Sentit | The form of a word that is used to denote more than one. |
Sinònim | plural |
General | descriptor, forma, significant | The phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something |
Contrari | forma singular, singular | The form of a word that is used to denote a singleton |
Ús | actiu líquid | assets in the form of cash (or easily convertible into cash) |
administració, oficina central | (usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise |
ala, barbacana, ràfec, volada | The overhang at the lower edge of a roof |
alicates, estenalles, pinces, tenalles | A gripping hand tool with two hinged arms and (usually) serrated jaws |
almoina | money or goods contributed to the poor |
aposta, porra | A lottery in which the prize consists of the money paid by the participants |
articles de consum | Goods (as food or clothing) intended for direct use or consumption |
autoritat | (usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others |
avena | seed of the annual grass Avena sativa (spoken of primarily in the plural as 'oats') |
badlands | Deeply eroded barren land |
baixesa | (usually plural) a low moral state |
banyador | swimsuit worn by men while swimming |
barres paral·leles, bars | gymnastic apparatus consisting of two parallel wooden rods supported on uprights |
bateria de llums, bateria, candilejas, llums d'escena | theater light at the front of a stage that illuminate the set and actors |
benvinguda, salutació, salut | (usually plural) an acknowledgment or expression of good will (especially on meeting) |
bermudes | trousers that end at or above the knee |
bifocals, lent bifocal | eyeglasses having two focal lengths, one for near vision and the other for far vision |
binocles, binoculars, prismàtics | An optical instrument designed for simultaneous use by both eyes |
botí, presa | (usually plural) valuables taken by violence (especially in war) |
braga, bragues, calça, calces, calcetes, pantaló, pantalons | underpants worn by women |
bullícia, hijinks, tabola | noisy and mischievous merrymaking |
béns | Anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company |
calces, calçotets | An undergarment that covers the body from the waist no further than to the thighs |
calçons, pantalons curts | trousers ending above the knee |
calçotets | men's underwear consisting of cotton T-shirt and shorts |
calçotets | underpants worn by men |
calçotets, shorts | short tight-fitting underpants (trade name Jockey shorts) |
camp de golf, links | A golf course that is built on sandy ground near a shore |
cara | (usually plural) the obverse side of a coin that usually bears the representation of a person's head |
carbassa | A life preserver consisting of a connected pair of inflatable bags that fit under a person's arms and provide buoyancy |
castanyetes, castanyoles, maraques, platarets | A percussion instrument consisting of a pair of hollow pieces of wood or bone (usually held between the thumb and fingers) that are made to click together (as by Spanish dancers) in rhythm with the dance |
central, quarter general, quarter, seu | The military installation from which a commander performs the functions of command |
central depuradora d'aigües | workplace where water is stored and purified and distributed for a community / community |
cisalla, tisores | large scissors with strong blades |
col de brot, col de Brussel·les, cols de Brussel·les | The small edible cabbage-like buds growing along a stalk of the brussels sprout plant |
colors | A distinguishing emblem |
comeupance, deserts | An outcome / outcome in which virtue triumphs over vice (often ironically) |
complements de la casa, mobiliari | (usually plural) the instrumentalities (furniture and appliances and other movable accessories including curtains and rugs) that make a home / home / home (or other area) livable |
condició, terme | (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement |
contacte, contactes, influències, padrins | (usually plural) a person who is influential and to whom you are connected in some way (as by family or friendship) |
contratemps, incident | An awkward clash |
curiosa | books on strange or unusual subjects (especially erotica) |
daus | A gambling game played with two dice |
deixalla, restes | Any object that is left unused or still extant |
deliberació | (usually plural) discussion of all sides of a question |
devoció | (usually plural) religious observance or prayers (usually spoken silently) |
educació, formes, maneres, modals | social deportment |
elàstics | elastic straps that hold trousers up (usually used in the plural) |
empòsit, pòsit, solatge | The sediment from fermentation of an alcoholic beverage |
entrada, torn | The batting turn of a cricket player or team |
escala | A flight of stairs or a flight of steps |
escala de servei | A second staircase at the rear of a building |
escrit | (usually plural) the collected work of an author |
estenalles, fòrceps, tenalles | An extractor consisting of a pair of pincers used in medical treatment (especially for the delivery of babies) |
estisores, tisores | An edge tool having two crossed pivoting blades |
fedaí | (plural) Arab guerrillas who operate mainly against Israel |
