Català > adob: 5 sentits > nom 2, foodSentit | A preparation (a sauce or relish or spice / spice) to enhance flavor or enjoyment. |
Sinònims | amaniment, condiment |
Específic | adob, assaonament, escabetx, marinada | mixtures of vinegar or wine and oil with various spices / spices / spices and seasonings |
chutney | A spicy condiment made of chopped fruits or vegetables cooked in vinegar and sugar with ginger and spices / spices |
crema, pasta | A tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes |
escabetx | spicy or savory condiment |
ketchup, quètxup, quetxup | Thick spicy sauce made from tomatoes |
mostassa | pungent powder or paste prepared from ground mustard seeds |
rave rusticà | grated horseradish root |
salsa | flavorful relish or dressing or topping served as an accompaniment to food |
salsa | tasty mixture or liquid / liquid into which bite-sized foods are dipped |
salsa de gerds, salsa de nabius | sauce made of cranberries and sugar |
salsa de menta | sweetened diluted vinegar with chopped mint leaves |
salsa de pebrot | tomatoes and onions and peppers (sweet or hot) simmered with vinegar and sugar and various seasonings |
salsa de soia, salsa de soja, soia | Thin sauce made of fermented soy beans |
salsa mexicana, salsa | spicy sauce of tomatoes and onions and chili peppers to accompany Mexican foods |
vinagre | sour-tasting liquid / liquid produced usually by oxidation of the alcohol in wine or cider and used as a condiment or food preservative |
General | condiment | Something added to food primarily for the savor it imparts |
Anglès | condiment |
Espanyol | aderezo, aliño, condimento |
Català > adob: 5 sentits > nom 3, actSentit | The act of putting something in working order again. |
Sinònims | adobament, reparació |
Específic | apedaçament | The act of mending a hole in a garment by sewing a patch over it |
manteniment | activity involved in maintaining something in good working order |
reconstrucció | The activity of constructing something again |
renovació | The act of restoring something or someone to a satisfactory state |
restitució | The act of restoring something to its original state |
sargit | The act of mending a hole in a garment with crossing threads |
General | millora | The act of improving something |
Anglès | repair, fix, fixing, fixture, mend, mending, reparation |
Espanyol | arreglo, compostura, enmienda, instalación, remiendo, reparación, reparo, solución |
Verbs | adobar, apariar, arreglar, atendre, reparar, restituir | restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn / torn or broken |