámbito, área, campo, dominio, esfera, órbita, terreno |
Sentit | The state that exists when one person or group has power over another. | |
Sinònims | control, dominació, sometiment, submissió | |
Específic | absolutisme, despotisme, tirania | dominance through threat of punishment and violence |
ascendent | Position or state of being dominant or in control | |
dominació, domini, supremacia | Power to dominate or defeat | |
domini | dominance or power through legal authority | |
monopoli | exclusive / exclusive control or possession of something | |
predominança, predomini | The state of being predominant over others | |
reglament | The state of being controlled or governed | |
General | circumstàncies, condició | A state at a particular time |
Anglès | dominance, ascendance, ascendence, ascendancy, ascendency, control | |
Espanyol | ascendiente, control, dominación, dominio, sometimiento, sumisión | |
Adjectius | ascendent | Most powerful or important or influential |
dominant | Exercising influence or control | |
Verbs | controlar, dominar, manar | Be in control |
Sentit | dominance or power through legal authority. | |
Específic | regnat, sobirania | royal authority |
senyoratge | The position or authority of a suzerain | |
General | control, dominació, domini, sometiment, submissió | The state that exists when one person or group has power over another |
Anglès | dominion, rule | |
Espanyol | autoridad, dominio | |
Verbs | controlar, dominar, manar | Be in control |
dictaminar, governar, regir | Exercise authority over |
Sentit | Power to dominate or defeat. | |
Sinònims | dominació, supremacia | |
Específic | superioritat, transcendència | The state of excelling or surpassing or going beyond usual / usual limits |
General | control, dominació, domini, sometiment, submissió | The state that exists when one person or group has power over another |
Anglès | domination, mastery, supremacy | |
Espanyol | dominio, supremacía | |
Verbs | controlar, dominar, manar | Be in control |
dominar | Have dominance or the power to defeat over |
Sentit | The power or authority to command. | |
General | autoritat, autorització, dominació, domini | The power or right to give orders or make decisions |
Anglès | command | |
Espanyol | dominio | |
Verbs | comandar, manar | Be in command of |
comandar, controlar, dominar, manar | Exercise authoritative control or power over |
Sentit | Great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity. | |
Sinònim | control | |
General | destresa, habilitat | The state of being cognitively skillful |
Anglès | command, control, mastery | |
Espanyol | control, dominio | |
Verbs | contenir, controlar, limitar, moderar, ostentar, sustentar | lessen the intensity of |
controlar, dominar | Have a firm understanding or knowledge of | |
dominar | Be or become completely proficient or skilled in |
Sentit | A geographical area politically controlled by a distant country. | |
Sinònims | colònia, província | |
Espècimens | Illes Caiman | A British colony in the Caribbean to the northwest of Jamaica |
General | àrea geogràfica, regió | A demarcated area of the Earth |
Anglès | colony, dependency | |
Espanyol | colonia, dominio, provincia, territorio | |
Adjectius | colonial | Of or relating to or characteristic of or inhabiting a colony |
Noms | colonitzador, colon, poblador | A person who settles in a new colony or moves into new country |
Sentit | strings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet. | |
Categoria | informàtica | The branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures |
General | nom, nom propi | A language unit by which a person or thing is known |
Anglès | domain name |
Sentit | The act of mastering or subordinating someone. | |
Sinònim | control | |
General | dominació | social control by dominating |
Anglès | mastery, subordination | |
Espanyol | control, dominio | |
Verbs | dominar | Have dominance or the power to defeat over |
Sentit | (mathematics) the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defined. | |
Categoria | ciències exactes, matemàtica, matemàtiques | A science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic / logic of quantity and shape and arrangement |
General | conjunt | (mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols |
Anglès | domain, domain of a function | |
Espanyol | dominio |
Sentit | Controlling influence. | |
Sinònims | influència, influx, prestigi | |
General | poder, potència | possession of controlling influence |
Anglès | sway | |
Espanyol | dominio, influencia, influjo | |
Verbs | agitar, decantar-se, gronxar-se, gronxar, gronxolar-se, gronxolar, inclinar-se, oscil·lar | move back and forth or sideways |
convèncer, persuadir | win approval or support for |
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