Sentit | A misleading falsehood. |
Sinònims | engany, frau, mentida |
Específic | aparença | A showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant |
duplicitat | A fraudulent or duplicitous representation |
enredada, mistificació, parany, trampa | verbal / verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way |
equívoc, evasió | A statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth |
escapatòria, sortida, subterfugi | Something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity |
exageració | making to seem more important than it really is |
fingiment | pretending with intention to deceive / deceive |
mitja veritat, veritat a mitges | A partially true statement intended to deceive or mislead |
General | bola, falòrnia, falsedat, falsia, mentida, trola | A false statement |
Anglès | misrepresentation, deceit, deception |
Espanyol | decepción, engaño, fraude, impostura, mentira, tergiversación |
Verbs | desfigurar, falsificar, tergiversar | represent falsely |
enganyar, enredar | Be false to |
falsejar, falsificar, tergiversar | Tamper, with the purpose of deception |