HyperDic: domini

Català > 13 sentits de la paraula domini:
NOMattributedomini, autoritat, autorització, dominacióthe power or right to give orders or make decisions
locationdomini, territoriterritory over which rule or control is exercised
statedomini, àmbit, camp, esfera, òrbitaa particular environment or walk of life
statedomini, control, dominació, sometiment, submissióthe state that exists when one person or group has power over another
statedominidominance or power through legal authority
statedomini, dominació, supremaciapower to dominate or defeat
attributedominithe power or authority to command
cognitiondomini, controlgreat skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity
locationdomini, colònia, provínciaa geographical area politically controlled by a distant country
communicationdoministrings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet
actdomini, controlthe act of mastering or subordinating someone
groupdomini(mathematics) the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defined
attributedomini, influència, influx, prestigicontrolling influence
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 1, attribute
SentitThe power or right to give orders or make decisions.
Sinònimsautoritat, autorització, dominació
Específiccarta blancacomplete freedom or authority to act
dominiThe power or authority to command
imperiumsupreme authority
senyoriaThe authority of a lord
GeneralcontrolPower to direct or determine
Anglèsauthority, authorization, authorisation, potency, dominance, say-so
Espanyolautoridad, autorización, dominación, dominio
Adjectiusfort, potentHaving or wielding force or authority
VerbsdominarHave dominance or the power to defeat over
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 2, location
Sentitterritory over which rule or control is exercised.
Part deestat, nació, país, terraThe territory occupied by a nation
Específicarchiducado, arxiducatThe domain controlled by an archduke or archduchess
baroniaThe domain of a baron / baron
comtatThe domain controlled by an earl or count or countess
ducado, ducatThe domain controlled by a duke or duchess
emiratThe domain controlled by an emir
gran ducatThe domain controlled by a grand duke or grand duchess
imperiThe domain ruled by an emperor or empress
khanatThe realm of a khan
principatterritory ruled by a prince
regne, reialmeThe domain ruled by a king or queen
senyoratge, sobiraniaThe domain of a suzerain
vescomtatThe domain controlled by a viscount / viscount or viscountess / viscountess
GeneralregióA large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth
Anglèsdomain, demesne, land
Espanyoldominio, territorio
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 3, state
SentitA particular environment or walk of life.
Sinònimsàmbit, camp, esfera, òrbita
Específicatribució, competència, funció, jurisdicció, responsabilitatThe proper sphere or extent of your activities
esfera políticaA sphere of intense political activity
Generalentorn, mediThe totality of surrounding conditions
Anglèssphere, domain, area, orbit, field, arena
Espanyolámbito, área, campo, dominio, esfera, órbita, terreno
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 4, state
SentitThe state that exists when one person or group has power over another.
Sinònimscontrol, dominació, sometiment, submissió
Específicabsolutisme, despotisme, tiraniadominance through threat of punishment and violence
ascendentPosition or state of being dominant or in control
dominació, domini, supremaciaPower to dominate or defeat
dominidominance or power through legal authority
monopoliexclusive / exclusive control or possession of something
predominança, predominiThe state of being predominant over others
reglamentThe state of being controlled or governed
Generalcircumstàncies, condicióA state at a particular time
Anglèsdominance, ascendance, ascendence, ascendancy, ascendency, control
Espanyolascendiente, control, dominación, dominio, sometimiento, sumisión
AdjectiusascendentMost powerful or important or influential
dominantExercising influence or control
Verbscontrolar, dominar, manarBe in control
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 5, state
Sentitdominance or power through legal authority.
Específicregnat, sobiraniaroyal authority
senyoratgeThe position or authority of a suzerain
Generalcontrol, dominació, domini, sometiment, submissióThe state that exists when one person or group has power over another
Anglèsdominion, rule
Espanyolautoridad, dominio
Verbscontrolar, dominar, manarBe in control
dictaminar, governar, regirExercise authority over
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 6, state
SentitPower to dominate or defeat.
Sinònimsdominació, supremacia
Específicsuperioritat, transcendènciaThe state of excelling or surpassing or going beyond usual / usual limits
Generalcontrol, dominació, domini, sometiment, submissióThe state that exists when one person or group has power over another
Anglèsdomination, mastery, supremacy
Espanyoldominio, supremacía
Verbscontrolar, dominar, manarBe in control
dominarHave dominance or the power to defeat over
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 7, attribute
SentitThe power or authority to command.
Generalautoritat, autorització, dominació, dominiThe power or right to give orders or make decisions
Verbscomandar, manarBe in command of
comandar, controlar, dominar, manarExercise authoritative control or power over
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 8, cognition
SentitGreat skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity.
Generaldestresa, habilitatThe state of being cognitively skillful
Anglèscommand, control, mastery
Espanyolcontrol, dominio
Verbscontenir, controlar, limitar, moderar, ostentar, sustentarlessen the intensity of
controlar, dominarHave a firm understanding or knowledge of
dominarBe or become completely proficient or skilled in
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 9, location
SentitA geographical area politically controlled by a distant country.
Sinònimscolònia, província
EspècimensIlles CaimanA British colony in the Caribbean to the northwest of Jamaica
Generalàrea geogràfica, regióA demarcated area of the Earth
Anglèscolony, dependency
Espanyolcolonia, dominio, provincia, territorio
AdjectiuscolonialOf or relating to or characteristic of or inhabiting a colony
Nomscolonitzador, colon, pobladorA person who settles in a new colony or moves into new country
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 10, communication
Sentitstrings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet.
CategoriainformàticaThe branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures
Generalnom, nom propiA language unit by which a person or thing is known
Anglèsdomain name
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 11, act
SentitThe act of mastering or subordinating someone.
Generaldominaciósocial control by dominating
Anglèsmastery, subordination
Espanyolcontrol, dominio
VerbsdominarHave dominance or the power to defeat over
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 12, group
Sentit(mathematics) the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defined.
Categoriaciències exactes, matemàtica, matemàtiquesA science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic / logic of quantity and shape and arrangement
Generalconjunt(mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols
Anglèsdomain, domain of a function
Català > domini: 13 sentits > nom 13, attribute
SentitControlling influence.
Sinònimsinfluència, influx, prestigi
Generalpoder, potènciapossession of controlling influence
Espanyoldominio, influencia, influjo
Verbsagitar, decantar-se, gronxar-se, gronxar, gronxolar-se, gronxolar, inclinar-se, oscil·larmove back and forth or sideways
convèncer, persuadirwin approval or support for

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