HyperDic: unió

Català > 11 sentits de la paraula unió:
NOMstateunió, boda, connubi, enllaç, matrimonithe state of being a married couple voluntarily joined / joined for life (or until divorce)
actunió, connexió, enllaçthe act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)
artifactunió, lligada, lligadura, lligamenta connection that fastens things together
actunió, unificacióthe act of making or becoming a single unit
actunió, coalescència, fusió, incorporacióthe union of diverse things into one body or form or group
shapeunió, articulacióthe shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
actunió, fusióthe act of joining together as one
stateunióthe state of being joined or united or linked
groupunió, coalicióa political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations
actunió, engranatge, enllaçthe act of interlocking or meshing
eventunióthe occurrence of a uniting of separate parts
Català > unió: 11 sentits > nom 1, state
SentitThe state of being a married couple voluntarily joined / joined for life (or until divorce).
Sinònimsboda, connubi, enllaç, matrimoni
Categoriajurisprudència, lleiThe collection of rules imposed by authority
EspecíficbigàmiaHaving two spouses at the same time
endogàmia, inmarriagemarriage within one's own tribe / tribe or group as required by custom or law
exogàmiamarriage to a person belonging to a tribe / tribe or group other than your own as required by custom or law
matrimoni de conveniènciaA marriage for expediency rather than love / love
monogàmiaHaving only one spouse at a time / time
poligàmiaHaving more than one spouse at a time / time
Generalestat civilThe condition of being married or unmarried
Anglèsmarriage, matrimony, union, spousal relationship, wedlock
Espanyolconnubio, enlace, matrimonio, unión
AdjectiusconjugalOf or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband
marital, matrimonialOf or relating to the state of marriage
Català > unió: 11 sentits > nom 2, act
SentitThe act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication).
Sinònimsconnexió, enllaç
Específicagregació, annexióAn act of joining or adjoining things
apropament, aproximacióThe act of bringing near or bringing together especially the cut edges of tissue
articulacióThe act of joining things in such a way that motion / motion is possible
concatenacióThe act of linking together as in a series or chain
convergènciaThe act of converging (coming closer)
fixació, subjeccióThe act of fastening things together
interseccióThe act of intersecting (as joining by causing your path to intersect your target's path)
Anglèsjoining, connection, connexion
Espanyolconexión, confianza, enlace, unión
Verbsacoblar, reunir, unirCause to become joined / joined or linked
acoblar, ajuntar, empalmar, empiular, reunir, unirmake contact or come together
comunicar, connectar, entroncar, unirBe or become joined or united or linked
Català > unió: 11 sentits > nom 3, artifact
SentitA connection that fastens things together.
Sinònimslligada, lligadura, lligament
EspecíficlligamentAny connection or unifying bond
GeneralconnexióAn instrumentality that connects
Anglèsattachment, bond
Espanyolatadura, lazo, ligadura, unión
Verbsadherir, encolar, enganxar, lligar, vincularstick / stick to firmly
adherir-se, enganxar-se, subjectar-se, tocarBe attached
adherir-se, enganxar, fermar, subjectar-seBecome attached
Català > unió: 11 sentits > nom 4, act
SentitThe act of making or becoming a single unit.
Específiccoalescència, fusió, incorporació, unióThe union of diverse things into one body or form or group
paraiguaHaving the function of uniting a group of similar things
reunificacióThe act of coming together again
Generalcombinació, composició, fórmula magistralThe act of combining things to form a new whole / whole
ContraridesunióThe termination or destruction of union
Anglèsunion, unification, uniting, conjugation, jointure
Espanyolunificación, unión
Verbsadherir-se, ajuntar-se, ajuntar, associar-se, fusionar, reunir, unificar, unirBecome one
ajuntar, cohesionar, reunir, unificar, uniract in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief
comunicar, connectar, entroncar, unirBe or become joined or united or linked
Català > unió: 11 sentits > nom 5, act
SentitThe union of diverse things into one body or form or group; the growing together of parts.
Sinònimscoalescència, fusió, incorporació
Generalunificació, unióThe act of making or becoming a single unit
Anglèscoalescence, coalescency, coalition, concretion, conglutination
Verbsbarrejar, combinar, conjugar, fusionar, mesclar-se, mestallarmix together different elements
combinar, fondre's, unir-sefuse or cause to grow together
solidificarform into a solid mass
Català > unió: 11 sentits > nom 6, shape
SentitThe shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made.
Generalconnexió, enllaçA connecting shape
Anglèsarticulation, join, joint, juncture, junction
Espanyolarticulación, juntura, unión
Verbscomunicar, connectar, entroncar, unirBe or become joined or united or linked
Català > unió: 11 sentits > nom 7, act
SentitThe act of joining together as one.
Específicconcurrència, confluènciaA coming together of people
GeneralconvergènciaThe act of converging (coming closer)
Anglèsmerging, meeting, coming together
Espanyolfusión, unión
Verbsadherir-se, ajuntar-se, ajuntar, associar-se, fusionar, reunir, unificar, unirBecome one
Català > unió: 11 sentits > nom 8, state
SentitThe state of being joined or united or linked.
EspecíficassociacióThe state of being connected together as in memory or imagination
coalició, fusióThe state of being combined / combined into one body / body
conjuncióThe state of being joined together
connexió, vincleThe state of being connected
sincretismeThe union (or attempted fusion) of different systems of thought or belief (especially in religion or philosophy)
GeneralestatThe way something is with respect to its main attributes
Contraridesunió, separacióThe state of lacking unity
Anglèsunion, unification
Català > unió: 11 sentits > nom 9, group
SentitA political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations.
Específicconfederació, federacióA union of political organizations
enosi, enosisThe union of Greece and Cyprus (which is the goal of a group of Greek Cypriots)
lligaAn association of states / states or organizations or individuals for common action
unió duaneraAn association of nations to promote free trade within the union and set common tariffs for nations that are not members
Generalunitat políticaA unit with political responsibilities
Espanyolcoalicion, sindicato, unión
Català > unió: 11 sentits > nom 10, act
SentitThe act of interlocking or meshing.
Sinònimsengranatge, enllaç
GeneralagafadaThe act of catching an object with the hands
Anglèsmesh, meshing, interlock, interlocking
Espanyolengrane, enlace, trabazón
Verbsencaixar, engranarKeep engaged
encastar, engranar, entrellaçar-se, entrellaçar, travar, unirCoordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively
entrellaçarhold in a locking position
Català > unió: 11 sentits > nom 11, event
SentitThe occurrence of a uniting of separate parts.
Específicbarreja, combinacióAn occurrence that results in things being united
fusió, unificacióAn occurrence that involves the production of a union
Generalesdeveniment, fet, succésAn event that happens

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