HyperDic: hablador

Español > 6 sentidos de la palabra hablador:
ADJETIVOallhablador, gárrulo, locuaz, parlanchínfull of trivial conversation
allhablador, locuaz, volublemarked by a ready flow of speech
allhablador, charlatán, chismoso, hablanchín, hablantín, parlanchínprone to friendly informal / informal communication
NOMBREperson hablador, orador, verbalisersomeone who expresses in language
animalhablador, Cotinga, cotingidaepasserine bird of New World tropics
person hablador, charlador, charlatán, chismoso, cotorra, parlanchín, parloteadoran obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker
Español > hablador: 6 sentidos > adjetivo 1
SentidoFull of trivial conversation.
Sinónimosgárrulo, locuaz, parlanchín
Generalhablador, locuaz, volublemarked by a ready flow of speech
Ingléschatty, gabby, garrulous, loquacious, talkative, talky
Nombrescharlatanería, garrulería, garrulidad, labia, locuacidad, vocingleríaThe quality of being wordy and talkative
cháchara, charla, chin wag, chin-wag, chit chat, chit-chat, gabfest, paliquelight informal conversation for social occasions
conventillo, cotilleo, murmuración, palabreríaidle gossip or rumor
Español > hablador: 6 sentidos > adjetivo 2
Sentidomarked by a ready flow of speech.
Sinónimoslocuaz, voluble
Específicogárrulo, hablador, locuaz, parlanchínFull of trivial conversation
Tambiéncomunicativoable or tending to communicate
fastidioso, prolijotediously prolonged or tending to speak or write at great length
ContrariotaciturnoHabitually reserved and uncommunicative
Nombreselocuencia, fluidez, locuacidad, volubilidadThe quality of being facile in speech and writing
Español > hablador: 6 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidoprone to friendly informal / informal communication.
Sinónimoscharlatán, chismoso, hablanchín, hablantín, parlanchín
Generalcomunicativoable or tending to communicate
Ingléschatty, gossipy, newsy
Catalánenraonador, enraonaire, parlador, parlaire, xerraire
Nombrescharla, confabulación, pláticaAn informal conversation
cháchara, charla, chin wag, chin-wag, chit chat, chit-chat, gabfest, paliquelight informal conversation for social occasions
Español > hablador: 6 sentidos > nombre 1, person
Sentidosomeone who expresses in language; someone who talks / talks (especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous).
Sinónimosorador, verbaliser
Específicoasker, interrogador, queriersomeone who asks a question
balbuceadorsomeone who speaks in a childish way
buen conversador, conversadorsomeone skilled at conversation
ceceador, ceceoso, zopasA speaker who lisps
charlador, charlatán, chismoso, cotorra, hablador, parlanchín, parloteadorAn obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker
charlatan, cotorrasomeone who talks incessantly
conferenciante, conferencista, docentesomeone who lectures professionally
cuentacuentos, narradorsomeone who tells a story
dictadorA speaker who dictates to a secretary or a recording machine
exclamadorA speaker who utters a sudden exclamation
farfullador, farfullasomeone whose talk is trivial drivel
gago, tartaja, tartajoso, tartamudosomeone who speaks with involuntary pauses and repetitions
gruñón, protestón, refunfuñónA speaker whose voice sounds like a growl
hablante nativoA speaker of a particular language who has spoken that language since earliest childhood
informante, testigosomeone who sees an event and reports what happened
mencionadorA speaker who refers to something briefly or incidentally
murmuradorOne who speaks in a whisper
orador, retóricoA person who delivers a speech or oration
ranter, vociferadorsomeone who rants and raves
rapsoda, recitadorsomeone who recites from memory
Inglésspeaker, talker, utterer, verbalizer, verbaliser
Cataláncomunicant, interlocutor, orador, parlador, parlant, verbaliser
Verboscharlar, conversar, dialogar, hablarUse language
conferenciar, dialogar, hablar, perorardeliver a lecture / lecture or talk
conversar, decir, dialogar, hablar, proferir, pronunciar, verbalizarExpress in speech
Español > hablador: 6 sentidos > nombre 2, animal
Sentidopasserine bird of New World tropics.
SinónimosCotinga, cotingidae
Miembro degénero Cotinga, genus cotingatype genus of the Cotingidae
Generalmyiarchuslarge American birds that characteristically catch insects on the wing
Ingléscotinga, chatterer
Español > hablador: 6 sentidos > nombre 3, person
SentidoAn obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker.
Sinónimoscharlador, charlatán, chismoso, cotorra, parlanchín, parloteador
Generalhablador, orador, verbalisersomeone who expresses in language
Ingléschatterer, babbler, prater, chatterbox, magpie, spouter
Cataláncotorra, xerraire
Verbosbalbucear, charlatanear, charlotearUtter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way
charlar, cotillear, disparatar, garlar, parlotearspeak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
charlar, delirar, parloteartalk / talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
charlar, chatear, chat, chismear, confabularse, cotillear, garlar, parlar, parlotear, platicar, visitartalk socially without exchanging too much information
charlar, parlotearTo talk / talk foolishly

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