ferreria, foneria de ferro, foneria | The workplace where iron is smelted or where iron goods are made |
ferros | metal shackles |
focs artificials, focs d'artifici, for d'artifici, pirotècnica | (usually plural) a device with an explosive that burns at a low rate and with colored flames |
forca | An instrument of execution consisting of a wooden frame from which a condemned person is executed by hanging |
gent, persones | (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively |
germans | (plural) the lay members of a male religious order |
guarniments | (usually plural) accessory wearing apparel |
habitatge, quarter, vivenda | housing available for people to live in |
heroïcitat | ostentatious or vainglorious or extravagant or melodramatic conduct |
indumentària, roba, vestit | clothing in general |
jeans, pantalons texans, texans | (usually plural) close-fitting trousers of heavy denim for manual / manual work or casual wear |
jocs seculars, Ludi Saeculares | The centennial rites and games of ancient Rome that marked the commencement of a new generation (100 years representing the longest life in a generation) |
joies de la corona | regalia (jewelry and other paraphernalia) worn by a sovereign on state occasions |
lent, ulleres | optical instrument consisting of a frame that holds a pair of lenses for correcting defective vision |
malles | loose-fitting trousers with elastic cuffs |
manxa | A mechanical device that blows / blows a strong current of air |
mitges | skintight knit hose covering the body from the waist to the feet worn by acrobats and dancers and as stockings by women and girls |
mitja | close-fitting hosiery to cover the foot and leg |
obra pública, obres públiques | structures (such as highways or schools or bridges or docks / docks / docks) constructed at government expense for public use |
operacions | financial transactions at a brokerage |
ordre | (often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed |
pantalons | (usually in the plural) pants for casual wear |
pantalons de franel·la | (usually in the plural) trousers made of flannel or gabardine or tweed or white cloth |
pantalons de pana | cotton trousers made of corduroy cloth |
pantalons elàstics | trousers made of a stretchy fabric |
pantaló, pantalons | (usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately |
pantaló de campana, pantalons acampanats | trousers with legs that flare |
pantaló de golf | men's baggy knickers hanging below the knees |
pantaló de muntar, pantalons de muntar | Flared trousers ending at the calves |
pijama | (usually plural) loose-fitting nightclothes worn for sleeping or lounging |
pinces | Any of various devices for taking hold of objects |
pobres | People without possessions or wealth (considered as a group) |
prestatgeria de llibres | storage space in a library consisting of an extensive arrangement of bookshelves where most of the books are stored |
primer principi, rudiment | The elementary stages of any subject (usually plural) |
profunditats | (plural) the deepest and most remote part |
puny americà, puny de ferro | A small metal weapon |
pòsit, sediment, solatge | sediment that has settled at the bottom of a liquid / liquid |
pòsit del café | The dregs remaining after brewing coffee |
quarter militar, quarter | living quarters for personnel on a military post |
record | (usually plural) a polite expression of desire for someone's welfare |
reserva | Capital held back from investment in order to meet probable or possible demands |
roba de carrer | ordinary clothing suitable for public appearances (as opposed to costumes or sports apparel or work clothes etc.) |
roba de dol | A black garment (dress) worn by a widow as a sign of mourning |
roba de nen | A garment (a gown or narrow strips of cloth) for an infant |
roba militar, vestit de feina | military uniform worn by military personnel when doing menial labor |
salina | A plant where salt / salt is produced commercially |
sals angleses, sals d'Epson, sulfat de magnèsia | (used with a singular noun) hydrated magnesium sulfate used as a laxative |
sals del bany, sals per al bany | A preparation that softens or scents a bath / bath |
serveis | performance of duties or provision of space and equipment helpful to others |
singlot, singultus | (usually plural) the state of having reflex spasms of the diaphragm accompanied by a rapid closure of the glottis producing an audible sound |
telecomunicació | (often plural) systems used in transmitting messages over a distance electronically |
tintoreria | shop where dry cleaning is done |
tisora d'esporgar | shears with strong blades used for light pruning of woody plants |
tisores de xapa | (plural) hand shears for cutting sheet metal |
ulleres, ulleres protectores | Tight-fitting spectacles worn to protect the eyes |
ulleres de sol | spectacles that are darkened or polarized to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun |
vestit de paisà | civilian garb as opposed to a military uniform |
vestits | informal terms for clothing |
àbac neperià, Àbac neperià | A set of graduated rods formerly used to do multiplication and division by a method invented by John Napier |
Anglès | plural, plural form |
Espanyol | forma plural, plural |