HyperDic: gravar

Català > 7 sentits de la paraula gravar:
VERBcommunicationgravar, enregistrar, registrarregister electronically
contactgravar, inscriurecarve, cut, or etch into a material or surface
contactgravar, cisellar, esculpir, tallarform by carving
possessiongravar, posar impostoslevy a tax on
creationgravarcarve or cut into a block used for printing or print from such a block
contactgravar, esculpirshape (a material like stone / stone or wood) by whittling away at it
communicationgravarrecord on videotape
Català > gravar: 7 sentits > verb 1, communication
SentitRegister electronically.
Sinònimsenregistrar, registrar
Generalconsignar, entrar, fer constar, registrarmake a record of
Contrarianul·lar, eliminar, esborrar, passar ratlla, ratllar, suprimirwipe out digitally or magnetically recorded information
Anglèsrecord, tape
Espanyolgrabar, registrar
Nomscasset, cinta, gravació en cintaA recording made on magnetic tape
cinta magnèticamemory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide
discsound / sound recording consisting of a disk with a continuous groove
equip de gravació, equip d'enregistramentequipment for making records
gravacióThe act of making a record (especially an audio record)
Català > gravar: 7 sentits > verb 2, contact
Sentitcarve, cut, or etch into a material or surface.
Generaltallar, trinxarengrave / engrave / engrave or cut by chipping away at a surface
Anglèsscratch, engrave, grave, inscribe
Espanyolgrabar, inscribir
NomsgravadorA skilled worker who can inscribe designs or writing onto a surface by carving or etching
Català > gravar: 7 sentits > verb 3, contact
Sentitform by carving.
Sinònimscisellar, esculpir, tallar
Específicdestralejarmake or shape as with an axe
esculpir, gravarshape (a material like stone / stone or wood) by whittling away at it
Generalconstituir, donar forma, falsificar, forjar, formar, modelarmake something, usually for a specific function
tallarseparate with or as if with an instrument
Espanyolcincelar, cortar, esculpir, grabar, tallar
Nomsentallador, escultora, escultor, talladorAn artist who creates sculptures
Català > gravar: 7 sentits > verb 4, possession
Sentitlevy a tax on.
Sinònimposar impostos
Generalrecaptarimpose and collect
Espanyolgravar, imponer
Adjectiusgravable, imposable(of goods or funds) subject to taxation
Nomsautoritat impositiva, taxadorA bureaucrat who levies taxes
contribució, impostosgovernment income due to taxation
cànon, càrrega, contribució, fiscal, impost, taxa, tributCharge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government
Català > gravar: 7 sentits > verb 5, creation
Sentitcarve or cut into a block used for printing or print from such a block.
Categoriaart, creació artística, producció artísticaThe creation of beautiful or significant things
Anglèsengrave, etch
NomsgravadorA printmaker who prints from an engraved / engraved printing plate
gravatmaking engraved or etched plates and printing designs from them
gravatThe act of intaglio printing
Català > gravar: 7 sentits > verb 6, contact
Sentitshape (a material like stone / stone or wood) by whittling away at it.
Generalcisellar, esculpir, gravar, tallarform by carving
Similaresculpircreate by shaping stone / stone or wood or any other hard material
Anglèssculpt, sculpture, grave
Espanyolesculpir, grabar
Nomsentallador, escultora, escultor, talladorAn artist who creates sculptures
escultura, tallacreating figures or designs in three dimensions
esculturaA three-dimensional work of plastic art
Català > gravar: 7 sentits > verb 7, communication
Sentitrecord on videotape.
Categoriafilm, pel·lícula, produccióA form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement
Generalconsignar, entrar, fer constar, registrarmake a record of
Anglèsvideotape, tape
Nomscasset, cinta, gravació en cintaA recording made on magnetic tape
cinta de video, videocassetA relatively wide magnetic tape for use in recording / recording visual images and associated sound
cinta de video, videocassetA video recording made on magnetic tape
cinta magnèticamemory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide

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